Section 2, Ref. No. 10708 (3.0 Credits)
Textbook: Environmental Geology (7th Edition), By: Carla W. Montgomery
Class Lecture:4:15 - 5:30 p.m. Mon & Wed (S 102)
Instructor:Farid-Uddin, Mohammad, Ph. D
Office:S – 225 F (Tel. 773-442 6059)
Office hours:02:00 – 3:30 p.m. Monday and Wednesday or by Appointment
Course Syllabus (Tentative Lecture Schedule)
WeekDate Lecture TopicChapter/s
Part I: GEOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT (Internal Processes)Page 3 – 119
1.Aug. 25, 27Introduction: Our Planetary EnvironmentCh. 1 & 2
2.Sept.01 (M)NO CLASS (Labor Day Holiday)
2.03 (W)Rocks and MineralsCh. 2
3.08, 10Rocks and MineralsCh. 3
4. 15, 17QUIZ # 1 (9/15); Plate Tectonics & VolcanoesCh. 3 & 5
5.22, 24Plate Tectonics & EarthquakesCh. 3 & 4
6.29Plate Tectonics & EarthquakesCh. 3 & 4
Oct.01 (W)EXAM # 1
Part II: GEOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT (External Processes)Page 121 – 222
7.Oct.06, 08Streams & Flooding, Mass MovementCh. 6
8.13, 15Beach Erosion and Coastal ProcessesCh. 7
9. 20, 22QUIZ # 2 (10/20); Beach Erosion and Coastal ProcessesCh. 7
1027, 29Geology and ClimateCh. 9
11.Nov.03 (M)EXAM # 2
11.05 Resources: Water, Soil and Mineral Resources10 – 14
12. 10, 12Resources: Water, Soil and Mineral Resources10 – 14
13.17, 19QUIZ # 3 (11/17), Resources: Mineral and Energy Resources10 – 14
14.24, 26Resources: Mineral and Energy Resources10 – 14
Thanks Giving Holidays: Thursday – Sunday (Nov. 27 – 30)
15.Dec.01, 03Pollutions: Waste Disposal and Pollution15 – 17
16.08 Pollutions: Waste Disposal and Pollution15 – 17
December 10, 2008 (Wednesday):FINAL EXAM @ 4: 00 – 5:50 p.m.
Teaching Policy:
This course will be a straight lecture based. You will need to buy the textbook and you should read the assigned chapter before class and familiarize yourself with the figures and graphs. I will extensively use those figures and graphs in my lectures and exams. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and are responsible for all work missed when absent. You are responsible for all material covered in class, and all announcements made in class. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to contact your classmates to get the lecture notes. The instructor does notgive lecture notes to students who miss class or who are unable to keep up with the class. Since the exams will heavily depend on the lecture materials, you will lose a lot by missing any lecture. If you need extra help, tutoring is available.
There will be THREE LectureExams including FINAL and THREE Quizzes. Midterm exams will cover only the materials in the previous segment of the course. However, Final Exam will be partially comprehensive.
(25 – 30 % from the Midterm Exams). Exams will be a mix bag of multiple-choice, true-false, fill-in the blanks, brief explanations, short answer, draw/explain figures, etc.
Grade Policy: Your grade will be based on:
THREE Exams: 75% (25% Each Exam)
THREE Quizzes: 25% (8%+8%+9%)
Final Grades will be based on the following percentages:
A: >90% B: 81 – 90%C: 71 – 80%D: 60 – 70% F: <60%
10 – 15% Extra Credits in each Exam. (Group Discussions, Mini Projects, Assignments, etc.)
2 % Grade Jump for >95% Attendance and Active Participation in Class
You are responsible for keeping track of your own grades throughout the semester, and you may use these grades to calculate your course grade as of the midpoint of the semester. (There is no guarantee, however, that the final course grade will be the same as the grade at the midpoint of the semester.)
Makeup’s for Missed Exam/Quiz:
Sorry, there will be no makeup exams/quiz. A missed exam/quiz can be made-up only if you have spoken with me in advance, and you have a university-approved excuse for missing the exam (e.g. conflict with university activity, medical etc.).
Note:1. Not allowed: Talking, Sleeping, Reading Newspapers or any other disruptive behavior.
2. ABSOLUTELY No Exam/Quiz will be given early.
3. No Extra Credits for Makeup Exam/Quiz.
4. No Excuse, for missing Extra Credit.
5. NO Makeup’s for Extra Credit.
6. Cheating on any Exam/Quiz will result Immediate "F" semester grade.