CLC Committee Meeting


March 14, 2018

In attendance

Amber Allen, CPCE; Lisa Carruth, CPCE; Gil Hall, CPCE; Justen Hix; Dawn Peterson, CPCE; Karen Tucker, CPCE; Christen Jones

  1. CLC Chair ReportAmber Allen, CPCE

Reviewed chapter visits for the year

  1. AdministrationLisa Carruth, CPCE and Kim Grimm
  2. Charter Watch and Chapter Reports

Charter Watch will stay at 10 meetings per year for chapters

CLC Rep will reach out to chapters who have not submitted reports yet (Detroit, Sacramento, Appalachian, Columbus and NE Florida)

CLC wants to review the document that the Chapter President’s submit to give more vital information.

  1. New chapter bylaws and questions we have encountered

New template is up on Webpage, as chapters reviewed they pointed out some issues that were corrected. Christen will post new template link on FB page, it will also be on chapter leader newsletter next week.

  1. Call for nominations for the National board is now open we are looking for Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice President. Call for nominations closes on Monday, March 19, 2018
  1. Chapter UpdatesLisa Carruth, CPCE/Committee Members
  2. Chapter/Student Updates

Still missing some D&O applications, CLC reps reaching out this week, spreadsheet in dropbox.

Nicole is reaching out to student chapter liaisons starting next week. Erin Goodell will be assisting Nicole on this venture.

Gil’s Chapter’s – Appalachian is struggling, he is working with NY/NJ on board transitioning and they are having challenge and if they don’t get it corrected he is worried we may lose them as a chapter, New England has a huge board and just needs a little direction, His other chapters are doing well.

Lisa – had a call with Denver on their bylaws and other chapters are doing well.

Dawn – Anchorage: Glen had no idea what CLC was so he is happy to be connected, No response from Seattle, Hawaii is doing good, Vegas: helped Jen with taxes and bylaws, she does not have a treasurer right now and she is concerned with succession planning, Palm Springs: I attended the March Meeting they are excited about conference and working through some kinks in their chapter, Reno is doing well, Sacramento is installing 4 new board members, Meagan is still struggling and feeling unsupported. San Francisco no response, San Diego Mary is declining the D&O insurance, programs has been reaching out for ideas, Silicon Valley is connecting later next week, Tacoma: Emily is doing good, I have been helping the programs chair with ideas

Justen – All chapters are doing well

  1. EvolveAmber Allen, CPCE/Lisa Carruth, CPCE
  2. Locations

Possible locations narrowed down to Alamo, San Antonio, Dallas. Alamo is very interested; CLC will be reaching out to them this week.

  1. Sample agenda
  1. ExperienceAmber Allen, CPCE
  2. CLC meeting structure

Roundtables will be the structure for the CLC meeting at Experience in July. Topics and content will be in the works over the next 2 months. CLC meeting will be held on Sunday, July 22, 2018 2pm-4pm.

  1. Elections – application for CLC Chair and Vice Chair sent out by May 22nd, applications due by June 22nd.
  1. New Business