Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae
personal data
Name: Manaa
Surname: Chadlia
Date of Birth : 20/12/1982 at Menzel Tamim, Tunisia.
Address: Abou arich Jizan Saudi Arabia
Phone number: 0530316069
e-mail address :
Religion: Islam
Marital status: Married
Affiliation: Physics Department, UNIVERSITY OF PICARDIE JULES VERNE (France) in collaboration with the Faculty of Science of Tunis.
20th January 2015 : Doctorate in physics (Right Honourable)
2009 : Master's degree in Quantum Physics at the University of Tunis El Manar (Honors).
2007 : Master’s degree in Fundamental Physics.
2006 : Third year basic physics.
2004 : Undergraduate degree in Mathematical Physics.
2003 : First year mathematical physics.
2002 : Bachelor of Mathematics (Honors).
·  From March, 1st to July 11, 2011: Internship in the laboratory of physics of condensed matter Amiens (France).
Research activities related to the preparation of thin films by plasma method, the thin films were prepared by two different technique:
Ä  Cathodic pulvarisation
Ä  Plasma chemical Enhenced deposition
Ä  Microstructure study of these layers by infrared spectroscopy and Raman and thickness measurement by profélométre.
·  From January, 9th to June 30, 2012: Optical and electrical measurement materials. optical measurements was made ​​by Cary 5E spectrophotometer, the curves of transmission and reflection were obtained was thereafter analyzed by a software "code" for the obtenur intérissantes optical variables
·  From September 20, 2012, to June,12, 2013: Study of the deposited thin layers by electronic paramagnetic resonance ( EPR) and data analysis by different spectroscopy.
·  From September, 9th to December, 30, 2014: Preparation of the PhD thesis and last checks of the results.
1)  Optical and microstructural properties of poly-cyclohexane polymerized by PECVD
Chadlia Manaa, Michaël Lejeune, Kacem Zallema, Habib Bouchriha, Mohammed Benlahsen.
11th National Conference from Physics Research 20-23 December Sousse 2014 (Tunisie)
2)  Microstructure and electronic properties of plasma polymerized organic thin films.
Chadlia Manaa, Michaël Lejeune, H.J. Von Bardeleben, Kacem Zallema1, Habib Bouchriha, Mohammed Benlahsen.
E-MRS 2013 SPRING MEETING, 27-31 Mai 2014, Lille (France).
3)  Physical properties of polymerized cyclohexane plasma process,
Chadlia Manaa, Michaël Lejeune, Andreas Zeinert, Fayçal kouki, Habib Bouchriha, Mohammed Benlahsen .
E-MRS 2013 SPRING MEETING, 27-31 Mai 2013, Strasbourg (France).
4)  Caractérisation électrique et mécanique des nano-composites à base carbone,
Chadlia Manaa, Michaël Lejeune, Fayçal Kouki, et Habib Bouchriha
10th National Conference from Physics research, 20-23 December 2011, Sousse (Tunisie).
5)  Effect of the photocreated carrier life time on conversion efficiency in pristine organic photovoltaic cells,
Chadlia Manaa, Fayçal Kouki, Habib Bouchriha
International Conference on Conductiong Materials ,03-07 Novembre 2010, Sousse (Tunisie).
1) Influence of the radio-frequency power on the physical and optical properties of plasma polymerized cyclohexane thin films
C. Manaa, M. Lejeune, F. Kouki, O. Durand-Drouhin, H. Bouchriha, K. Zellama and M. Benlahsen.
Thin Solid Films, Available online 15 December 2013.
2). Effect of the defects on the optical and electronic properties of plasma polymerized organic thin films
C. Manaa, M. Lejeune, J. Von Bardeleben, H. Bouchriha, K. Zellama and M. Benlahsen.
Solid State Communications, Volume 188, June 2014, Pages 36-39
3) Detailed investigation of optoelectronic and microstructural properties of plasma polymerized cyclohexane thin films: dependence on the radiofrequency power
C. Manaa, L. Bouaziz, M. Lejeune , K. Zellama, M. Benlahsen, M. Mejatty and H. Bouchriha
4) Experimental evidence of the photonic band gap in hybrid one-dimensional photonic crystal based on a mixture of (HMDSO, O2)
R. Amri, S. Sahel, C. Manaa, L. Bouaziz, D. Gamra, M. Lejeune, M. Clin, K. Zellama, H. Bouchriha.
Superlattices and Microstructures Volume 96, August 2016, Pages 273–281
5) Physical and optical properties of plasma polymerized thin films deposited by PECVD method
C. Manaa, M. Lejeune, H. Bouchriha, K. Zellama1 and M. Benlahsen.
(submitted in 2016)
- 2012-2013 : Assistant Professor at the University of Picardy Jule Verne «Workshops, Level 1»
‘Module Physical tools’
-  General laws of electrokinetic.
-  Thin lenses and application microscope.
- 2012-2014: Assistant Professor of physics at the educational center of Amiens France.
- 2009-2015: Assistant Professor at the Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies - University of Tunis El Manar Tunis, Tunisia.
."Workshops, 2nd Level Preparatory Year" 'General Physics.
-  Michelson interference.
-  Polarization of light.
-  Light scattering.
-  Stefan-Boltzmann law.
-  Electronic filters.
-2015-2016: Assistant Professor at Jizan University Saudi Arabia.
- Moderne Physics 2.
-Quantum 1.


Languages : French (spoken, read and written), English (spoken, read and written), Arabic (Native Language).

Computer skills : Office environment (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), Origin

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