Constitution Of The Southeastern Synod Lutheran Youth Organization

ADOPTED: September 3, 1995

Amended: May 28, 2001

Amended: May 30, 2003

Amended: January 15, 2005

Amended: August 13, 2005

Amended: February 20, 2010

Vision Statement: The vision of the Southeastern Synod Lutheran Youth Organization (SESLYO) is to empower youth to serve as leaders, to encourage growth as Disciples of Christ, and to provide a voice for youth within the Southeast.

CHAPTER I. Name and Location

1.01 The name of this organization shall be the Southeastern Synod Lutheran Youth Organization (SESLYO) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The headquarters for this organization shall be located within the headquarters of the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA.

CHAPTER II. Purpose/Function

2.01 SESLYO shall exist to support and strengthen youth ministry at the congregational, synodical, regional, and churchwide levels and shall be a ministry of, for, by and among youth in the Body of Christ.

The SESLYO Shall:

1.  Provide a structure through which the youth of the Southeastern Synod are enabled to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another, to witness to their faith and to serve the Lord.

2. Encourage youth to understand and participate in the life of the Church and its mission beyond the local congregations.

3. Nurture and sustain the faith of youth within the synod and encourage growth as stewards of the Church.

4. Provide spiritual renewal, leadership training and resources for youth and those who work with youth.

5. Provide continuity of program in youth ministry at the synodical level while encouraging creativity and flexibility to meet the needs of youth.

6. Serve in a cooperative relationship with the ELCA Lutheran Youth Organization.

7. Cooperate with other youth ministries, youth serving agencies and the boards and officers of the synod and regional church in planning and implementing programs, publications, and events to provide for the needs of youth.

8. Encourage interaction with ecumenical youth programs and ministries consistent with our purpose/function.

CHAPTER III. Synodical Relationship

3.01 SESLYO shall function in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the Southeastern Synod, ELCA.

CHAPTER IV. Membership

4.01 The membership of this organization shall be open to all youth of congregations of the Southeastern Synod, ELCA.

CHAPTER V. Assembly

5.01.01 While it is important that administrative sessions be held, the primary purpose of the annual assembly shall be to deal with issues confronting youth and to inform youth concerning the work of the Church and encourage their participation in ministry.

5.01.02 In addition the annual assembly shall:

1. Review the work of the executive committee members and board.

2. Elect executive committee members according to procedures established by the constitution.

3. Act on resolutions/memorials submitted by organizations, congregations, or delegates to the assembly.

5.02.01 Each congregation shall be entitled to two (2) delegates (grades 6-12). Voting Delegates shall be active, confirmed members of their church, unless otherwise stated by the SESLYO Board and its advisors. It is a wish of SESLYO to have representation by, but not limited to, persons of color, persons whose primary language is other than English, and those who are definitely-abled.

5.02.02 Participants to the annual assembly shall be grades 6-12 or adult sponsors.

5.03 A majority of the registered delegates shall constitute a quorum for all business meetings of the annual assembly.

CHAPTER VI. Synod Youth Board

6.01 The synod youth board shall consist of an executive committee as defined in Chapter VII below, one (1) youth from each conference in the synod, a multicultural representative, and a definitely-abled representative, all of whom at time of election are in grades eight (8) through eleven (11), Two (2) adult advisors from each state in the synod, and the Synod Director for Youth Ministry shall also serve as advisors to the Board. The youth shall be elected at the annual assembly for a one-year term and shall be limited to four consecutive one-year terms. Board members must be active, Baptized members of a congregation of the Southeastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Board members shall serve from the date of installation until their terms end at the installation of the new Board.

6.01.01 The board shall meet at least three times a year.

1. A majority of the elected board shall constitute a quorum.

2. At least four (4) adult advisors, appointed by the direction of the constitution, along with the Synod Director for Youth Ministry or the Director’s representative, must be present at each meeting.

6.01.02 The purpose of the synod youth board shall be to:

1. Establish and maintain channels of communication between itself, the states, conferences, and congregations of the synod.

2. Carry on the business of the organization between assemblies in compliance with the policies of the SESLYO.

3. Be responsible for the agenda and arrangements of the assemblies of this organizations.

4. Encourage the inclusion of youth in positions of leadership and responsible service at all levels of the church: congregational, synodical, regional, and churchwide.

5. Enable youth to better express their faith through worship, fellowship, support, learning, service, and witness.

6. Promote the development of youth organizations in the states, conferences, and congregations of the Southeastern Synod.

7. Establish annual goals and program emphasis for the synod, the states, conferences, and congregations of the synod and encourage youth, synod-wide, to participate in accomplishing these goals.

8. Fill vacancies occurring on the synod youth board: a member’s place on the synod youth board shall be declared vacant if that person fails to meet the requirements established by the constitution or is absent from three successive meetings of the board without cause.

6.01.03 The Youth Representative to Synod Council shall be given seat, voice, and vote as a full member of the board and shall serve as liaison between the board and Synod Council. He/She is expected to attend the SESLYO board meetings in order that he/she be kept up to date with the goals and accomplishments of the SESLYO organization in order that he/she can present that information at the Synod council meetings in compliance with his/her duties as a council member. He/She will also be expected to work with the chair to prepare reports for the Synod Council.

6.01.04  The Multicultural board member shall be given seat, voice, and vote and should be from one of the following ethnic communities: African American/Black, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Arab and Middle Eastern, Asian and Pacific Islander, Latino, and other multicultural communities. The Multicultural board member shall be elected to a one-year term; and shall attend each board meeting and multicultural gathering, coming back to the SESLYO board with a report. The purpose of the multicultural position is to help SESLYO to strive to be more inclusive, and to voice the concerns of youth of color and whose primary language is other than English.

6.01.05  The Definitely Abled board member shall be given seat, voice and vote and possess varying abilities; be elected to a one-year term; attend each board meeting and definitely abled gathering, coming back to the SESLYO board with a report. The purpose of the definitely abled position is to help SESLYO to strive to be more inclusive and to voice the concerns and needs of youth with disabilities.

CHAPTER VII. Executive Committee

7.01  The voting delegates present at the SESLYO gathering shall, by written ballot, elect from those present at the Assembly an executive committee to include a vice-chairperson/chair-elect, secretary, director of communication, and chaplain. Their term shall begin after installation at the Southeastern Synod Assembly Executive Committee members shall be limited to four consecutive one-year terms.

7.01.01  The chair shall:

1. Preside at meetings of the board and the business meetings of the annual assembly.

2.  Represent SESLYO at functions of the synod, region, or church-wide, where appropriate or requested.

3.  Prepare the agenda for all meetings of the board with assistance of the vice-chairperson/chair-elect.

4.  Prepare reports for the Synod Council three times a year in conjunction with the Synod Council Youth Representative.

7.01.02 The vice chair shall:

1. Preside at meetings of the board when chair is absent.

2. Assume the chair if the chair should resign before completing the term of office.

3. Represent the organization as directed by the chair.

4. Be elected with the understanding that he/she will assume the responsibility for the position of Chair during the second year of his/her term.

5. Work closely with the Chair as training for the next year.

7.01.03 The secretary shall:

1.  Record and keep the minutes of all meetings of the board and the annual assembly. File regular reports to the Commission for Transforming Congregations and the Synod Council.

2.  Be responsible for all correspondence of the organization.

3.  Be responsible for reporting minutes of all meetings and assemblies to all board members within a month following a meeting or assembly.

7.01.04 The Director of Communications shall:

1.  Communicate advance notice of all meetings to all participants. and communicate with Director of Youth Ministries

2.  Work with the Synod youth director and the webmaster to develop and maintain the web page and a page on any social networking sites deemed necessary in cooperation with the Synod youth director and the synod staff.

3.  Maintain up-to-date data of phone numbers, addresses, and other contact information of all board members and as many assembly attendees as possible.

7.01.05 Board members from each conference shall be responsible for:

1.  Representing the interests of the congregations of their conference.

2.  Reporting information from the board back to the congregations of their conference and be responsible for communication between the congregations in their conference.

3.  Representing SESLYO and their conference at functions or events where appropriate or requested.

4.  Developing conference-wide events in addition to any all-state gatherings and establishing a time for the election of nominees to the annual SESLYO assemblies.

7.01.06  The Executive committee shall be responsible for:

1.  Appointing a Registrar for the SESLYO Assembly. This person shall be a youth in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) at the time of the Assembly and shall be an active, baptized member of a congregation of the Southeastern Synod.

2.  Appoint committees as necessary to fulfill the purpose of the SESLYO, in consultation with the board.

3.  Work with the Conference Representatives on the SESLYO business.

7.01.07 The synod youth board shall be responsible for implementing the annual goals and program emphasis of the synod youth board in their respective states.


8.01 Each congregation is encouraged, prior to the annual SESLYO assembly, to submit the names of nominees for the positions to be filled in their respective conferences as well as the executive committee positions. Assembly delegates shall then elect from these nominees, which can include floor nominations, the required number of people as set forth in the constitution. All nominations, at the conference level and assembly must be accompanied by an official LYO nomination form and have the permission of the nominee and parent(s)/legal guardian. A brief statement of no more than five qualifications shall be included on the nomination form. Prior to elections, all nominees shall be introduced and printed biographical information given as each nominee is introduced. It shall be the wishes of the SESLYO Board to have candidates who are, but not limited to, persons of color, persons whose primary language is other than English, and those who are definitely-Abled.

8.02  The election procedures shall be as follows:

8.02.01  The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected first, in the following order: Vice Chair / Chair-Elect, Secretary, Director of Communications, and Chaplain.

8.02.02  The Conference Representatives shall be elected second.

8.02.03  If a person running for an Executive Committee position does not get elected, he/she shall have the option of running for his/her respective conference representative position.

8.03  All elections shall be by written ballot.

8.04 In all elections the names of the two (2) persons receiving the highest number of votes, but not elected by a majority of the votes cast on the preceding ballot, shall be entered on the next ballot.

CHAPTER IX. Adult Advisors

9.01 There shall be eight (8) adult advisors, two from each state in the synod with seat and voice appointed by the SESLYO board and ratified by the Commission for Transforming Congregations. The adult advisors shall be limited to two consecutive two-year terms and the terms of service will be staggered, so that one adult from each state is appointed annually to the board. Adult advisors must be active, baptized members of a congregation of the Southeastern Synod, ELCA.

9.01.01 Adult advisors are expected to serve as resource persons for the synod youth board, seeking to assist youth in implementing their plans and activities and to serve as support persons to the synod youth board. Additionally, adult advisors shall serve on committees and task forces. Additionally, adult advisors shall represent SESLYO at functions in conferences, congregations, and statewide events of their individual states, where appropriate or requested.

9.02 Seat and voice shall be given to the Synod Director for Youth Ministry or the Director’s representative.

CHAPTER X. Annual Report

10.01 The SESLYO shall make an annual report to the Southeastern Synod Assembly, ELCA.

CHAPTER XI. Finances

11.01 Funding allocations for SESLYO shall be the responsibility of the of the Southeastern Synod, ELCA.

CHAPTER XII. Committees

12.01 Committees may be created as the SESLYO determines. The duties and functions of such committees or any organizational structure of such committees shall be set forth in the bylaws.

CHAPTER XIII. Parliamentary Procedure

13.01 Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern parliamentary procedures.

CHAPTER XIV. Amendments and Bylaws

14.01 The SESLYO may amend this constitution by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at the annual assembly provided written notice of the proposed amendment is sent to each congregation, the Congregational Ministries Committee, and the adult advisors at least one month prior to the assembly.

14.02 This constitution and all amendments must be ratified by the Synod Council.

14.03 The SESLYO may adopt bylaws not in conflict with this constitution.

14.04 Bylaws may be added or amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the annual assembly.