Northern Health and Social Care Trust: Pharmacy Department. 2006-2012
Pharmacy & Medicines Management Centre: Publications
Publications: Health care acquired infections
Aldeyab MA, Monnet DL, López-Lozano JM, Hughes CM, Scott MG, Kearney MP, Magee FA, McElnay JC. Modelling the impact of antibiotic use and infection control practices on the incidence of hospital-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a time-series analysis. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008;62:593-600. / 1Aldeyab MA, Hughes CM, Kearney MP, Scott MG, McDowell DA, Hanley J, McMahon MA, Elshibly SM, Bailie R, McElnay JC. A comparison of the influence of ciprofloxacin and Tazocin® on the incidence of MRSA in an Intensive Care Unit. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2008; 32:499-504. / 9
Aldeyab MA, Kearney MP, Hughes CM, Scott MG, Gilpin DF, Devine MJ, Watson JD, Gardiner A, Funston C, Savage K, McElnay JC. Can the use of a rapid PCR screening method decrease the incidence of nosocomial MRSA? J Hosp Infect 2009; 71:22-8. / 15
Aldeyab MA, McElnay JC, Elshibly SM, Hughes CM, McDowell DA, McMahon MA, Scott MG, Kearney MP. Evaluation of the efficacy of a conventional cleaning regimen in removing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from contaminated surfaces in an intensive care unit. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2009; 30:304-6. / 23
Aldeyab MA, Harbarth S, Vernaz N, Kearney MP, Scott MG, Funston C, Savage K, Kelly D, Aldiab M, McElnay JC. Quasiexperimental study of the effects of antibiotic use, gastric acid-suppressive agents, and infection control practices on the incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in hospitalized patients. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2009; 53:2082-8. / 27
Aldeyab MA, Elshibly SM, McElnay JC, Davies E, Scott MG, Magee FA, Leyden P, Kearney MP. An evaluation of compliance with antibiotic policy in surgical wards at a general teaching hospital in Northern Ireland. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2009, 30:921-2. / 35
Aldeyab MA, Kearney MP, Scott MG, Hanley J, McElnay JC. Heath-related quality of life after Intensive Care Unit (ICU) discharge: a comparison between two standard antibiotic regimens. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2009; 30:807-8. / 39
Aldeyab MA, Kearney MP, Scott MG, McElnay, J.C. Practical steps to deal with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospitals. J Hosp Infect 2010; 75:145-6. / 41
Aldeyab MA, Baldwin N, McElnay JC, Scott MG, McNally M, Kearney MP. A strategy for improving and maintaining adherence with adequate hospital hand hygiene practices. J Hosp Infect 2011;77:87-8. / 43
Conlon G, Aldeyab MA, McElnay J, Scott MG, Magee FA, Davies E, Gill D, Darwish Elhajji FW, Elshibly SM, Kearney MP. Improving and maintaining adherence with hospital antibiotic policies: a strategy for success. J Hosp Infect 2011; 77:88-9. / 45
Aldeyab MA, Kearney MP, McElnay JC, Magee FA, Conlon G, Gill D, Davey P, Muller A, Goossens H, Scott MG; on behalf of the ESAC Hospital Care Subproject Group. A point prevalence survey of antibiotic prescriptions: benchmarking and patterns of use. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2011; 71:293-6 / 47
Aldeyab MA, McElnay JC, Scott MG, Davies E, Edwards C, Darwish Elhajji FW, Conlon G, Magee FA, Barr PJ, Kearney MP. An evaluation of the impact of a single-dose intravenous immunoglobulin regimen in the treatment of Clostridium difficile infections. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2011; 32:631-3. / 53
Alahmadi Y, Aldeyab MA, McElnay J, Scott MG, Darwish Elhajji FW, Magee FA, Dowds M, Edwards C, Fullerton L, Tate A, Kearney MP. The clinical and economic impact of contaminated blood cultures within the hospital setting. J Hosp Infect 2011; 77:233-6. / 57
Aldeyab MA, Devine MJ, Flanagan P, Mannion M, Craig A, Scott MG, Harbarth S, Vernaz N, Davies E, Brazier JS, Smyth B, McElnay JC, Gilmore BF, Conlon G, Magee FA, Elhajji FW, Small S, Edwards C, Funston C, Kearney MP. Multi-hospital outbreak of Clostridium difficile ribotype 027 infection: epidemiology and analysis of control measures. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2011; 32:210-9. / 61
Aldeyab MA, Harbarth S, Vernaz N, Kearney MP, Scott MG, Elhajji FW, Aldiab MA, McElnay JC. The impact of antibiotic use on the incidence and resistance pattern of ESBL-producing bacteria in primary and secondary healthcare settings. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2012;74:171-9. / 73
Aldeyab MA, Kearney MP, McElnay JC, Magee FA, Conlon G, MacIntyre J, McCullagh B, Ferguson C, Friel A, Gormley C, McElroy S, Boyce T, McCorry A, Muller A, Goossens H, Scott MG; ESAC Hospital Care Subproject Group. A point prevalence survey of antibiotic use in four acute-care teaching hospitals utilizing the European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC) audit tool. Epidemiol Infect 2012; 140(9):1714-20 / 83
Aldeyab MA, Kearney MP, Scott MG, Aldiab MA, Alahmadi YM, Darwish Elhajji FW, Magee FA, McElnay JC. An evaluation of the impact of antibiotic stewardship on reducing the use of high-risk antibiotics and its effect on the incidence of Clostridium difficile infection in hospital settings. J Antimicrob Chemother 2012; doi:10.1093/jac/dks330. / 91
Publications: Medicines management
Alabbadi I, Crealey G, Scott M, Baird S, Trouton T, Mairs J, McElnay JC. Impact of a modified system of objectified judgement analysis (SOJA) methodology on prescribing costs of ACE inhibitors. Clin Drug Invest 2006; 26 (9) 485-494. / 101Kwan L, Tjam EY, Scott MG, McNaughton J, Howie E. The use of ACE inhibitors, β- blockers, and warfarin in congestive heart failure: A community hospital study. Can J Hosp Pharm 2006; 59: 251-7. / 111
Mairs J, Scott M, Erridge A. Pharma procurement in Northern Ireland. Hospital Pharmacy Europe 2006July/August; 39-41. / 117
Walker R, Janknegt R, Scott M. Evidence based drug formularies. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 2006; 12 (2) 21. / 120
Scullin C, Scott MG, Hogg A, McElnay JC. An innovative approach to integrated medicines management. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2007; 13: 781 – 788. / 121
Scott M, Janknegt R, Brenninkmeijer R. A prelude to the matrix models supplement. Opin Pharmacother 2007; 8 (Suppl 1): s1-s4. / 129
Janknegt R, Scott M,Mairs J, Timoney M, McElnay J, Brenninkmeijer R. System of objectified judgement analysis (SOJA) as a tool in rational and transparent drug-decision making. Opin Pharmacother. 2007; 8 (Suppl 1): s5-s14. / 133
Brenninkmeijer R, Mairs J, Timoney M, Scott M, McElnay J, Janknegt R. InforMatrix as an alternative tool in rational and transparent drug-decision making. Opin Pharmacother 2007; 8 (Suppl 1): s31-s36. / 143
Scott M, Timoney M, Mairs J, Crealey G, Al Abaddi I, Brenninkmeijer R, Janknegt R, McElnay J. Safe therapeutic pharmaceutical selection (STEPS): Development, introduction and use in Northern Ireland. Opin Pharmacother 2007; 8 (Suppl 1): s57-s63. / 149
Scott M, Timoney M, Mairs J, Crealey G, Al Abaddi I, Brenninkmeijer R, Janknegt R, McElnay J. Matrix models and STEPS: Concluding remarks. Opin Pharmacother 2007; 8 (Suppl 1): s65-s67. / 154
Burnett KM, Scott MG, Fleming GF, Clark CM, McElnay JC. Effects of an integrated medicines management programme on medication appropriateness in hospitalized patients. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2009 May 1;66(9):854-9. / 157
Scott M, McElnay J, Janknegt R, Mairs J,Brenninkmeijer R. Safe therapeutic economic pharmaceutical selection (STEPSelect): Development, introduction and use in Northern Ireland. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 2010; 16 (3) 81-83. / 163
Edgar L, Hogg A, Scott M, Timoney M, McElnay J, Mairs J, Janknegt R. ACE inhibitors for the treatment of hypertension drug selection by means of the SOJA method. Reviews on recent clinical trials 2011; 6 (1): 1-25. / 166
Janknegt R, Brenninkmeijer, Scott M, Simoens S. Matrix models as an instrument to support generic medicines prescribing. Journal of Generic Medicines 2010; 7 (4) 334-331. / 191
Scott MG. Management of medical and surgical devices. Hospital Pharmacy Europe March/April 2011 / 199
Scott MG. Pharmaceutical clinical effectiveness programme (PCEP) – STEPSelect (Safe Therapeutics Economic Pharmaceutical Selection). British Journal of Medicines Procurement 2011; 3 (1): 23-26. / 202
Alahdab OG, Crealey G, Scott MG, Mairs J, McElnay JC. Product standardisation as a tool to control prescribing costs – a case study of alginate liquid preparations. International Journal of Pharmacy practice. DOI:10.1111/j.2042-7174.2012.00230.x / 206
Lou R, Scullin C, McElnay JC, Hogg A, Scott MG, Currie A. One stop dispensing and discharge prescription time. Hospital Pharmacy Europe 2012 issue 65. 43-46. / 215
Scullin C, Hogg A, Lou R, Scott MG, McElnay JC. Integrated medicines management – can routine implementation improve quality? Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2012; 18(4) 807-15. / 219
Lou R, Scullin C, Mullan AMP, Scott MG, McElnay JC. Comparison of tools for the assessment of inappropriate prescribing in hospitalized older people. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2012; 18(6) 1196-1202. / 228
Hogg A, Scullin C, Lou R, Currie A, Scott MG, McElnay JC. Do patient bedside medicine lockers result in a safer and faster medicine administration round. European Journal of hospital Pharmacy 2012; 19: 525-528. / 235
Abstracts: Health care acquired infections
Aldeyab MA, Monnet DL, López-Lozano JM, Hughes CM, Scott MG, Kearney MP, Magee FA, McElnay JC. The impact of antibiotic use and infection control practices on MRSA incidence: a time series analysis. Presented at British Pharmaceutical Conference. Manchester, 2006. Poster presentation. / 240Aldeyab MA, Monnet DL., López-Lozano JM, Hughes CM, Scott MG, Kearney MP, Magee FA, McElnay JC. Modelling the impact of antibiotic use and infection control practices on the incidence of hospital-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a time-series analysis. Presented at UKCPA Symposium 2008 (Poster) & UKCPA Antimicrobial Management Award 2008. Oral presentation. / 242
Aldeyab MA, Harbarth S, Vernaz N, Kearney MP, Scott MG, Funston C, Savage K, Kelly D, Magee FA, Conlon G, Aldiab MA, McElnay JC. An innovative strategy for improved antibiotic stewardship to control Clostridium difficile infection. Presented at the HCAI Symposium. Antrim, 4 March 2010. Poster presentation. / 245
Alahmadi YM, Aldeyab MA, McElnay JC, Scott MG, Kearney MP,Magee FA, Dowds M, Elhajji FWD, Tate A, Fullerton L. The Clinical and Economic Impact of Contaminated Blood Cultures within the Hospital Setting. Presented at the 5th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 8 February 2011. Poster presentation. / 247
Maripuu H, Scott MG, Kearney MP, Magee FA, Conlon G. Review of Antimicrobial Treatment in Lower Respiratory Tract Infections and Urinary Tract Infections in a hospital Setting. Presented at the 5th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 8 February 2011. Poster presentation. / 248
Aldeyab MA, Kearney MP, Scott MG, McElnay JC. The impact of antibiotic use on the incidence of pathogens-producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) in hospitalised and non-hospitalised patients. Presented at the Regional Symposium on Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI) Belfast, 30 March 2011. Poster presentation. / 249
Magee FA, Alahmadi YM, Aldeyab MA, McElnay JC, Scott MG, Kearney MP. Tackling the problem of blood culture contamination (BCC) in an intensive care unit (ICU) using an educational intervention. Presented at the GAIN Annual Conference, Belfast April 2012. Poster presentation. / 251
Alahamadi YM, Aldeyab MA, Magee FA, Scott MG, Kearney P, McElnay JC. Tackling the problem of blood culture contamination in an intensive care unit using educational intervention. Presented at the 6th Saudi International Conference, London 11-14 October 2012. Poster presentation. / 252
Beagon P, Fleming G, Kearney P, Magee F, Scott M. Developing a real-time antimicrobial surveillance system for use in a hospital setting. Presented at UKCPA Autumn Symposium 2012. Chester 16-18 November 2012. Posterpresentation. / 256
Darwish Elhajji FW, Scott MG, Aldeyab MA, Kearney MP, McElnay JC The impact of clinical pharmacy services on Clostridium difficile infected patients’ length of stay in a hospital in Northern Ireland. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Posterpresentation. / 258
Magee FA, Alahmadi YM, Aldeyab MA, McElnay JC, Scott MG, Kearney MP. Tackling the problem of blood culture contamination (BCC) in an intensive care unit (ICU) using an educational intervention. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Poster presentation. / 259
McCrudden MS, Magee FA, Scott MG, Gill D. Intravenous Antibiotic Prescribing across Surgical Wards in AntrimAreaHospital. . Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Poster presentation. / 260
Abstracts: Medicines management
Luo R, Hogg A, Scullin C, Scott MG, McElnay JC. The Impact of Patient Medication Bedside Lockers on Nursing Medicine Administration Rounds. North/South Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Cavan, 12 September 2006. Posterpresentation. / 261Luo R, Hogg A, Scott MG, McElnay JC. Exploring the Nature and type of Interventions made by Clinical Pharmacists within an Integrated Medicines Management Service. Presented at the British Pharmacological Society Winter Meeting. Brighton, 17 February 2007. Oral presentation. / 262
Ashfield L, O’Hare R, Laird S, King K, Shephard L. Introducing pharmacy undergraduates to the role of the clinical pharmacist. Presented at 4thAll Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, November 2008. Posterpresentation. / 263
Laird S, Ashfield L, Brown J, Haughey S, King K, O’Hare R, Parsons C, Shepard L. Introducing Queen’s University Belfast Level 2 Pharmacy Students To Hospital Pharmacy. Presented at 4thAll Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, November 2008. Poster presentation. / 264
Scott M, Lappin A. Integrated Medicines Management – Process improvement links to associated better outcomes in patient safety. Presented at 20thInstitute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Forum for Quality Improvement in Healthcare. Nashville, December 2008. Poster Presentation / 266
McManus M. Successful Management of Anaemia in Haemodialysis Patients by a Pharmacist Prescriber. Presented at the UK Renal association conference, Glasgow, Summer 2008 & UK Renal pharmacist group conference, Birmingham Autumn 2009. Oral presentation. / 267
Laird S, Ashfield L, Brown J, King K, O’Hare R, Shephard L and Haughey S. Establishing student perceptions of groupwork assessment during the level 4 hospital pharmacy placement. Presented at UKCPA Autumn Symposium 2010. Daventry 19-21 November 2010. Poster presentation. / 268
Hoey C. Technician led medication history taking. Presented at the 5th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 8 February 2011 (Oral presentation & National Association of Hospital Pharmacy Technicians Conference. Dublin, 26 March 2011. Poster presentation. / 270
McManus M. Is better control of serum phosphate achievable by improving patient education in the haemodialysis unit? Presented at the 5th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 8 February 2011. Posterpresentation. / 271
Ashfield L, Grinsven M. Why do patient’s (not) bring their own Medicines (PODs) into hospital. Presented at the 5th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 8 February 2011. Posterpresentation. / 272
Hogg A, Scott MG, Al Taani G, McElnay JC. Impact of a Medicines Management Outpatient Service’. Presented at Prescribing and Research in Medicines Management (UK and Ireland) Conference. London, 9 February 2012. Posterpresentation. / 273
Lappin A. Enhancing patient safety by learning from clinical pharmacists interventions. Presented at International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Paris, April 2012 Poster presentation. / 274
Hutchinson G, McCallan G, McBride E, Ashfield L, Scott MG , Fleming GF Extension of pharmacist independent prescribing within a district general hospital in Northern Ireland. Presented at UKCPA Spring Symposium 2012. Belfast 18-20 May 2012. Posterpresentation. / 276
Lappin A, Carrington A, O’Donnel S, Redpath J, Connolly D, Smith L. Regional primary and secondary care oral methotrexate audit. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Poster presentation / 278
Hoey C, Ashfield L, Fleming GF. Referrals made by senior technicians in a hospital setting. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Oral presentation. / 279
Hutchinson G, McCallan G, McBride E, Ashfield L, Scott MG, Fleming GF. Extension of pharmacist independent prescribing within a district general hospital in Northern Ireland. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Oral presentation. / 280
Gribben N; Gill D; McCaw B. Implementation of a Regional 8 week Kardex within Mental Health and its impact on prescribing standards/errors, a before and after audit. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Oral presentation. / 281
Ashfield L, Koenig C. Standardisation of Clinical Pharmacy Technician Interventions/Referrals to Pharmacists. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Poster presentation. / 282
El Hajji FWD., Scullin C, Scott MG, McElnay JC. Enhanced clinical pharmcy service targeting tools: risk predictive algorithms. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Poster presentation. / 283
Brown J, O’Hare R, McCullagh F, McKee A. To evaluate quantitatively the views of level 4 undergraduate pharmacy students on their preparedness to challenge the prescribing of prescribers. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Poster presentation. / 284
Brown J, O’Hare R, McCullagh F, McKee A, Haughey. To evaluate quantitatively the views of level 4 undergraduate pharmacy students on their preparedness to challenge the prescribing of prescribers. Presented at UKCPA Autumn Symposium 2012. Chester 16-18 November 2012. Posterpresentation. / 285
Brown J, Hanley J, Fleming G. Foundation year 0 (FY0) medical students’ views of a pharmacy-led training programme. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Presented at UKCPA Autumn Symposium 2012. Chester 16-18 November 2012. Posterpresentation.. / 287
Hogg A, Scott MG, Al Taani G, McElnay JC. Impact of an Integrated Medicines Management outpatient service. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Oral presentation. / 288
Maloney B, Scott M Analysis of community generated pharmaceutical care provided at the primary-secondary care interface. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Posterpresentation. / 289
McNicholl S, Hetherington M, Scott MG & Fleming GF. Nursing Home Outreach Clinic Pilot. Presented at the 6th All-Ireland Pharmacy Healthcare Conference. Dundalk, 13 November 2012. Posterpresentation. / 290
Awards and Higher Degrees / 291
Northern Health and Social Care Trust: Pharmacy Department. 2006-2012
Awards and Higher Degrees
Hiliary McKee / 2007 Abbott “Innovation in Rheumatology award for pharmacist led rheumatology clinicsHigher Degrees
Candidate / Degree / Thesis title / Institution & yearLouise Shephard / MSc / An audit of the prescribing of long-term oxygen according to the guidelines in AntrimAreaHospital. / The Queen’s University of Belfast, 2008
Emma Barbour / MSc / The impact of a new Kardex and local guidelines ion the prescribing and administration of medicines in paediatrics / The Queen’s University of Belfast, 2009.
Geraldine Conlon / MSc / The Impact Of A Restrictive Antibiotic Policy On Controlling A Large Hospital Outbreak Due To An Emerging Strain of Clostridium Difficile PCR Ribotype 027 / The Queen’s University of Belfast, 2009
Maire McManus / MSc / Is better control of serum phosphate achievable by improving patient education in the haemodialysis unit? / The Queen’s University of Belfast, 2009
Barbara Milliken / MBA / Support for line managers in their people management functions, an exploratory study of a Northern Ireland Health & Social Care Trust / The Queen’s University of Belfast, 2009
Andrew Currie / MSc / A clinical audit to assess and evaluate the impact of one stop dispensing on surgical wards in the CausewayHospital / The Queen’s University of Belfast, 2010
Anna Lappin / MSc / A before-and-after study designed to improve the quality of venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention measures in hospitalised adult medical patients / ImperialCollegeLondon, 2010
Conor Doyle / MSc / Predictors of response to thalidomide in multiple Myeloma / The Queen’s University of Belfast, 2012
Claire Irwin / MSc / The Impact of a Pharmacist in the Emergency Department on Patient Medication Reconciliation and the Effect of New Discharge Processes Within the Pharmacy Team on Discharge Targets / The Queen’s University of Belfast, 2012
Noeleen Gribben / MSc / Implementation of a Regional 8 week Kardex within Mental Health and its impact on prescribing standards/errors, a before and after audit. / The Queen’s University of Belfast, 2012
Noel Dunn / MPA / The pharmaceutical supply chain – from supply chain management to supply chain governance – a literature review / The university of Ulster, 2012
Joanne Hanley / MSc / Retrospective Chart review investigating medication reconciliation in critical care / CardiffUniversity, 2012