AR 3rd Quarter Project
MOVIE / MAKER / RUBRICCategories / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 - 0
Summary – Exp., Climax, Res. (Labeled as such)
And Rising/Falling Action
Thorough Content / Provides complete info.
Includes all parts of Plot; labeled as indicated; Story line is very clear; obvious connection between Exp., Climax, and Res. / Provides most of the info.
Includes all parts of Plot; Most labeled as indicated; Story line is clear; can see some connection between Exp., Climax, and Res. / Provides some of the info.
Includes most parts of Plot; Most labeled as indicated; Story line is somewhat clear; connection between Exp., Climax, and Res. not clear / Provides littleof the info.
Includes most parts of Plot; Most labeled as indicated; Story line is somewhat clear; connection between Exp., Climax, and Res. not clear
Quality Proofreading / Few typos, misspelled words, other grammatical errors / Several typos, misspelled words, other grammatical errors / Many typos, misspelled words, other grammatical errors / Errors hinder comprehension
Timing / All frames are timed to allow readability / Most frames are timed to allow readability / Some frames are timed to allow readability / Few to no frames are timed to allow readability
Enhancements / Use of color, images, transitions, music supports the overall quality of the project. / Use of color, images, transitions, music supportsmostof the quality of the project. / Use of color, images, transitions, music supports some of the quality of the project. / Use of color, images, transitions, music supports little to none of the quality of the project.
Review and
Recommendation / Uses specific language (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) appears sincere, and original / Largely usesspecific language (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) appears mostly sincere, and original / Uses little specific language (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) does not appear sincere, or original / Uses no specific language (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) totally lacks sincerity and originality
If your project does not meet this time frame (either too little or too much time) your project grade will be dropped by one (1) grade.
If your project goes past the three minute time, you will be asked to stop your project, and whatever material was not seen will be graded as missing (i.e. a zero for that information).
Project Score: ______/ 20 pts/