Christ Church Belper
All Saints’ Turnditch with Windley
Sunday January 25th 2015
For the benefit of those with hearing impairment, induction loop systems are installed. During one of the hymns there will be a collection for the work of the Church in this parish. If you are a taxpayer please use one of the Gift Aid envelopes which are at the back of church, or ask one of the sidesmen. Through Gift Aid every £10 given is increased to £12.50 at no extra cost to you!Please take this sheet home for your information and prayers
Candlemas: The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
All Saints: Family Service 9.30am
Christ Church: Sung Mass with Candlemas Liturgy 11am
Choral Evensong and Benediction 6.30pm
Christ Church Pantomime: “Dick Whittington”
Thursday – Saturday 5th, 6th, 7th February at 7.30pm
ALSO Matinee on 7th at 2.30pm Tickets on sale now.
Rehearsal on Sunday 1st February is at 7.30pm
Shrove Tuesday – 17th February
Pancakes will be served in the Bateman Hall, Christ Church: All Welcome!
11.30am – 1.30pm and 6 – 8pm. £4 (for as many as you wish to eat!!)
Lent Groups will meet at the Vicarage
Tuesday afternoons 1.30pm and Thursday evenings 7.15pm
Contemplative Prayer Group
A small group meets on the second Monday evening of each month for Contemplative Prayer. If you are interested in becoming part of this group please speak with The Revd Alison Roome or The Revd Helen Thake.
Conversion of St PaulCollect: Almighty God, who caused the light of the gospel to shine throughout the world through the preaching of your servant Saint Paul:
grant that we who celebrate his wonderful conversion may follow him in bearing witness to your truth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Jeremiah 1: 4-10 and Matthew 19: 27 - end
155, 470, 305, 51, 216 / HYMNS AT ALL SAINTS’:
546, 456, 237, 322, 494
Let the peoples praise you O God; let all the peoples praise you. / GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:
Jesus said: ‘If anyone loves me they will keep my word, and my Father will love them and we shall come to them.’
The Choir Anthem at Christ Church this morning is Morley’s ‘This is the day.’
Post Communion Prayer: Almighty God, who on the day of Pentecost
sent your Holy Spirit to the apostles with the wind from heaven and in tongues of flame, filling them with joy and boldness to preach the gospel:
by the power of the same Spirit strengthen us to witness to your truth and to draw everyone to the fire of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Please pray for... all who have been led astray by false doctrine.
Pray also for those who have died recently, among them:
Keith Hewison
and those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time:
Glenis Langton, Dena Staniforth, Maurice Sims,
Arthur Haresnape, Bernard Fielding
May they rest in peace and rise in glory.
Christ Church Notices:
200 CLUB – Members need to renew their membership by 31st March.
Please speak with Eileen Maddison.
CHOIR – Friday 6th February – No choir practice this week.
Next Bulletin: Items for inclusion should reach Eileen Hardy (Tel: 822019; )
or be delivered to Christ Church Vicarage by 6pm on Wednesday.
Services at Christ ChurchTea/coffee is served in the Bateman Hall after the 11am Service on Sunday and the 9.30am Service on Wednesday.
On the first Sunday of the month Laying on of Hands & Anointing for Healing is available in the Lady Chapel for those who wish to receive this Sacrament.
Sunday January 25th
Conversion of St Paul / 7.45am Mass (BCP) JP
11am Sung Parish Mass AR
11am Sunday School
6.30pm Evensong (BCP)
Wednesday January 28th / 9.30am Mass (said - Lady Chapel) JP
Thursday January 29th / 6.30pm Mass (said - Lady Chapel) IB
Saturday January 31st / 9.30am Mass (said - Lady Chapel) AR
Sunday February 1st
Candlemas / 7.45am Mass (BCP) JP
11am Sung Parish Mass IB
11am Sunday School
6.30pm Choral Evensong & Benediction
Services at All Saints’
Sunday January 25th
Conversion of St Paul / 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) JP
Sunday February 1st
Candlemas / 9.30am Family Service for Candlemas
Christ Church: As most of you know Bishop Humphrey (Bishop of Repton) is leaving the diocese to become Principal of Ripon College Cuddesdon (an Oxford theological college). He will be greatly missed in the diocese, particularly at Christ Church where many are grateful for his support during the interregnum of 2009. The PCC has agreed to give £50 towards a farewell gift but felt that individuals may also like to give something to mark his departure. Please give any donations to the Vicar or Sue Makin (Treasurer).
CLERGY:Vicar: The Rev’d Fr Jonathan Page Tel: 01773 824974
Christ Church Vicarage, Bridge Street, Belper, DE56 1BA
Associate Priest: The Rev’d Alison Roome Tel: 01773 825635
Curate: The Rev’d Imogen Black Tel: 01773 880918
Eileen Hardy – 822019 Tony Winslade – 824431
Regular Events
Sunday School: Every Sunday Bateman Hall 11am – 12 noon
Knitting Group: Alternate Mondays, Bateman Hall, 1.30pm (Next date 2nd February)
“Men Behaving Godly” fortnightly on Mondays 8pm Further details from the Vicar
Christ Church Choir Practice: Fridays – 7pm unless advised otherwise
Youth Group: Fridays during term time in the Bateman Hall 8-9.30pm.
Coming up in January...
Wed 28th Servers’ ‘Refresher’ rehearsal (1) Christ Church 7.30pm
Sat 31st Servers’ ‘Refresher’ rehearsal (2) Christ Church 10.30am
...and in February...
Sun 1st CANDLEMAS Family Service at All Saints’ All Welcome! 9.30am
Choral Evensong and Benediction at Christ Church 6.30pm
Tues 3rd Pantomime Dress Rehearsal Christ Church 7pm
Thur 5th Mass – PLEASE NOTE TIME: 6pm
Thur–Sat 5th-7th Christ Church Pantomime: see front page.
Tues 10th Mission & Ministry Area Council - Christ Church 7.30pm
Tue 17th Shrove Tuesday Pancakes at Christ Church (see front page)
Farewell to Bishop Humphrey Eucharist at the Cathedral 7.30pm
Wed 18th Ash Wednesday Services: All Saints’ 2pm
Christ Church 9.30am & 7.30pm
Sun 22nd Lent Lunch at Christ Church – £10 12.30pm
Tue 24th Lent Group at the Vicarage 1.30pm
Thur 26th Lent Group at the Vicarage 7.15pm
And finally... The best way for a woman to make sure her husband remembers their wedding anniversary is to get married on his birthday.