WHAP Philosophy Debate Project

How this works: A topic and affirmative or negative side will be assigned to you. You need to research your side’s position, including the branch of philosophy would best support your argument, and the philosopher who most closely aligned with your ideals, to build your “case”, and prepare rebuttal arguments, to debate in class.

Topic Choices:

  1. It is morally permissible to kill one innocent person to save the lives of more innocent people.
  2. On balance, violent revolution is a just response to political oppression.
  3. When in conflict, freedom of expression ought to be valued above a community’s moral standards.

The time format is as follows:
3 minute 1AC -affirmative constructive speech – this is where the affirmative will build their case, and state their basic arguments.
2 minute 1NCX – negative cross examination – this is where the negative asks the affirmative questions to clarify or shine light where holes in the affirmative case/logic would be.
4 minute 1NC – negative constructive speech – this is where the negative will not only build their case, and state their basic arguments, but also attack whatever they can attack on the affirmative case.
2 minute 1ACX – affirmative cross examination – this is where the affirmative asks the negative questions to clarify, or shine light where holes in the negative case/logic/ attacks on the affirmative case would be.
2 minute 1AR – affirmative rebuttal speech – this is where the affirmative will rebuild their case, and cut holes into the negative case, ultimately setting up the major issues in the round, what we need to look to in order to decide who best argued those issues.
3 minute 1NR – negative rebuttal speech – this is where the negative will lay everything on the line, rebuild their negative case, bring down the affirmative case, and tell you why the negative had superior arguments on the major issues in the round.
1 minute 2AR – affirmative rebuttal speech – is a last ditch chance for the affirmative to argue their side.

Yes, you do get “prep time” in round, to gather your thoughts together before you speak, but you only get 2 minutes, so use them wisely.


Research note/ outlines filled out – MAJOR GRADE

Presentation/Vote – Major Grade.
75 points for getting up and arguing your constructive speech.Period.
35 points if the class votes in your favor, and you argue your points well,
25 points if the class does not vote in your favor, yet you argued your points well,
15 points if the class votes in your favor, yet you do not argue your points well,
10 points if the class does not vote in your favor, and you do not argue your points well.

Group Participation – Daily Grade: work together, equally. ‘Nuff said. I have my ways of checking into this!

Affirmative Case Outline for Topic One.

“Quote from your Philosopher that supports the affirmative stance______
______”. It is because I agree with______(Philosopher) that I affirm today’s issue: It is morally permissible to kill one innocent person to save the lives of more innocent people.

To better clarify the debate today, I offer the following definitions to better understand the affirmative position. (List any definitions to important words that you think might help your side. Try dictionary.com or www.merriam-webster.com/, and usually using a non-biased or generally one-sided definition will be most useful and easiest to understand for the audience and judge. You do NOT have to find a definition for each word, there are simply blanks next to each word to help you.)

Morally - ______
Permissible - ______
Kill - ______
Innocent - ______
Person - ______
Save -______
Lives - ______
More - ______
People - ______

The paramount value in today’s debate is the affirmative value of (utilitarianism, consequentialism, social contractarianism), which basically means (define one of the previously mentioned values). To add weight to the affirmative value, we can look to the well-known philosopher (John Locke). I have two main arguments to support my position. They are: 1) That while each life has value, when looking to the straight numbers, more is better. 2) It is the government’s duty to protect society as a whole.

My first argument states that while each life has value, more is better, when looking strictly to the numbers. A quote from Locke affirms this statement because ______
And this ultimately means (what towards the issue at hand)______

My second argument states that ultimately it is the government’s duty to protect society as a whole. Locke states in his works ______
And this relates back to the issue at hand because ______

Because of these reasons, I urge you to vote in affirmation and now stand open for questioning.

Negative Case Outline for Topic One.

“Quote from your Philosopher that supports the negative stance______
______”. It is because I agree with______(Philosopher) that I negate today’s issue: It is morally permissible to kill one innocent person to save the lives of more innocent people.

To better clarify the debate today, I offer the following definitions to better understand the negative position. (List any definitions to important words that you think might help your side. Try dictionary.com or www.merriam-webster.com/, and usually using a non-biased or generally one-sided definition will be most useful and easiest to understand for the audience and judge. You do NOT have to find a definition for each word, there are simply blanks next to each word to help you.)

Morally - ______
Permissible - ______
Kill - ______
Innocent - ______
Person - ______
Save -______
Lives - ______
More - ______
People - ______

The paramount value in today’s debate is the negative value of (daentology) which basically means (define he previously mentioned value). To add weight to the negative value, we can look to the well-known philosopher (Emmanuel Kant). I have two main arguments to support my position. They are: 1) 2)

My first argument states that ______A quote from Kant supports this statement because ______
And this ultimately means (what towards the issue at hand)______

My second argument states that______. Kant states in his works ______
And this relates back to the issue at hand because ______

Because of these reasons, I urge you to vote in negation and now stand open for questioning.

Affirmative Case Outline for Topic Two.

“Quote from your Philosopher that supports the affirmative stance______
______”. It is because I agree with______(Philosopher) that I affirm today’s issue: On balance, violent revolution is a just response to political oppression.

To better clarify the debate today, I offer the following definitions to better understand the negative position. (List any definitions to important words that you think might help your side. Try dictionary.com or www.merriam-webster.com/, and usually using a non-biased or generally one-sided definition will be most useful and easiest to understand for the audience and judge. You do NOT have to find a definition for each word, there are simply blanks next to each word to help you.)

On balance - ______
Violent - ______
Revolution- ______
Just - ______
Response - ______
Political -______
Oppression - ______

The paramount value in today’s debate is the negative value of (social contractarianism) which basically means (define he previously mentioned value). To add weight to the negative value, we can look to the well-known philosopher (Jean-Jacques Rousseau). I have two main arguments to support my position. They are: 1) 2)

My first argument states that ______A quote from Rousseau supports this statement because ______
And this ultimately means (what towards the issue at hand)______

My second argument states that______. Rousseau states in his works ______
And this relates back to the issue at hand because ______

Because of these reasons, I urge you to vote in affirmation and now stand open for questioning.

Negative Case Outline for Topic Two.

“Quote from your Philosopher that supports the negative stance______
______”. It is because I agree with______(Philosopher) that I negate today’s issue: On balance, violent revolution is a just response to political oppression.

To better clarify the debate today, I offer the following definitions to better understand the negative position. (List any definitions to important words that you think might help your side. Try dictionary.com or www.merriam-webster.com/, and usually using a non-biased or generally one-sided definition will be most useful and easiest to understand for the audience and judge. You do NOT have to find a definition for each word, there are simply blanks next to each word to help you.)

On balance - ______
Violent - ______
Revolution- ______
Just - ______
Response - ______
Political -______
Oppression - ______

The paramount value in today’s debate is the negative value of (daentology) which basically means (define he previously mentioned value). To add weight to the negative value, we can look to the well-known philosopher (Rene Descartes). I have two main arguments to support my position. They are: 1) 2)

My first argument states that ______A quote from Descartes supports this statement because ______
And this ultimately means (what towards the issue at hand)______

My second argument states that______. Descartes states in his works ______
And this relates back to the issue at hand because ______

Because of these reasons, I urge you to vote in negation and now stand open for questioning.

Affirmative Case Outline for Topic Three.

“Quote from your Philosopher that supports the negative stance______
______”. It is because I agree with______(Philosopher) that I affirm today’s issue: When in conflict, an individual’s freedom of expression ought to be valued above a community’s moral standards.

To better clarify the debate today, I offer the following definitions to better understand the negative position. (List any definitions to important words that you think might help your side. Try dictionary.com or www.merriam-webster.com/, and usually using a non-biased or generally one-sided definition will be most useful and easiest to understand for the audience and judge. You do NOT have to find a definition for each word, there are simply blanks next to each word to help you.)

Conflict - ______
Individual - ______
Freedom of expression - ______
Ought -______
Valued - ______
Above -______
Community- ______
Moral Standard -______

The paramount value in today’s debate is the affirmative value of (social contractarianism) which basically means (define he previously mentioned value). To add weight to the affirmative value, we can look to the well-known philosopher (Charles Montesquieu). I have two main arguments to support my position. They are: 1) 2)

My first argument states that ______A quote from Montesquieu supports this statement because ______
And this ultimately means (what towards the issue at hand)______

My second argument states that______. Montesquieu states in his works ______
And this relates back to the issue at hand because ______

Because of these reasons, I urge you to vote in negation and now stand open for questioning.

Affirmative Case Outline for Topic Three.

“Quote from your Philosopher that supports the negative stance______
______”. It is because I agree with______(Philosopher) that I affirm today’s issue: When in conflict, an individual’s freedom of expression ought to be valued above a community’s moral standards.

To better clarify the debate today, I offer the following definitions to better understand the negative position. (List any definitions to important words that you think might help your side. Try dictionary.com or www.merriam-webster.com/, and usually using a non-biased or generally one-sided definition will be most useful and easiest to understand for the audience and judge. You do NOT have to find a definition for each word, there are simply blanks next to each word to help you.)

Conflict - ______
Individual - ______
Freedom of expression - ______
Ought -______
Valued - ______
Above -______
Community- ______
Moral Standard -______

The paramount value in today’s debate is the affirmative value of (social contractarianism) which basically means (define he previously mentioned value). To add weight to the affirmative value, we can look to the well-known philosopher (Charles Montesquieu). I have two main arguments to support my position. They are: 1) 2)

My first argument states that ______A quote from Montesquieu supports this statement because ______
And this ultimately means (what towards the issue at hand)______

My second argument states that______. Montesquieu states in his works ______
And this relates back to the issue at hand because ______

Because of these reasons, I urge you to vote in negation and now stand open for questioning.