In-District Scanning Service and Support offered through WNYRIC
Teleforms is a scanning software program that allows districts to scan preprinted state approved Regents answersheets. A district may also scan preprinted, state approved Science 4 and 8. This service is not available for ELA,Math, NYSAA, or NYSESLAT state assessments. This is due to the fact that these high-stake tests must be reported
through your RIC to SED and then on to the test publisher. It is the WNYRIC’s responsibility to ensure qualitycontrol. The Teleforms scanning software program also allows districts to independently design scan answer sheetsfor teacher made assessments. It is the district’s responsibility to develop these answer sheets, there is full support
from WNYRIC personnel. For all answer sheets scanned, there are web-based score reports available within 24 hours.
NOTE: The district will pay a cost of $1.05 per student per preprinted form for each answer sheet provided by the WNYRIC. This is a reduction of $1.05 as the previous cost was $2.10 per answer sheet.
Management Goals:
This Teleforms image scanning technology service will enable districts to design scannable answer sheets, image
capture forms, and verify their data for Regents answer sheets, Science 4 and 8, and teacher made assessments in a
timely manner.
Coser: 7710
Advantages to District:
- saves teacher time/assures accuracy of scoring (no need to hand score).
- Allows for rescanning if necessary
- No need for double bubbling from one answer sheet to another (WNYRIC’s answer sheets are SED approved).
- No need to rescore in district if SED modifies scoring (automatically updates in program).
- Ability to see scores almost immediately.
- Score reports are categorized by Multiple Choice, Constructed Response, Extended Response, Etc.
- Training and phone support provided through WNYRIC
- In case of an emergency, WNYRIC has a scanner to borrow or in case of an electrical emergency, WNYRIC is the disaster recovery site
- Aid-able service.
- Create scannable answer sheets for teacher designed exams*
WNYRIC Responsibilities:
- Recommendation of appropriate configuration of the system
- Installation of hardware and software
- ½ day in district training when district purchases software, on-going phone support
- Support through the use of communications software that allows the WNYRIC to view student data from theWNYRIC while in contact with the user via telephone for resolution of any questions and problems that may
be encountered. The WNYRIC will install and configure this software.
- Software updates.
- Preprint student data onto state approved answer sheets.
- The (Teleforms-.tft) design for each answer sheet for the administrations of tests for all the assessments thatthe WNYRIC is offering will be sent after final testing on test day.
- Provide scores of the data submitted after the district completes scanning/verifying of data; district will go to and run their own reports
- Load data to the Data Warehouse for analysis
- Disaster recovery
- Vendor liaison
- It is the responsibility of the WNYRIC to procure all equipment according to the Detailed Request for Serviceand to arrange shipment to the district as requiredfollowing the E1B inventory procedures as per the TIIP sheet
- School personnel can now receive training and support on the Design and Auto Merge Publishing pieces of the software. klkl
- Log into the Testscoring website for immediate results of teacher made assessments
- Reports include: student score report, student rank list, item analysis, and student response data.*
Prerequisites – Software/hardware
Please note, Teleforms will NOT run on MAC computers
-500 MB Free Hard Drive Space
-1 Gig of Ram
DVD drive required
-100 mpbs Network Card
-Windows XP, Windows 7
-Monitor – VGA Color or Better – 17” recommended for Verifier Station
District Responsibilities:
- Designation of one person in each subscribing school building as the WNYRIC contact for the softwareapplication.
- Scan and verify all assessment data.
- Submit verified scan data to WNYRIC for scoring.
- Assurance that remote communications remains functional so that WNYRIC personnel can deliver supportover remote connection
- Notification of the WNYRIC if district personnel changes. If district personnel changes, it is the district’sresponsibility to train these people.
- Provisions of usable email address for each person to be notified of user meetings as well as problems andchanges related to the software.
- The district acknowledges that hardware and software acquired in this project, if relocated in the future, mustbe used in a WNYRIC service. Any equipment or software acquired through WNYRIC services and no longerused for WNYRIC services must be returned to the WNYRIC per SED regulations.
- The district acknowledges that utilization of any software acquired through WNYRIC services will complywith licensing agreements and U.S. Copyright; and all software and on-line services which utilize WNYRIChardware and networks will comply with U.S. Copyright.
*Information noted in blue are for an additional support fee.
UPDATED 10/2/2018