Time in Care Information Access Service

The Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women has introduced the Time in Care Information Access Service (TICIAS) to provide you with more detailed information about your time in care including a Time in Care Report and some documents the department holds.

Time in Care Report / Other documents
This includes
·  why you came into care
·  your placement history
·  information about milestones
·  education and medical information
·  details of your family constellation
·  other relevant information about your family and your experiences in out of home care. / This may include
·  birth certificates
·  school reports
·  medical reports
·  awards
·  photographs

Please note: there are circumstances in which information about you and other people may not be able to be included in the Time in Care Report because it concerns other people or is confidential.

Who is eligible for the service?

If you have been in care in Queensland, as a child in care or state child, you may be eligible to use this service.

If you are child who is currently in care or transitioning from care, contact your child safety officer in the first instance as they will often be able to provide information without a formal application.

How to apply

Call TICIAS on freecall 1800 809 078 so we can guide you through the application process. Once the application form is completed, you can then mail or email it to the contacts listed overleaf.

There will be no application fee or charge for information provided using this service.

Do I need to provide proof of identity?

Yes, proof of identity is required with each TICIAS application. There are different ways to provide proof of your identity including:

·  driver’s licence

·  passport

·  birth certificate

·  proof of age documents.

Identity documents may be provided by way of:

·  the original sighted by an employee of the department

·  copy certified by a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations, lawyer, police officer or health professional or

·  a statutory declaration from someone who has known you for more than one year that says that you are the person to whom the information relates.

There are other types of documents that can be used to prove your identity so please contact us if you need assistance with your application.

How long will it take to get the documents?

We aim to complete each application within six weeks of receiving your application form and evidence of identity, if not sooner.

If there are circumstances which mean you require your information in a shorter time frame, such as medical, legal or compassionate grounds, please let us know and we may be able to prioritise your application.

What support is available?

If you would like support during the application process the following services may be able to assist:

·  Next Step After Care helps young Queenslanders aged 15-21 who have been in care with advice and counselling. Call 1800 639 878 or email .

·  Lotus Place is a support service that assists Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants in Queensland. Call (07) 3347 8500 or email .

·  Care Leavers Australia Network (CLAN) is a support network for adults who were in institutional care. Call 1800 008 774 or email .

·  CREATE Foundation is the national body representing the voices of children and young people with an out-of-home care experience. Call 1800 655 105.

Where can I find more information?

Please contact us if you have any questions about applying for your information under this service.

Telephone: 1800 809 078

Postal address:

Right to Information, Information Privacy and Screening

Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women

GPO Box 806