Understanding Phonemes and Graphemes: Second

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Understanding Phonemes and Graphemes: Second

I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a / Nelson Spelling 1
revise <ll> <ck> <ng> <nk> <fl> <all> <oo> <ee> <ar> <a-e> / <i-e> / <o-e> / <u-e>
adding <ing> to magic e / <th> / <ch> / <a-e> adding <ing> / (soft c)
<i-e> adding <ing> / (soft c) / <o-e> adding <ing> / <ea> / <ow> as /ou/ &/oa/
<ou> / + irregular as /oo/ / <oa> / <oy> & <ay> / <y> as /ie/ + adding ing
<ss> <ll> <ff> / <st> <str> / <sp> <spr> / <wa> / irregular magic e
Nelson Spelling 2
Revise Nelson 1 / <old> / <wh>
<ear> <ead> / <nch> <tch> / <er> / <oi> <oy> / <oo>
<ou>nd ound / <ar> and <are> / Adding suffixes / <or> <ore> / <aw>
<ew> / silent letters / _b and k_ / suffix + final letter doubling rule / <y> endings
y ending plurals / <ir> <ire> / <ur> <ure> / <ai> <ay> / <ain> <air>
<igh> / + <er> <est> suffixes / igh/y words
Nelson Spelling 3
Revise Nelson 2 / <ask> <ast> <ass> / adding <s> or es> / <y> endings
adding _y rule / <ier> <iest> / y+<er> rule / y+<est> rule / <ull>
+<ful> / silent <w> / prefixes/suffixes / <et> endings / Syllables (2) with <et>
<qu> / <qua> / <ow> endings / <ow> as /oa/ /ou/ / <en> <on> endings
<ild> <ind / homonyms / root words, suffixes/prefixes / <ost> <oll> / <al> or <all>
soft <c> / soft <g> / <le> endings> / <ie> / <f> <fe> plurals
<ei> / <ie> or <ei> / <able> <ible> / <dis> words / <ey> endings
plurals with <y>
Nelson Spelling 4
<ness> <ment> / <sure> <ture> / root words / <sion> / <ssion> words
<tion> / <ph> / <al> endings / <el> endings / <ough>
<ea> as /e/ / soft <c> / adding <ing> / <dge> / endings <er> <or> <ar>
endings <ary> <ery> <ory> / prefixes <un> <en> <in> <im> / <ous> <ious> / <our> <orous> / <a> and double letters
<ent> <ence> <ant> <ance> / tricky words / <ie> <ei> rule / tricky words / contractions
/ 4
Recognise and use common diagraphs.
Apply knowledge of diagraphs to read more complex words by identifying graphemes, sounding out and blending the phonemes all through the word from left to right.
Segment phonemes to support spelling
Blend and segment adjacent consonants in words and apply this skill when reading unfamiliar texts and in spelling.
Explore alternative ways of reading and spelling vowel diagraphs.
Explore alternative ways of reading and spelling the phonemes corresponding to long/short vowel phonemes.
Phonic knowledge and skills will be applied as the prime approach in reading and spelling when the words are unfamiliar.
Identify the constituent parts of two syllable and three syllable words and be able to read and spell phonically decidable two syllable and three syllable words.
Phonic knowledge and skills will be applied as the prime approach in reading and spelling when the words are unfamiliar.
Apply phonic skills and knowledge to recognise and spell an increasing number of complex words.
Draw on knowledge of how words work, e.g:
how basic sounds and patterns are written in English
spelling patterns of word derivations
Fluently and correctly encode most unfamiliar words, including words of many syllables
I can spell the most commonly-used words, using my knowledge of letter patterns and spelling rules and use resources to help me spell tricky or unfamiliar words. LIT 1-21a
< > How a sound is written (Grapheme)
// Unit of sound (Phoneme)
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