Mariners Elementary School Foundation
October 2008 Board Meeting Minutes


7:00 pm /


8:00 pm / Start
7:03 pm /


8:20 pm / Monday.October 6, 2008
Penne Ferrell Theater/Mariners School
Dave Schneider
Jennifer Blanchfield
(Vice President)
Dianne Wells
Mike Smith
Mike Huntley
/ /

Board Members (B) and Committee Chairs (C)


X / Jason & Meredith Cagle
David & Teryn Clarke
Brian & Laura Cox
Eric & Susan Marking
John & Elise McKasson / X
X / Mike & Donna McKennon
Jon & Valerie Minken
Shawn Osborne
Rob & Sandy Rettig
John & Georgia Richards
Michael & Anna Riddlesperger / X
X / Sandi Vanian/PTA Liason
John & Jaime Weber
Matt & Julie White
Alan & Debby Wiesner
Brendan & Lori Williams
Mark & Sharon Zablan

Principal/Teacher Liaisons



Pam Coughlin




Cathy Blue




Joan Duncan

Additional Attendees:

Jami Delgado Karen Robison

Jana Kalinowski Deb Zimmerman

Rory O’Neil Chuck Sharbrough

Jim Palmer


Meeting to Order (Mike Smith)

Welcome – Call to Order at 7:03 pm

Secretary Report: (Dianne Wells)

Sept. 08 minutes forwarded to members via email. Minutes approved.

Dianne reminded members to vote promptly. Dianne will forward minutes to

Jim Palmer, for the MESF website.

Treasurer’s Report (Mike Huntley)

Mike cut checks for the AR/AM programs. First payment for teacher’s aides made. Deposits for Fall Fundraiser have begun. Revenues look good. Directory sales $17,000.

School Blue Ribbon Monument Sign Report (Matt White)

Matt reported that colors for sign approved. Proofs are done as well. Concrete sign will take approx. 6 weeks to make and 1 day of installation. Installation to occur before holidays.

Pledge Drive (Jaime Weber)

Jaime reported that the Drive exceeded her goal with a total of $36,000 pledged donations.

Fall Fundraiser Sharon Zablan)

Sharon reported that the fundraiser is going well, yet procurement of donation items slow, perhaps due to slow economy. Insurance for event obtained. Underwriting to tap into target list of 06 and 07. Teacher Time and Talent going well. Sharon is hoping for that printing of invites can be donated. Ticket sales to begin Oct. 15 online. GEM car raffle, arranged by Jen Blanchfield, and arranged w/Tuttle-Click/Irvine, will begin Oct. 15—only 250 tickets at $100.00/ticket, to be sold-- odds excellent.

Discussion re: Limiting Fundraisers (Sharon Zablan)

Sharon opened up the discussion and shared that her concern is that the fundraisers “burn people out,” and can discourage chair members from heading up other fundraisers. Sandi Vanian, the PTA liaison, stressed that the PTA reviewed their fundraisers, and how many they host each year. The PTA reduced the number of fundraisers to only two—the giftwrap in the Fall, and the Jog-a-thon in the spring. A suggestion was made to form a focus group, for a December meeting, to discuss the limiting fundraiser issue. (Possible attendees: Sharon Zablan, Dianne Wells, Jaime Weber)

Scrip Gift Cards and eScrip Programs (Debby Wiesner & Susan Marking)

Debby reported that the Scrip program is being turned into “Gift Cards,” as people make a familiar association with the cards. After 4 weeks with the Scrip/Gift Card program, $850.00 has been made in revenue. Teachers are receiving a percentage, so great incentive for teacher involvement. The eScrip or VONS program gives a percentage back to school. Debby thinks that an on-site registration for eScrip and Ralphs might be necessary to get families registered. Lastly, email blasts, with a hyperlink to eScrip retailers, will be a course of action to get more families registered.

School Directory Report (Debby Wiesner & Sandy Rettig)

Directory ad sales going extremely well, with over $17,000 sold in ads. (Goal was $15,000.) Most business ads derived from local business community. Debby announced that they are producing an eco-friendly directory.

TOSA Report (Dave Schneider)

Dave reported that the costs for an average TOSA salary went up $10,000. Dave mentioned that the TOSA Committee had sent a draft letter to the Board Members for review. This letter may go out to the school community explaining the current situation with the NMUSD, TOSA, and foundations’ funds. Dave reminded the Board Members that the MESF is not trying to change the science program, just how we pay the salary.

Dave continued to say that TOSA teachers can’t be a tenured teacher. Historically, Mariners always has a part-time science teacher. Some schools will benefit from the new TOSA salary scale.

There was much discussion about the drafted letter. A question was raised by Brian Cox as to the goal of the letter: Is it to instill action from the school community or to inform the community? Mike Smith suggested that the TOSA Committee re-work the letter and continue to review the matter.

TOSA Report (Dave Schneider) continued:

Teryn Clarke made note that while a percentage of MESF funds go toward the new TOSA averaging pay salaries, she noted that it is a small percentage nonetheless. Dave agreed, but highlighted that the amount that school foundations pay into the TOSA salaries can increase every year and that the basic conflict is that monies from our school/Mariners, are going to other schools.

Principal’s Report(Pam Coughlin)

Pam announced that the new P.E. teacher, April Herer would begin for grades 1 and 2.

Donation/Thank You/Welcome Committee (Jaime Weber):

Jaime said that she would coordinate thank yous to donors after Pledge is complete. She will send-out a thank you letter in the format of a form letter to all donors.

4th of July Committee for 2009 (Meredith Cagle & Jana Kanilowski):

Meredith is excited to start early in planning the 4th event. She plans to hold a meeting soon to coordinate chair positions, and to research title sponsors.

Pre-Band/Chorus Cost & Report (Jen Blanchfield):

Band begins in October, from 3: 15 – 4 pm. Cost to participate in band is $95. Don Halmond is director. MESF pays for books, instruction and the bus rides for students. So far, Jen reported that band program going well.

Mariners PTA Report (Sandi Vanian):

Sandi reported that Book Fair made $2,000.00 more than last year, which goes back to the school library. Gift wrap fundraiser has started; last year’s sales were $15,000. Sandi made note that only 240 people are receiving the email blasts. She also handles the PTA membership envelopes and makes note of anyone, including their email addresses.

Sandi also attended the California forward Think Conference and the Harbor Council meeting.

She concluded her announcement of the Boo Fest on October 27, 4:30 – 7: 00 pm, and the

Next PTA meeting on October 29, 9:15 – 10:15 am, Penne Ferrell Theater.


A brief discussion regarding the inclusion of assigned MESF positions/duties in the school Directory occurred. By placing contact names in Directory, others in the school community can access more information.

New Business:

A brief discussion on how Mariners teachers communicate with parents regarding classes and grades occurred. Schooloop, an email program both at Ensign and at Newport Harbor High School, could be introduced at Mariners.

Jaime Weber discussed adjusting the Legacy Tile price to $25.

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