Interior Design
(.5 credit)
Approved February 2011
Elements and Principles of Design
1. Well-planned and aesthetically pleasing rooms enhance quality of life and working environments.
Content Standards:
1. Evaluate housing and design concepts and theories, including green design, in relation to available resources and options.
2. Evaluate the use of elements and principles of design in housing and commercial and residential interiors.
3. Analyze the psychological impact that the principles and elements of design have on the individual.
4. Analyze the effects that the principles and elements of design have on aesthetics and function.
Essential Question: What are the qualities of an aesthetic and functional environment? What factors should be considered when creating interior environments?
Learning Goals: Students will:
Summarize the elements of good design and explain why they are useful.
Suggest strategies for changing the apparent size of a space.
Demonstrate ways to use line to create specific effects.
Analyze the effects created by forms and shapes in particular designs.
Explain how texture can be used to create desired effects.
Explain why color is the most significant element of design
Identify the principles of design
Analyze the ways that proportion is used in effective design.
Analyze scale and the ways it is used in design.
Explain ways to achieve balance.
Explain ways to achieve various types of rhythm.
Identify features that could be used for emphasis.
Suggested Strategies / · PowerPoint presentation on design elements
· Room analysis activity/assignment using design magazines
Suggested Assessments / · Room analysis assignment, test on design elements
Suggested Resources / · Homes and Interiors chapter 17, Homes Today and Tomorrow, chapters 15,17
Suggested Tech Integration / · Internet web sites to illustrate design principles
Content Vocabulary / · Space, line, form, texture, color, proportion, scale, symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, rhythm, repetition, emphasis, unity, variety, eclectic
Lifelong Learning/21st Century Skills / · Productive habits of mind
· Quality work
· Access and process information
1. Color in our environments strongly influences our emotions, productivity and many aspects of our lives.
Content Standards:
1. Evaluate housing and design concepts and theories including green design, in relation to available resources an d options.
2. Analyze the psychological impact of color on the individual.
3. Analyze the effect that color has on aesthetics and function.
Essential Question: How can color and color schemes be used effectively in our environments?
Learning Goals: Students will:
Analyze how color can be used to create moods and illusions.
Explain how primary colors are used to produce other colors on the color wheel.
Describe the effects of intensity and value on various hues.
Identify the characteristics of different types of color schemes.
Describe factors to consider when planning a color scheme.
Explain how to create a color sample board.
Suggested Strategies / · Color PowerPoint presentation
· Color scheme project including developing a color presentation board using available fabrics, paint chip, wallpaper, accessories, etc.
· Tints, Shades and Tones painting activity
Suggested Assessments / · Color project; unit test
Suggested Resources / · Homes and Interiors chapter 18, Homes Today and Tomorrow chapter 16, Color in Interior Design, Pile
Suggested Tech Integration / · Paint manufacturer’s sites to plan color schemes
Content Vocabulary / · Pigment, hue, intensity, complement, primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary colors, value, tint shade, tone, color scheme, monochromatic, triad, analogous complementary, accented neutral
Lifelong Learning/21st Century Skills / · Productive habits of mind- self regulated thinking
· Quality work
· Access and process information
Developing a Design Plan
1. Well-planned rooms will maximize use of space and enhance comfort and quality of life in one’s surroundings.
Content Standards:
1. Apply housing and interior design knowledge, skills and processes to meet specific design needs.
2. Demonstrate design, construction document reading and space planning skills required for the housing, interior design and furnishings industries.
3. Interpret information provided on construction documents
4. Evaluate floor plans for efficiency and safety in areas including but not limited to zones, traffic patterns, storage and electrical and mechanical systems.
Essential Question: What factors contribute to well-planned and efficient spaces? How can floor plans be used to manipulate and plan efficient spaces?
Learning Goals: Students will:
Identify the steps in developing a design plan.
Explain how to assess client characteristics.
Evaluate floor plans for efficiency and safety in areas including but not limited to zones, traffic patterns, storage and electrical and mechanical systems.
Draft an interior space to scale using architecture symbols.
Arrange furniture placement with reference to principles of design, traffic flow activity and existing architectural features.
Summarize factors to consider when choosing a style and color scheme.
Summarize factors to consider when selecting backgrounds, furniture, lighting and accessories.
Demonstrate graphic communication skills (CAD, PowerPoint, sketching).
Suggested Strategies / · Personal bedroom floor plan draft
· Apartment planning project
Suggested Assessments / · Apartment project, unit test
Suggested Resources / · Homes and Interiors chapter 20 & 21, Homes for Today and Tomorrow, chapter 18, HGTV Home Design and Remodeling Suite,,,,,,
Suggested Tech Integration / · CAD, Design sweet tool, web floor planning tools
Content Vocabulary / · Inventories, multipurpose rooms, clearance space, use space, scale drawing, templates, pictorial drawing, rendering, overlay, sample board
Lifelong Learning/21st Century Skills / · Productive habits of mind
· Quality work
· Communicate effectively
· Collaborate and cooperate
· Access and process information
Furniture and Architectural Styles
Essential Understanding:1. Today’s architectural designs and furniture styles have evolved from historical designs.
Content Standards:
1. Analyze design and development of architecture, interiors and furnishings through the ages.
2. Analyze future design and development trends in architecture, interiors and furnishings.
Essential Question: How do historical designs impact current trends and how will they influence future design trends?
Learning Goals: Students will:
Describe features of furnishings that are characteristic of various historical periods.
Illustrate the development of architectural styles throughout history.
Compare and contrast historical architectural details to current housing and interior design trends.
Describe furniture of various styles from the Early, Middle and Late Renaissance periods in England and France.
List the distinguishing features of the Chippendale, Hepplewhite, Sheraton and the Adams brothers.
Describe the differences between Early American, Georgian and Federal furniture.
Identify and describe major styles of American furniture from 1600 to present
Suggested Strategies / · Slide presentation on history of furniture and furniture styles
· Possible field trips to Metropolitan Museum of Art, Wadsworth Atheneum, Mark Twain and Harriet Beecher Stowe homes
· Furniture Styles Search Project
· Photo study of local historical homes
Suggested Assessments / · Furniture Styles project, identification test
Suggested Resources / · Homes and Interiors chapters 15, 25; Homes Today and Tomorrow, chapters 6, 20;,,,,; Styles of American Furniture slide series.
Suggested Tech Integration / · Search antique and auction sale sites; photographing local historic architecture
Content Vocabulary / · Half- timbered Cape Cod house, Pitched roof, gable, gambrel, saltbox, dormer, garrison, hip, pilaster, pediment, portico, gingerbread, mansard, bungalow, reproduction, antique, turning, highboy, cabriole leg, wing chair, modular furniture,
Lifelong Learning/21st Century Skills / · Productive habits of mind
· Quality work
· Collaborate and cooperate
Furniture Selection
1. Knowing how to evaluate upholstered furniture and case goods for quality will enable a person to make the best-informed decision when selecting furniture.
Content Standard:
1. Analyze design of home furnishings to evaluate and determine quality.
Essential Question: What strategies can be used when selecting furnishings to enable me to make the best decision?
Learning Goals: Students will:
List and describe the types of woods used in furniture construction.
Identify quality features to look for when evaluating furniture construction.
Describe the methods and materials used in the construction of upholstered furniture.
Explain options available when shopping for furniture.
Suggested Strategies / · Film illustrating furniture construction and quality selection
Suggested Assessments / · Furniture comparison shop
Suggested Resources / · Homes and Interiors chapter 26, Homes Today and Tomorrow chapter 21, Film: Furniture selection
Suggested Tech Integration / ·
Content Vocabulary / · Case goods, upholstery, plywood, particleboard, hard wood, soft wood, joint, veneer,
Lifelong Learning/21st Century Skills / · Productive habits of mind- critical thinking
· Quality work
· Read critically-manufacturers information
· Access and process information
Designing Functional Interior Environments: Kitchens, Laundry Areas and Baths
1. Efficiently and well designed and well appointed interior environments enhance quality of life in the home.
Content Standards
1. Apply housing and interior design knowledge, skills and processes to meet specific design needs.
2. Analyze product information for kitchen, laundry and bath fixtures and equipment.
3. Demonstrate design processes including schematic design, design drawing and design presentation for kitchens, laundries and baths.
Essential Question: How can I apply design principles to planning new or modifying my interior environment?
Learning Goals: Students will:
Explain basic principles for designing efficient kitchens, laundry areas and bathrooms.
Compare options for cabinets, countertops and fixtures.
Describe considerations in planning electrical, lighting and ventilation systems for these areas.
Describe guidelines for shopping for appliances.
Suggested Strategies / · Presentation on kitchen and bath layouts and planning
· Internet shop for cabinets, appliances, fixtures, etc.
Suggested Assessments / · Kitchen/bath project plan and presentation, test
Suggested Resources / · Homes and Interiors chapter 22, Homes for Today and Tomorrow chapter 24, HGTV Design and Remodeling Suite,;;;
Suggested Tech Integration / · CAD, Design Suite
Content Vocabulary / · Work center, work triangle, peninsula, island, master bath, vanity, fixture, major appliance, closed storage, open storage
Lifelong Learning/21st Century Skills / · Productive habits of mind
· Quality work
· Access and process information
Career Exploration
1. There are many career options in housing, interior design and furnishings industries.
Content Standards:
1. Analyze career paths within the housing, interior design and furnishings industries.
2. Summarize education, training and credentialing requirement and opportunities for career paths in housing and interior design.
Essential Questions: Is a career in housing, interior design or furnishings industries right for me? How can I pursue a career in housing, interior design or furnishing industries?
Learning Goals: Students will:
Explain the roles and functions of individuals engaged in housing and interior design careers.
Analyze career paths and opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors.
Summarize education, training credentialing requirements and opportunities for career paths in housing an interior design.
Suggested Strategies / · Review related careers after each unit
· Guest speakers as appropriate and available
Suggested Assessments / · Writing assignment on career interests and opportunities in interior design; interview
Suggested Resources / · Homes and Interiors chapter4, Homes for Today and Tomorrow chapter 4,,,,,
Suggested Tech Integration / · Internet search for career opportunities
Content Vocabulary / · Real estate careers, interior designer, buyer, furniture designer, sales associate. entrepreneur, apprentice
Lifelong Learning/21st Century Skills / · Read critically
· Communicate effectively
· Collaborate and cooperate
· Access and process information