Radio Show Notes


8.00 - 8.05 - Welcome to the show

8.05 - 8.15 - Intro and e-mails

8.20 - 8.25 - 2 songs

8.25 - 8.45 – Discussion with Darryl

8.45 - 8.50 - 2 songs

8.50 - 9.00 - Answer questions

9.00 - 9.20 - Discussions with Darryl

9.20 - 9.25- 2 songs

9.25 - 9.35 – Discuss seminar info and future dates

9.35 - 9.40 - 1 song

9.40 - 9.55 – ASF, Facebook group, plug websites, CLRG, donations etc.

9.55 - 10.00 - 1 Song

Total - 2 hours

Good evening everyone and welcome to the Know Your Rights show streaming live on the internet on RAT FM. Our show is now proudly sponsored by WebGate IT Solutions - stretching your IT dollar further. If you are looking for any IT experts please contact the guys at

As always, my name is Mike and I'm joined this week by Darryl.

(Introduce Darryl - say Hi)

As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that they do informing and educating the motoring public about their rights. And, in conjunction with a number of different groups, we have now formed the new Know Your Rights group and we are committed to finding new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what is really going on in the world. We would especially like to thank John, who runs RAT FM for this great opportunity to do these broadcasts over his digital radio network.

For those of you keeping track, this is now our 60th broadcast and is actually going to be our second last broadcast for the year. I am taking a much needed break with my family later this week so there will not be a live broadcast next week - although we will organise with John for a replay of one of our previous broadcasts - and we will then run our last live broadcast on Tuesday, the 15th of December. In any event, we would like to welcome any new listeners to the show and also extend a very warm welcome back all our regular listeners as well.

And, for those of you who are new to our show and our website, you will find a copy of all of our previous broadcasts on our Radio Show page – - and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge.

Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews with people such as Darryl O'Brian from CLRG, Larry Hannigan, David Woods, John Vico and a number of others. We also cover things like: unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal tax is voluntary and the fact that the ATO is not a legal entity. We also deal with the strawman concept, as well as the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution. So there's lots of great information up on-line now for all listeners – new and old alike - to refer to in case you have missed anything or want a refresh on a topic we have previously covered.

Darryl asks - "So Mike, just remind our listeners again what the purpose of these broadcasts is all about".

As always, the point of these broadcasts is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. It still amazes and concerns me how many people are still brainwashed by the government propaganda about things like speeding fines - "Speed Kills" and "Every K over is a killer", people who still don't see that 9/11 or 7/7 were inside jobs or those that still don’t realise the fraud that is perpetrated by the banking elite every day.

And, once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we want to give people strategies and techniques for taking action against these injustices and helping to set things right again.

So, in order to achieve that outcome, we do these broadcasts every week on a Tuesday night between 8 and 10pm (AEDST) and we would love to receive listener's feedback and any questions they may have or suggestions for topics they would like us to cover via e-mail at or feel free to sms us at 0412 711 755 or call us on (03) 9017 5093.

I want to kick this week’s show off again with a couple of e-mails that our members and listeners have sent through because they highlight some important points again that I’m sure will be of interest to our listeners and I also want to quickly tell everyone about our extraordinarily successful Melbourne seminar that we held on Saturday.

Read out e-mails

So, there’s some food for thought as we go into our first break and, as always, we welcome your feedback and comments on those e-mails during the course of our upcoming break.

When we come back from the break, we will be talking about the important No Jab, No Pay legislation that was passed last week and how it affects far more people than most understand as, one of the things that they snuck into that legislation, is they now want to stop payments right up until the age of 20 to people who have not been vaccinated. I want to point out that we're not going to focus on whether you should or shouldn't vaccinate your child, that is entirely up to you but, as with all of the concepts that we discuss on our shows and in our seminars, it's about having a choice in life to do something or not do something, rather than being forced to do something by the powers-that-be.

So, as always, if you have any friends or family members that may not have tuned in yet, jump on the phone or post a message on Facebook, send them a quick text message or an e-mail and remind them that our show is on live, right now, in case they forgot.

Tell them to go to our website and click the Radio Show tab and listen in - or they can even listen on their mobile device now via Tune In as well. We're going to play a couple of songs now to give you a chance to do that and we will be back with our responses to your Facebook questions and posts shortly.

Play 2 song

Discussion with Darryl about vaccinations.

Play 2 songs

Discussions with Darryl.

Just before we go to our next break, I want to remind everyone about the various products and services that we have available that will A) be of great benefit to those who choose to take advantage of them and B) will assist us in generating the cash flow vital to keeping this group going.

Most listeners are now well aware of our Members area - which gives people the opportunity of downloading our fully edited podcasts, with all the music removed, just a few days after each show goes to air. Those Members also get access to a copy of our comprehensive shows notes for each broadcast as well.

In addition to that, we also have our new podcasts CDs, which currently contain our first 45 podcasts, which, again, have all the music edited out and that equates to about 70 hours of straight content. After tonight's show has been edited though, we will be making up our new podcast CDs and rather than having 3 CDs with 15 broadcasts each, we will instead have 3 CDs with 20 podcasts each but we will still provide each CD, and the multiple CD packs, at the same price as they currently are so you will be getting a 33% bonus with each CD if you want to wait a few days. We will let everyone know when those new podcast CDs are available but that should happen, if our editing guru is on top of things, like he usually is, within the next 24 hours.

The CDs contain all of our podcasts in an MP3 format and these can be played in most modern car CD players or, alternatively, you can simply transfer those files to your phone or tablet and listen to them whenever you like.

We believe that this is a great alternative to, or at least an addition to, the current mainstream radio stations that are out there and we guarantee that you will learn an incredible amount about your rights, about our laws in this country and about the truth by listening to these CDs as opposed to jut blindly listening to mainstream radio.

In addition to those podcast CD's, as we mentioned on our last few shows, we have now introduced a number of new products that you can order off our new Products page.

So, first up, we have a CD entitled "The Almanac of Evil", this CD contains a 159 page pdf that details The Vatican's misbehaviour throughout history and how they've brought private law into being and how they control us with their evil empire. This great read is available for just $25 from our new Products page, which can be found at -

Next, we have a full copy of the Annotated Quick and Garran Commonwealth Constitution also on a CD. Now, what makes this CD so unique is that it actually contains a full indexed version of the 1008 pages of the standard Quick and Garran Constitution.

As any of you who have struggled to make your way through that huge document will appreciate, the index makes it so quick and simple to find a specific topic that you are searching for. We now have that available on our Products page for just $45 which is an absolute bargain when you consider that a copy of the Commonwealth Constitution would normally cost you around $300 and it doesn't have that index!

And, finally, we have another disc that is actually a DVD that contains an incredible number of invaluable Law Dictionaries, including: All of the Black's Law Dictionaries from the 1st edition through to the 9th, Bouvier's, Ballantine's, Bloomsbury's and even the Oxford Law and Latin Dictionaries as well as the Dictionary of the Bible and the English Entymology Dictionary.

If you could even find a collection of all of those legal dictionaries, it would probably cost you thousands of dollars to collate them and put them all together on a single disc but, once again, we've done all the hard work for you. And, we're not charging $1,000, $500 or even $100 for that disc - although all of those prices could be very easily justified with the amount of invaluable information on them. Instead, our price is just $65.

So, please if you would like to purchase any of those products, and help support us in the meantime, you can do so via the brand new Products page on our website

We are also very happy to simply receive any small donations that people would like to make to help keep this radio show going and those can be made via the Paypal Donate button that you will find near the bottom of our Home page.

We also want to remind everyone that Christmas is literally "just around the corner" now and these products would make an excellent Christmas gift. Why waste money on something that most people will use once or twice and then discard, when you can give them an education about their rights and a powerful resource that they can keep and reefer to for years to come.

Please note that, as I mentioned before, I will be away on a much needed break with my family for a week so those products wont be mailed out until I get back from that break but they will definitely arrive before Christmas.

So, we're going to go to a quick song break and give you a chance to have a look over those products and place your orders for any that are of interest to you - any orders placed before lunchtime tomorrow will be sent out before I head off - and we will get the other orders out in the mail to you as soon as I return and, for those of you who would like to make a small donation, we will receive that from you very gladly.

When we come back from the break, we will be chatting to you about some very important information that came to our attention last week regarding private foundations and the absolutely unbelievable things that certain groups have been doing in regards to their clients foundations.

Play 2 songs

Those of you who attended this weekend's seminar in Melbourne would recall us relaying to you some extraordinary facts about how certain groups are dealing with private foundations. For the benefit of those who weren't able to attend, I will cover this information again because people need to be so careful about whose information they rely on and who they ended up choosing to set up certain structures for them.

Many of you would remember that, going back about 6 months or so, we were made aware of a certain group that had originally charged people $2,500 to set up a private foundation for them and were then claiming that the ATO had made changes to their rules and that necessitated this group changing their paperwork and they were then asking their clients to send them another $750 to rectify the paperwork that they hadn't done properly in the first place.

Now, one has to ask, if the private foundation had been set up correctly from the outset then why would any ATO changes even affect those foundations anyway - remember, the ATO has no authority over the private.

Well, the even bigger issue was that, even when people paid that exorbitant fee, the paperwork that they received form this group was still fundamentally flawed and was still not going to afford them the correct protection anyway!

We then heard about another group, who were also charging $2,500 to set up a private foundation and were then charging people a further $1,800 to set up a merchant facility, which anyone can do themselves, completely for free, through Paypal.

Now, all of that is pretty bad but, what we heard last week really shocked us. We also found out that one of the groups that currently charges $2,500 to set up a private foundation, also insists that those people 'contribute" a monthly fee, each and every month, to their own foundation!!!

This is not only outrageous but, in our view, borders on criminal behaviour because they are not, as far as we are aware, actually disclosing this information to their clients!

This new information is obviously of great concern to us because it negatively impacts on the information that we and other groups that we work with - in this instance, the Operate in the Private group - because people find out about this kind of thing happening and think that the whole thing is a scam and that anyone involved in these kinds of things are unscrupulous and that is, quite obviously, not the case.