1999 Michigan MLK Packet
Questions by Chicago C by Anne, Bryan, Chris, and Mitchell; edited by Mitchell Szczepanczyk.
1.Note: the first two pronouns do not refer to the answer. Brigadier-General Ezra Mannon returned from the Civil War, only to be killed by his wife Christine. In response, Christine’s daughter Lavinia urges her brother Orin to murder Christine. Guilt-ridden over Christine’s death, Orin then kills himself. This happens--for ten points—in what Orestia-inspired drama by Eugene O’Neill?
Answer:Mourning Becomes Electra
2.This island is made of the remnants of two volcanic cones—Iti, and Nui, separated by the isthmus of Taravao, Though claimed by Britain in 1767, it was seized by France after local unrest in 1880. For 10 points, name this Pacific island, the largest of the Windward group of the Society Islands, with its capital at Papeete.
Answer: Tahiti
3.It housed the Cloud Club, a tiny speakeasy lined with coded liquor lockers, and Tishman Speyer Properties bought it in November 1997. Located at 405 Lexington Avenue, Manhattan, it was the tallest building in the world when completed in 1930. For ten points, what art deco building with an arched pointed spire, designed by William Van Alen, was commissioned by a car company?
Answer: The Chrysler Building
4.The two main types are erythropoietic and hepatic. In the first, hemoglobin overproduction is in the bone marrow; in the second, the liver. Though the known cause is a defect in the iron heme, its victims were nocturnal, pale-skinned, and blood-hungry, and so was first named vampirism. For ten points, what disease is named after the Latin word for purple, porphyr?
Answer:porphyria(prompt if early: vampirism)
5.Your baby's first words are "Attention K-Mart shoppers." Your favorite T-shirt is offensive in thirteen states. Your idea of a seven-course meal is a bucket of KFC and a six-pack. If these describe you, then you might be, for ten points, what gem of the South according to Jeff Foxworthy?
Answer: rednecks (accept if early:Jeff Foxworthy)
6. Early awards of his included Back from an Opportunity magazine poetry prize in 1925, and the Witter Bynner Undergraduate Poetry Award in 1926, published the same year as his first book, The Weary Blues. For 10 points, name this controversial, leading poet from Missouri who wrote The Ways of White Folks, The Negro Speaks of Rivers, and "Dream Deferred."
Answer:(James Mercer) Langston Hughes
7.Set on the Kurukshetra field just before the start of an important battle is to begin, Prince Arjuna is uncertain about fighting against his friends, but Krishna explains the duty of a warrior, the nature of the human soul, and the proper way humans can reach God. For ten points, name this narrative poem in Book VI of the Mahabharata, the center of Hindu philosophy.
Answer: Bhagavad-Gita(Prompt on:"Song of the Lord.”)
8.It was first created in 1925 to help explain light emission from atoms. It does affect fermions; it doesn’t affect bosons. For 10 points, what physics principle led to the 1945 Nobel, and says that no two electrons can occupy the same state?
Answer:Pauli exclusionprinciple
9.Unit 1, in 1997, completed a continuous run of 616 days and 23 hours—a world record for uninterrupted operation of a light water nuclear reactor. Unit 2, however, suffered, on March 28, 1979, from a partial core meltdown. This is the tale of two towers in—for 10 points—what infamous Pennsylvania power plant?
Answer:Three Mile Island
10.His inscriptions, including one on the Bisitun (Behistun) rock in three languages, tell us some of his history. In 516 BCE, he failed to gain new land along the Danube, and the early years were spent quelling rebellions where he ruled from 521 to 486 BCE, most notably in Babylon. For ten points, name this great king of Persia.
Answer:Darius I or Darius the Great
11. He filled John Sherman’s senate seat when Sherman became secretary of state in 1897. In fact, he helped create the vacancy by directing the $3.5 million presidential campaign—heretofore the costliest campaign in US history—and getting the appointer, a fellow Ohioan, in the White House. For 10 points, name this campaign manager and “kingmaker” of William McKinley.
Answer: Marc Hannaor Marcus Alonzo Hanna
12.It’s the first airline to offer fresh brewed coffee on flights, was downsized by Carl Icahn in the early 1990s, and since 1988 has recovered from bankruptcy twice. For 10 points, name this St. Louis-based carrier, founded in 1930 with the merger of Western Air and Transcontinental.
answer:Trans WorldAirlines or TWA
13. Britain agreed to leave the Northwest Territory by June 1, 1796, the USA and Britain agreed to arrange a joint commission to determine Canada’s border with the USA, and the Mississippi was open for both countries. These were the conditions--for ten points—for what treaty, signed in 1794 by Baron William Grenville, and by the namesake, the first chief justice of the U.S. supreme court.
Answer:JayTreaty or Jay’s Treaty
14.She founded a "thiasos", a society of women bound by religious and secular oaths. She also invented a 21-string lyre to use when she sang her poems, including "ToAndromeda" and “On the throne of many hues, Immortal Aphrodite." For 10 points, name this “tenth muse” born on the island of Lesbos.
Answer:Sapphoor Psappho
15.In 1998, its president of 8 years, the Reverend Canann Banana, was sentenced to 22 years in jail. Just days after food riots occurred here, all 54 Cabinet members got new Mercedes-Benzes. For 10 points, what African country saw a new party founded by Margaret Dongo to challenge Robert Mugabe in the capital Harare.
Answer:Republic of Zimbabwe
16.Joseph Sobek had an office job in a rubber manufacturing plant in Bridgeport, Connecticut, who in 1950 with a platform tennis paddle and the core of a tennis ball, founded a game which requires 21 points for victory. For 10 points, name this fast sport played in a tennis court that's indoors.
17.A Western Tech graduate, he joined the Department of External Services for agent Peter Thornton, who went on to found the Phoenix Foundation. He feared weapons after seeing a childhood friend accidentally die, and he instead relied on his wits and his Swiss Army knife. For 10 points, what TV character disliked his first name, Angus, and was played by Richard Dean Anderson.
Answer: Angus MacGyver
18.It claims that Xenu, the ruler of a 26-planet galactic federation, banished humans 75 million years ago. It further describes humans as clusters of spirits that were trapped in ice. For 10 points, name this sect which encourages "processing," founded in 1954 by L. Ron Hubbard.
Answer:Church of Scientology
19.Prosecutor David G. Gorcyca filed a first-degree murder charge for the death of Thomas Youk. The charge was filed in Oakland County, Michigan, and the death was videotaped, aired on national television, and was supervised—for 10 points—by what controversial euthanasist?
Answer:Dr. Jack Kevorkian
20.His Species Plantarum, published in 1753, lists the oldest plant names still valid today, while the oldest animal names are in the tenth edition of his 1758 Systema Naturae, which first consistently used the binomial system. For 10 points, name this Swede whose medical career turned to botany and then taxonomy in naming species.
Answer:Carolus Linnaeusor Carl Linnaeusor CarlVon Linné
21.This region's highest point is Clingman's Dome at 6,643 feet. It was explored by Arnold Guyot and North Carolina senator Thomas L. Clingman, and attractions include the Blue Ridge Parkway, some of the Appalachian Trail, and a national park with the same name. For 10 points, what western region of the Appalachian Mountains is named for the its characteristic haze?
Answer: Great Smoky Mountains or The Smokies
22.Until 1913, he edited the journal that he founded in 1893--Annee Sociologique. He also wrote "The Division of Labor in Society," and "The Rules of the Sociological Method." For 10 points, name this French sociologist who also wrote a study about killings in which individual acts reflects social phenomena called "Suicide."
answer:Emile Durkheim
23.It was founded in 1934 by Myron E. Scott, who, in June 1933, went to get some photos of kids at play and saw some other kids coasting down Big Hill Road. It was first held at Burkart Hill in Dayton, and Chevrolet sponsored—for 10 points—what youth racing program?
Answer:All-American Soap Box Derby
24.Intensity is graded on a scale from 1 to 6; with six being the loudest. Pitch is high or low; and quality is described as harsh, soft, blowing, musical, or rumbling. FTP, name this cardiovascular condition with the cardiosounds "Lub Dup Swish" that gets its name from a quiet noise associated with a hushed conversation.
Answer:murmuror heart murmur
25.These items cost $500 in Southwest LA, $150 in Chechnya, and $17 in Iraqi Kurdistan. It fires intermediate-power 7.62-millimetre ammunition, and can be disassembled with just a knife blade. FTP, name this weapon, invented by Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1947.
Answer:AK-47or Kalashnikov Model 1947or Avtomat Kalashnikov
1.Your category: Irish literature.
(5)For five points, what author left Ireland in 1904, and composed most of his famous works in Paris, including “Ulysses” and “Finnegan’s Wake.”
Answer: James (Augustine Aloysius) Joyce
(10)For ten points, what other writer who met Joyce 1928 and who, unlike Joyce, wasawarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, in 1969.
Answer: Samuel (Barclay) Beckett
(15)For 15 points, name Beckett’s first novel, whose title character enters a mental institution looking for peace.
Answer: Murphy
2.Name the major league baseball team, 30-20-10.
(30)On April 26, 1941, it became the first such team to install an organ at their home field.
(20)In 1908, they won their second consecutive World Series, in part as a result from ahistoric blunder by Giant Fred Merckel.
(10)In 1988, this NL-central team became the last team to install lights at their home field, named for a chewing gum magnate.
Answer:Chicago Cubs
Prompt on:Chicago
3.One party was defended before the Supreme Court by Montgomery Blair and George T. Curtis. The other party claimed ownership after the death of John Emerson. For 10 points per answer:
(10/10)Name the parties in this 1857 case that made slavery legal in all the territories.
Answer: Dred Scott, John F. Sanford
(10)What chief justice declared in the majority opinion that African-Americans are not citizens of the U.S.?
Answer:Roger B(rooke) Taney
4.Name these German cities after one clue for 15 or after another for five.
(15)It has the second-largest number of foreign consulates of any city in the world, and has the world's largest roofed warehouse, the Ubersee-Zentrum.
(5)Downstream of the Elbe River, in the German state that shares its name, it was home to Brahms, Mendelssohn, and a massive seaport.
(15)Benedictine monks first bridged across the Isar River. It was controlled by the Wittelsbach family for some 700 years.
(5)In 1923, it was where the National Socialist Party's Beer Hall Putshcin took place.
5.Name the Kennedy, 30-20-10.
(30)He founded the non-profit Citizens Energy Corporation to provide heating oil to low income families.
(20) He is the eldest son of Robert and Ethel Kennedy; a book by his ex-wife, Sheila Rauch, was harshly critical of him.
(10)A congressional representative from 1986 to 1998, he stepped down after controversy caused by his brother, Michael’s, behavior.
Answer: Joseph Kennedy IIor Joe Kennedy
6. A baroque bonus.
(5)For five points, name the Italian Baroque painter whose models includedprostitutes and thieves for realistic paintings, including The Musicians.
Answer: Caravaggioor Michelangelo Merisi
(10)For ten points, what is the term for the distribution of light and dark in a painting that Caravaggio used for dramatic effect?
Answer: chiaroscuro
(15)For 15 points, name the French Baroque painter, best known for his shadowy paintingswith religious subjects and chiaroscuro, including “Sebastian Tended by St. Irene.”
Answer: George de La Tour
7. Your category: photosynthesis.
(5)For fivepoints, what is the organelle involved in photosynthesis?
(5/5)For five points each, which two green pigments are responsible for trapping sunlight in plants to start the photosynthetic reaction?
Answer:chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b
Prompt on partial answer
(15)Next, for fifteen points, into which part does the carbon dioxide enter the plant to proceed with light and dark reactions?
Answer:stomataor stomate
8.Name these philosophers who worked in social contract theory.
(5)For five points, A skeptical character named Glaucon presents the example of ashepherd named Gyges in his work, the Republic.
(10)For 10 points, the definitive statement of social contract theory is found in Chapters 13 through 15 of whose Leviathan?
Answer:Thomas Hobbes
(15)Who argued that a group of rational and impartial people willestablish a mutually beneficial principle of justice in his 1971 book, A Theory of Justice
Answer:John Rawls
9.Your category: Russian Fine Art. 5-10-15:
(5)What composer of Peter and the Wolf wrote the music from the 1940 ballet Romeo and Juliet?
Answer:Sergey (Sergeyevich) Prokofiev
(10) Prokofiev also wrote the music for what 1938 Sergey Eisenstein film about a Russian hero?
Answer: Alexander Nevskyor Aleksandr Nevsky
(15)Eisenstein based one of his earlier Soviet propaganda films, October, on what book by John Reed?
Answer: Ten Days That Shook the World
10.For 10 points each, answer these questions about J.C. Watts.
(10)Watts was the first black to claim elective office in what state?
Answer:Oklahomaor OK
(10)Watts played for the University of Oklahoma football team, and led the team in 1980 and 1981 to win which major bowl game?
(10)Watts was the only African-American member of Congress not to be a part of what joint action group?
Answer:Congressional Black Caucusor CBC
11.It is a diprotic acid from which hydrogen carbonates and carbonates can be formed. For 15 points each:
(15)Name this molecule, formed in small amounts when carbon dioxide is dissolved in water.
answer:carbonic acidor H3CO2
(15)The conversion of carbon dioxide to carbonic acid is facilitated by which enzyme?
Answer:carbonate anhydrase
12.Name the movie given a quote for 15, or for five if you need another clue.
(15)"Be careful what you shoot at... most things in here don't react too well to bullets."
(5)Sean Connery spoke the line, playing submarine captain Marko Ramius.
answer: The Hunt For Red October
(15)"No need to stop being a lady. Quit worryin'. You'll be back on your knees in no time."
(5)Jack Nicholson played writer Melvin Udall in this James Brooks film.
answer: As Good As It Gets
13.Charles Kennard founded the Kennard Novelty Company and in 1890 began producing the first commercial versions of them. However, Kennard was later bought out by his former shop foreman, William Fuld. For 10 points each,
(10)As a result, Fuld became the “father” of what supposedly talking board?
Answer:Ouija(WEE-ja or WEE-jee) board
(10)The Ouija board uses what heart-shaped table as a pointer?
Answer:a planchette
(10)What three words are answers on a Ouija board?
Answer:Yes, No, Goodbye
14.5-10-15, name the country that is home to these economic indices.
Answer:Federal Republic of Germany or Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Answer:Federative Republic of Brazil
(15)CAC 40
15.In 1998, Ruth Dreifuss became its first female president and its first Jewish president.
(5)For five, name this mountainous, landlocked European country, famous for its bank accounts.
(10)Switzerland is a federal republic comprised of 20 full and six half types of which political constituent body?
(15)Dreifuss succeeded which president in Switzerland’s annual rotating presidency?
Answer:Arnold Kohle
16. Because it's been banned from the Ann B. Davis, a bonus on the Wheel of Time series.
(5)For five points, name the author.
Answer:Robert Jordan
(10)For 10 points, name the protagonist.
Answer:Rand al'thor
(15)For 15 points, name the town in which all of these people were raised.
Answer:Two Rivers
17. You have 10 seconds per part for this bonus. Two bicycles start out twenty miles apart and travel to each other at ten miles per hour. A bee travels back and forth between bikes at ten miles per hour, and instantaneously touches each bike before flying back. For 15 points each:
(15)How long does it take for the bikes to reach one another?
Answer:one houror equivalents
(15)When the bikes finally do meet, how far has the bee traveled?