Annual Conference


Marriott Hotel & Suites

Augusta, Georgia

20-22 April 2012

Office of the

Georgia Wing Commander

20 April 2012


Welcome to the 2012 Georgia Wing Conference.

In December of 2011, Civil Air Patrol celebrated its 70th birthday. A tradition of service to our communities, states and nation are a part of CAP’s long and proud history. I believe that we have a very bright future ahead.

This conference is an opportunity to celebrate the past, the present and the future. During our conference, we will meet with friends and colleagues to share stories of success and failure, to learn what worked and did not work and find new ideas about how to face the challenges ahead.

We will also celebrate our members who have achieved outstanding successes in the past year. We will learn information about new technologies and ideas that will help us in our jobs and we will share ideas about how to better serve our communities, state and nation in the months and years ahead.

Thank you for joining us for this conference. I hope you find your time to be well spent and very enjoyable.

Best regards,

Tonya R. Boylan

Tonya R. Boylan, Col, CAP

Commander, Georgia Wing

4115 South Airport Dr. Atlanta, Georgia 30336



Friday Evening – April 20, 2012

1530 – 1800 / Registration / Registration
Booth A & B
1800 – 2100 / Evening Social / Plaza PreFunction
2000 – 2100 / Group Commanders Meeting / Lamar C

Saturday Morning – April 21, 2012

0645 – 0800 / Continental Breakfast / Main PreFunction
0715 – 0900 / Registration (Pre-Registered)
Registration (On-Site) / Registration
Booth A & B
0800 – 1030 / General Session
Master of Ceremonies / Oglethorpe ABCD
Call to Order
Entrance of Head Table
Posting of the Colors / National Anthem
Welcome & Introductions
Safety Briefing
Nat’l Headquarters Briefing
SE Region Briefing
GA Wing Briefing / Maj Chris Savage
Donnie Rowland
Col Al Bedgood
Col Tonya Boylan
Awards Presentation
1030 – 1045 / Morning Break / Main PreFunction
Saturday - 1st Breakout Period
1045 – 1200 / Q & A with Wing Staff / Oglethorpe ABCD
1045 – 1200 / Commanders’ Call
Col Tonya Boylan
Commander, GAWG
(All Unit Commanders Required) / Lamar A
1045 – 1200 / Cadet Conference – Guest Speakers / Oglethorpe G
Saturday Lunch
1200 – 1300 / Commanders Luncheon
Col Tonya Boylan
Commander, GAWG / Lamar A
(Unit Commanders Only)
1200 – 1300 / Lunch – on your own
Saturday – 2nd Breakout Period
1300 – 1650 / Seminars
1300 – 1500 / Bradford Academic Bowl / Oglethorpe H
1300 – 1350
1300 – 1350 / Airborne Photography – Birds Eye View
Cadet Conference – Uniforms / Terrace
Oglethorpe G
1300 – 1350 / Chaplains / CDI Reporting / Moody
1300 – 1350 / Recruiting & Retention / Oglethorpe F
1300 – 1350 / Operations – CAPR 60-1 (Aircrew) / Hamilton A
1300 – 1350
1300 – 1350 / Operations – FRO / WMIRS
PDO – Role in the Unit / Hamilton B
Walsh B
1400 – 1450 / Communications – Radio Usage / Terrace
1400 – 1450 / Chaplains – Role in CAP / Moody
1400 – 1450 / National Curator – 70 yrs of History / Lamar A
1400 – 1450 / Operations – Check Pilot Update / Hamilton A
1400 – 1450
1400 – 1450 / Operations – CAP/FAA Wings Program
Cadet Conference – NCSA / Hamilton B
Oglethorpe G
1400 – 1450
1400 – 1450 / Pro Dev – How to Direct and Teach
DDR Workshop / Walsh B
Oglethorpe F
1450 – 1510 / Afternoon Break / Prefunction
1500 – 1550 / Information Tech – Website Usage / Terrace
1500 – 1550 / Cadet Conference – E-Services / Oglethorpe G
1500 – 1550 / Cadet Programs for Seniors / Oglethorpe F
1500 – 1550
1500 – 1550 / Safety: Intro to Safety – Back to Basics
Character Dev – Instructor Seminar / Walsh B
1500 – 1550 / Personnel – Awards / Lamar A
1600 – 1650
1600 – 1650
1600 – 1650
1600 – 1650
1600 – 1650
1600 – 1650
1600 – 1730 / SER Communications: 2012 Comm Plan
Sqdn Finance: New GAWG Forms
Logistics: ORMS Usage
AE: Glider School for IPs, AEOs, Cadets
Squad Fund Raising: Wreaths / America
Cadet Conference – CPFT
Meet & Greet – Col Eric Boe / Terrace
Lamar A
Hamilton A
Hamilton B
Oglethorpe G
Oglethorpe H
1700 – 1800 / Personal Time

Saturday Evening – April 21, 2012

1800 – 1850 / Reception / Main PreFunction
1900 – 2100 / Banquet (Ticket Event Only) / Oglethorpe ABCD
2100 – 0030 / After Banquet Party / Oglethorpe ABCD

Sunday Morning – April 22, 2012

0800 – 0900 / Breakfast (Ticket Event Only) / Plaza Lobby
0900 – 1000 / Chapel Services / Lamar A
1000 – 1200 / Q & A with Command Staff
(Open to all members) / Lamar A
1200 / Conference Ends