"World Languages: Speak Up, Speak Out"


United Federation of Teachers Conference Center, 52 Broadway, New York, NY 10004

Each workshop will be 1 hour and 10 min. The presenter must provide all materials.

Preference will be given to workshops that present a problem facing NYC foreign language teachers and invite participation in an attempt to solve that problem; and/or demonstrate a classroom practice or technique that you have developed that responds to a particular need.

Name: Richard Alan Korb

Home address: 601 W.113th St. NY, NY Zip Code: 10025

Home telephone: 212-316-3387 E-Mail:

School of Affiliation: Columbia University, Department of Germanic Languages

School Address: Germanic Languages, 319 Hamilton Hall, NY NY

Zip Code: 10027

School tel: 212-854-3202 NYSAFLT member: Yes___ No x

A/V Equipment Required: internet connection, lcd projector compatible with Macintosh G4 laptop computer

If you have a co-presenter, kindly attach a duplicate form with his/her information.

In the box below, please type a description of the workshop you would like to present. Kindly send your proposal

Storyboarding in FL Classroom
Student-produced video using "storyboarding" is storytelling that provides language learners opportunities to practice all three modes of communication. Intermediate German students, for example, interpret narratives and visuals from "Lola rennt". Teams interact using storyboards to compose, shoot, and edit their versions. Presentation takes place at a departmental screening.
At THE 2006 NYSAFLT-NYCAFLT/UFT ANNUAL PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE, I focus on storyboarding as key to student communication powers.
·  Storyboarding trains language learners to break down ideas into small segments and to negotiate in teams the final sequence that works best to tell their story.
·  Each segment contains 1) some type of visual representation of what's to be seen, 2) proposed written script, and 3) instructions regarding camera angle, music, props, etc. Simplified focusing reinforces clear communication at various proficiency levels.
·  Storyboards enable students to see the entire presentation from start to finish, segment by segment, and to identify problems along the way before production begins.
·  From brainstorming to researching and writing script, storyboarding activities reinforce factual, auditory, visual and reproduction components goals.
My presentation introduces and demonstrates storyboarding as a language-learning tool:
·  Sampling of pertinent research on video in language instruction
·  Tips for organizing student video production at various language levels
·  Storyboard basics and worksheets
·  "Lola rennt"-inspired storyboard samples and video products
·  Bibliography and access to my website w/ video vocabulary and production resources in Chinese, English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Italian, and Spanish
Presentation needs: Internet connection; laptop-projector with Macintosh connectors

by June 1, 2006 to: by June 30, 2006 to:

Gary Milgrom Ronnie Maibaum

3965 Sedgwick Ave. 3131 Mott Ave.

Bronx, NY 10463 Far Rockaway, NY 11691
