August, 2010

Curriculum Vita

Frank L. Friedman


Department of Computer and Information Science

College of Science and Technology


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (1970-74)

Ph.D. Computer Science (1974)

Thesis Title: Decompilation and the Transfer of Operating Systems for

Small General-Purpose Computers

M.S. Computer Science (1972)

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (1967-69)

M.S. Num. Sci. (1969)

Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, OH (1965-66)

Department of Mathematics; Department of Computer Science

Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH (1960-65)

B.A. Mathematics, 1965


Object Oriented Analysis, Design and Programming Paradigms

Software Design Methods and Tools

Software Metrics - Quantitative Measures of Software Quality

Software Portability and Adaptability

Programming Languages and Language Processor Design

Computer Science Education


(1974-present) Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122

Division of Computer and Information Sciences

Full Professor (1990 - present)

Department Chairman (1985-1988, 1992-2002)

Associate Chairman (2005-2007)

Associate Professor (1978-1990)

On leave (1989-90)

On leave (1984-85)

Assistant Professor (1974 -78)

(Spring, 2005) University Study Leave Award (for study related to the infusion

of new software development technology in the CIS Department undergraduate


(1989-1990) Software Engineering Institute,

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

Visiting Computer Scientist

Professional Experience (continued)

(1984-1985) Computer Sciences Corp., Moorestown, NJ 08057

Senior Computer Scientist, Defense Systems Division

(1967-70) Goucher College, Towson, MD 21204

Assistant Director, Computer Center

Instructor, Mathematics (1967-69)

Director, Computer Center and Lecturer, Mathematics (1969-70)

(1960-67) USN Ship Research and Development Cntr, Annapolis, MD

Student Trainee, Statistics and Computer Center (1960-65)

Computer Programmer/Analyst, Computer Center (1966-67)


ACM Fellow, induction, March, 1994.

ACM Outstanding Contribution Award, March, 1994.

CIS Department Service Award, Temple University Student Chapter,

1982 and 1983.

Outstanding Teacher Award, CIS Department, Temple University ACM Chapter, 1983.

Computer Sciences Corporation, third place award in the company sponsored Systems Group 1985

Professional Paper Competition for the paper "Modeling a Real-Time Embedded Computer System

Using Ada: Some Preliminary Results".



***Refereed Papers and Proceedings

(with R. Tewari) "A Framework for Incorporating Object Oriented Software Engineering in the Undergraduate Curriculum", Computer Science Education, Vol 4, pp. 45-62, December, 1993.

(with R. Tewari) "Object Oriented Software Engineering in the Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum", OOPSLA 92 Educators Symposium, Vancouver BC, October, 18-22, 1992.

(with R. Tewari) "The Impact of Object Oriented Software Engineering in the Introductory Computer Science Curriculum", OOPS Messenger, Vol. 4. No. 2., pp. 289-292, Apr - June, 1993.

(with R. Tewari) "Incorporating Object Oriented Concepts in the Undergraduate

Computer Science Curriculum", Proceedings of the Sixth SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education, San Diego, CA, October 5-7, 1992.

"A Separate Undergraduate Software Engineering Degree Considered Harmful," Proceedings of the 1989 SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education, N. Gibbs, editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, July, 1989.

"The Teaching and Practice of Software Design Concepts Early in the CIS Curriculum", Computers and Education, Spring, 1987, Vol. 2, pp. 291-303.

(with Paul A. T. Wolfgang) "Choosing Appropriate Ada Tasking Models for Real-Time Embedded Computer Systems", Defense Electronics, Spring, 1987.

(with A. Giacomucci) "Capsules: A Data Type Abstraction Facility for Pascal", Proceedings of the 1981 ACM National Conference, Los Angeles, CA, November, 1981, pp. 154-160.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) "Teaching Problem Solving and Structured Programming in FORTRAN", International Journal on Computers in Education (2,3), Pergamon Press, April, 1978, pp. 235 - 45.

"An Adaptable Programming System for the Transport of Assembly- Coded Systems Software", Proceedings of the European Computer Conference, London, England, September, 1976, pp. 515-532.

"Decompilation and the Transfer of Assembly-Coded Mini-Computer Systems Programs", Proceedings of the MRI Symposium on Software Engineering, Vol. XXIV, New York, NY, April, 1976, pp. 301-330.

(with Victor B. Schneider) "A Systems Implementation Language for Small Computers", Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN-SIGOPS Interface Workshop, Savannah, Georgia, April, 1973, pp. 60-63.


(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving Abstraction and Design Using C++, Addison-Wesley Corporation, Sixth Edition, Winter 2010.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving Abstraction and Design Using C++, Addison-Wesley Corporation, Fifth Edition, January, 2007.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving Abstraction and Design Using C++, Addison-Wesley Corporation, Fourth Edition, July, 2003.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++ (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley Corporation, February, 2000.

(with Elliot B. Koffman and Robin Koffman) Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++ (Vector Version), for High School AP Courses, Addison-Wesley Corporation, August, 1998.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++ (2nd Edition), Addison-Wesley Corporation, December, 1996.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++, Addison-Wesley Corporation, March, 1994.

(with Jeri, R. Hanly and Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving and Program Design in C, Addison-Wesley Corporation, January, 1993.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving and Structured Programming in FORTRAN 77 (Fifth Edition, with Science and Engineering Applications), Addison-Wesley Corporation, March, 1992.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving and Structured Programming in FORTRAN 77 (Fourth Edition, with Science and Engineering Applications), Addison-Wesley Corporation, February, 1990.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving and Structured Programming in FORTRAN 77 (Third Edition), Addison-Wesley Corporation, December, 1986.

with Elliot B. Koffman) BASIC, Introduction al lenguaje y resolucion de problemas con programacion estructurada (Spanish Translation by Domitilo Libreras and Abdon Sanchez S.), Sistemas Tecnicos de Edicion, S.A. de C.V., Mexico, D.F., 1986.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving in Structured BASIC-PLUS, Addison-Wesley Reading, MA, January, 1984.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) FORTRAN, Introduction al lenguaje y resolucion de problemas con programacion estructurada (Spanish Trans. by Ruy R. Ballester and Eduardo Zuluaga), Fondo Educativo Interamericano, S.A. de C.V., Mexico, 1984.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving and Structured Programming in FORTRAN (Russian Translation), USSR Publication, 1983.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving and Structured Programming in WATFIV, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, March, 1982.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving and Structured Programming in FORTRAN, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, February, 1981.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving and Structured Programming in BASIC, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, March, 1979.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) Problem Solving and Structured Programming in FORTRAN, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, April, 1977.

***Other Papers and Proceedings (lightly or not refereed)

(with Giora Baram) "Should Commercial Software Packages be Used in the Classroom?", ACM SIGCSE Bulletin (20, 3), September, 1988, pp. 32-33.

(with Paul A. T. Wolfgang) "Modeling a Real-Time Embedded Computer System using Ada", Proceedings of the Workshop on Reusable Components of Applications Software, Naval Research Lab, Washington, D.C., April, 1985.

"Computer Literacy Considered Harmful", Interface (5, 3), Fall, 1983, pp. 78-79.

(with A. Giacomucci, C. Ginsberg, A. Girton) "The Use of Generic Capsules with the University of Minnesota Pascal 6000 Compiler", Pascal News (The Pascal User's Group), No. 25, April, 1983, pp. 16-23.

"FORTRAN 77: Impact on Teaching Problem Solving and Structured Program-ming", Proceedings of the 1980 National Education Computer Conference, pp. 103-111.

(with Judith A. Stebulis) "An Undergraduate Compiler Laboratory", ACM SIGCSE Bulletin (11, 1), February, 1979, pp. 28-36.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) "A Computer-Aided Flow-Diagram Teaching System", Proceedings of the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Anaheim, CA, February, 1976, pp. 350-354.

(with Elliot B. Koffman) "Some Pedagogic Considerations for Teaching Introductory Programming Using Structured FORTRAN", Proceedings of the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Anaheim, CA, February, 1976, pp. 1-10.

"An Experience in Teaching Disciplined Programming at an Elementary Level",

ACM SIGCSE Bulletin (7, 3), September, 1975,pp. 38-43.

"A Programming Language for Mini-Computer Systems", Machine Oriented Languages Bulletin, No. 3, Mark Rain, Editor, Norwegian Institute of Technology, University of Trondheim, Norway, October 1973.

"A Systems Oriented Target Language for Decompiling", ACM SIGPLAN Notices (8, 9), September, 1973, pp. 32-44.

"Unformatted FORTRAN Input/Output for the IBM 1130 Computer", COMMON Proceedings, St. Louis, MO, April, 1970, pp. 352-374.

"Four IBM 1130 System Modifications Useful in a Student Environment", COMMON Proceedings, St. Louis, MO, April, 1970, pp 211-221.


(with Mary Jane Irwin) “The CRA Taulbee Report,” CRA Newsletter (CRN). (March 2000)

"Issues Affecting Software Productivity Due to the Introduction of Ada", Technical Report No. SP-IRD 4, Computer Sciences Corporation, Moorestown, New Jersey, June, 1985.

(with Daniel T. Joyce) "Data Abstraction and Software Metrics: A Quasi-Experiment", Department of Computer and Information Science Technical Report 85-01, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, March, 1985.

"A Methodology (with Examples) for Introducing Structured Design Concepts in the Early Stages of a CIS Curriculum", Department of Computer Sciences Technical Report 84-04, Temple University, Phila., PA, September, 1984.

(with George W. Cox) "FRECL: An Intermediate Language for the Transfer and Implementation of Systems Progress", Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Technical Report 76-03, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, Jan., 1976.

"A Structure Oriented Extended FORTRAN", Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Technical Report 76-04, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, July, 1976.

"Object Code Improvement in CDC 6500 FORTRAN Compilers: A Comparison", PUCC In-House Document K2-FTRNOPT, Purdue University Computing Center, West Lafayette, Indiana, September, 1972.

"An Algorithm and FORTRAN Subprograms for Finding All Root Polynomial Equations with Real Coefficients", IBM Type 4 Contributed Program Library, Number 1130-42.02.001, March, 1969.

(with D. V. Sommer, A. Fields, A. C. McPaul) Signal Processing and Analysis Routines (SPAR) for the IBM System/360 Computer, Electrical Laboratory, U. S. Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Annapolis, MD, Project Number S-F1-1-321, Task 1522, October, 1968.

"Unformatted Read Subroutine", IBM Type 4 Contributed Program Library, Number 1130-7.0.001, November, 1967.

*** Other

“Solving the IT Workforce Problem: Growing Our Own Seedcorn,” Guest Column, The Philadelphia

Inquirer, Philly Tech Magazine, April, 1999.

*** Ph.D. Thesis

Decompilation and the Transfer of Mini-Computer Operating Systems, Department of Computer Science,

Purdue University, West Lafayette,Indiana, August, 1974.

***Work in Progress

"A Perspective on the History of Software Design" (paper).


(with R. Tewari): NSF Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Development Program (UCCD), $75,000

for each of 2 years, "Incorporating Object-Oriented Concepts in the Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum," May, 1992 - May, 94.

(with R. Tewari) NSF Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement Program (ILI), $55,803, 30 months,

with matching $55,803 from Temple University, "Incorporating Object-Oriented Concepts in the Intro-

ductory Computer Science Sequence," July, 1992 - Dec, 1994.

Summer Research Grant, Sperry-Univac, 1977. Project: A Descriptive Representational Form for

Assembly Language Computer Programs ($1500).

Faculty Research Incentive Grant, Temple University, May 7, 1982 to June 30, 1983. Project: A Study

of the Relationship Between Software Quality and the Use of Data Abstraction in Programming ($3650).


Sigal Mathalone -- A Behaviorally-Based Methodology for Real-Time System Specifications (completed

in May, 1994).

Daniel T. Joyce -- The Evaluation of Abstraction-Based Programming Methodologies on Selected Phases

of the Software Life-Cycle (completed in August, 1986).


Jonathan Weinstock, Management of Distributed Applications in Standardized Networked Computing Environments (completed in Spring, 1996)

James Wood, EMS to Support Group Deliberation: A Study of the Management of Complexity (completed

in August, 1993).

Jane Turk, Event Oriented Design: An Augmentation to Real Time Systems Design (completed, Spring, 1991).

Girish Subramanian, Designing a Situation Specific Development Effort Estimation Model Using Expert Judgement (completed in Spring, 1990).

Margaret Christensen, Explanation Generation from Algebraic Specification Through Hyperresolution and Demodulation Automated Heuristic Assistance (completed in Fall, 1987).


Co-Chair, Department Chairs’ Workshop, SIGCSE 2010 41st Annual Conference on Computer Science Education, Milwaukee, WI, March, 2010.

Co-Chair, Department Chairs’ Workshop, SIGCSE 2009 40th Annual Conference on Computer Science Education, Chattanooga, TN, March, 2009.

Invited participant, Panel on Opportunities & Challenges for Teaching in Academia, Grace Hopper Celebration of Women 1n Computing 2008, October, 2008, Keystone Resort, Colorado (Invited and prepared and submitted all statements and materials but could not attend due to physical issues)

Invited participant, Microsoft Academic Alliance Conference, University of MD, College Park, MD, January 12-13, 2005.

"Perspectives on Social Responsibility for the computing field,"Panel Session, 1992 ACM CSC, Kansas

City, MO, March 1992.

"An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming," presented at "Computing in the 90s, a Conference on Undergraduate Instruction," sponsored by NJ Institute for Collegiate Teaching and Learning, Montclair,

New Jersey, October, 1990.

"A Little Bit of Software Engineering," Northwest Ohio Chapter of the ACM, Toledo, OH, April, 1990.

SEI Workshop on Programming Environments in Education, July, 1989, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, July, 1989.

"An Academic's View of the Real World," invited talk to Information Services Staff at Merck, Sharp and

Dohme, West Point, PA, March, 1986.

"Abstraction-Based Programming in Pascal", Philadelphia Stock Exchange Computer Sciences

Colloquium, Philadelphia, PA August, 1983.

"Abstraction-Based Programming: Can It Really Work?", Princeton, NJ Chapters of the ACM and IEEE, Princeton, NJ, May, 1983.

"Using Data Abstraction Techniques and Language Features in Programming", Jamestown Community

Math/CIS Colloquium, Jamestown, NY, April, 1983.

"Current Trends in Computer Science Education", Rutgers University Workshop in Computer Science

Education, Camden, NJ, April 1983.

"Programs, Preparation, and Careers in Computer Science", Defense Personnel Support Center,

Philadelphia, PA, February, 1983.

"A Case for Abstraction-Based Programming", Purdue University Computer Sci-ence Dept Twentieth

Anniversary Colloquium West Lafayette, Indiana, Nov, 1982.

"FORTRAN 77, What's In It For You?", Temple University Department of Mathematics Colloquium,

Philadelphia, PA, April, 1979.

A. University Committees

Committee on Administrative and Trustee Appointments (CATA), 1993-95, 1999-December, 2004,

September 2006 – present.

Chairman, Faculty Herald Advisory Committee, July, 2006 – present.

University Representative Faculty Senate, 1994-December, 2004; Fall 2007 – present.

University Banner Student System Advisory Committee (November, 2009 – present)

Provost’s Academic Strategic Planning, Work Group #6, Enabling Temple as an Urban Serving University