Work address: Kidney Center

Children’s Hospital Colorado

13123 East 16th. Avenue, B 328

Aurora, CO 80045

Phone: (720) 777-6263

Citizenship: German

Visa Status: Permanent U.S. Resident Alien

Professional Activity

1983-1989 : Medical student at the University of Heidelberg (Germany)

1987/88 : Junior medical student at the University of Massachusetts

Medical School (Worcester, MA)

1988/89 : Eight months as senior medical student at the Medical University

of South Carolina (Charleston, SC)

Feb. 1990 - July 1991 : (German equivalent of) Internship ("Arzt im Praktikum") in

Internal Medicine, Medical University (Medizinische Hochschule), Hannover

Sep. 1991 - Jan. 1995 : Internship/residency/chief residency in Pediatrics, University of South Alabama Medical Center, Mobile, AL

Feb. 1995 - Jan. 1998 : Fellowship in Pediatric Nephrology, Tulane University Medical Center (New Orleans, LA)

Feb. 1998 - Nov. 2002: Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Section of Pediatric Nephrology,

University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY (Director of Pediatric Hypertension Clinic since 2000)

Dec. 2002 - Aug. 2012: Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Director of Kidney

Transplantation, Nephrology and Hypertension Division, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC)

2008 - June 2015 : Clinical Director, Nephrology and Hypertension Division,


Sep. 2012 - June 2015: Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Medical Director of Kidney

Transplantation, and Associate Director, Integrated Solid Organ Transplant Center, CCHMC

Aug. 2014 - June 2015: Associate Co-Director, Nephrology and Hypertension Division,


July 2015 - : Professor of Pediatrics, Section Head (Pediatric Nephrology) and

Medical Director of Kidney Transplantation, Children’s Hospital

Colorado, Aurora

Medical Licensures and Board Certifications

July 1990 : Foreign Medical Graduate Examination of Medical Sciences (U.S.)

1991 : German Medical License

June 1992 : Federal Licensing Exam (U.S.)

1993 : Medical License, Alabama

1994 : Medical License, Louisiana

October 1994, June : Board Certification and Re-certification in General Pediatrics,

2002, December 2008 American Board of Pediatrics

1997 : Medical License, Kentucky

November 1999, Oc- : Board Certification and Re-certifications in Pediatric Nephrology,

tober 2006, December American Board of Pediatrics


February 2003 : Medical License, Ohio

Academic Interests

Cytokine Signal Transduction in T Lymphocytes

Pediatric Kidney Transplantation

Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome

Grant Support


NIH UO1 grant: Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKID, PIs: S. Furth, MD, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Baltimore, MD and B. Warady, MD, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO), ongoing as of 06/30/2015

Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium: Assessing and Implementing Transition to Adult Care in Children with CKD (PI: M. Ferris, MD, MPH, PhD, University of North Carolina), ongoing as of 06/30/2015

Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator (completed):

NIH (NICHD) Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act: Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Lisinopril in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients (PTN – HTN Lisinopril PK, HTN-01, PI: H. Trachtman, MD, New York University), completed in 2015

NIH P50 grant: Pediatric Center of Excellence in Nephrology (PI: P. Devarajan, MD), 2 years, 07/01/2012-06/30-2014

NIH UO1 grant: Health and Literacy in Child and Adult Assessment: Expanded Testing of the Pediatric PROMIS (Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System) Tool (Sponsor: D. DeWalt, MD, MPH, University of North Carolina), completed in 2014

Roche Pharmaceuticals: Development of Population Pharmacokinetic models of Mycophenolic Acid for use in Bayesian Dose Individualization in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Patients (PI: A. Vinks, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital), completed in 2012

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Outcomes Research Award: Validation of a Real-Time Adherence Assessment System (PI: A. Pai, PhD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital), completed in 2012

NIH RO1 grant: Calcineurin Inhibitor Minimization And Foxp3+ Tregs Post-Transplant (PIs: Wayne Hancock, MD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and John Bucuvalas, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital), completed in 2012

NIH UO1 grant: Noninvasive Monitoring to Predict Outcome in de novo Kidney Transplant Recipients (CTOT-01, Protocol Chair: P. Heeger, MD, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York City), 2005-2012

NIH RO1 grant: CD40 Ligand Dyregulation and HIV Pathogenesis (PI: Claire Chougnet, PhD, Division of Molecular Immunology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital), 5 %, 01/01/05-12/31/07

NIH KO8 grant: The Cytoskeleton, Rafts and the Interleukin-2 Receptor, $ 332,250.00 total for 3 years beginning 06/01/03, completed in 2006

Roche Pharmaceuticals: Molecular Mechanisms of Immunomodulation Affected by Daclizumab in Kidney Transplant Recipients, $ 37,895.00 total, completed in 2005

National Kidney Foundation Young Investigator grant: Characterization of the Enrichment of the Interleukin-2 Receptor b-Chain in Membrane Rafts of Human T-Cells, $ 65,000.00 total for 30 months beginning 07/01/01, completed in 2004


1987/88 : Fulbright travel scholar

1988/89 : Scholar of the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)

1992 : Invited by the National Institute of Health (NIH) to present in the Research Awards for Clinical Trainees Program at the annual NIH Research Festival

1993 : Robert O. Harris III. Award by the Department of Pediatrics, Uni- versity of South Alabama Medical Center, for outstanding perfor- mance as a resident

1995 : Young Investigator Travel Fellowship Award from the NIH to pre- sent in the Seventh International Symposium on Basement Mem- branes at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kid- ney Diseases

1996 : Outstanding House Officer Teaching Award (Fellow) by the De-partment of Pediatrics, Tulane University Medical Center

1997 : Clinical Young Investigator Award, Southern Society for Pediatric Research

1998 : Basic Science Young Investigator Award, Southern Society for Pediatric Research

Young Investigator Award, American Society of Transplant Physicians

Young Investigator Travel Award, Transplantation Society

1999 : Young Investigator Award, American Society of Transplantation

Chairman’s Research Award, Department of Pediatrics, University

of Kentucky

2000 : Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics

2002 : Chairman’s Research Award, Department of Pediatrics, University

of Kentucky

2003- : Best Doctors in America

2006 : Travel Grant, American Society for Clinical Investigation/

Association of American Physicians

2008- : America’s Top Pediatricians

2011 : Career Year Award (clinical care), Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

Medical Center

2013 : Top Doctors, US News and World Report

Ad-hoc Reviewer American Journal of Kidney Diseases

American Journal of Transplantation

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry

Clinical and Experimental Immunology

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Clinical Nephrology (on American Editorial Board since 2000, Pediatric Nephrology section editor 2009-2013)

Current Medicinal Chemistry/Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy


Diabetes Care

Expert Opinion On Investigational Drugs

Human Immunology

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Journal of Leukocyte Biology

Journal of Medical Virology

Journal of Molecular Medicine

Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine

Journal of Pediatrics

Kidney International


Nephrology Editorial Review Group, Doody Publishing

Pediatric Nephrology


Pediatric Transplantation (on Kidney Editorial Board since 2014)

Southern Medical Journal

The Open Journal of Urology and Nephrology


Memberships American Academy of Pediatrics

American Society of Nephrology (ASN)

American Society of Pediatric Nephrology (ASPN)

American Society of Transplantation (AST)

International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA)

International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA)

Society for Pediatric Research (SPR)

Service in Professional SSPR/ Southern Societies: SSPR research council (2000-2002);

Societies/Committees Basic Science Young Investigator Award judge, lead abstract reviewer and state-of-the-art lecturer (Allergy and Immunology, “Lipid Rafts – Floating Sites not just for Signaling”, 2002); abstract reviewer and session moderator (Allergy and Immunology), lead Basic Science Young Investigator Award judge (2003)

SPR/ASPN: SPR symposium organizer, co-chair and speaker for 2007 meeting, ASPN board review faculty 2011, SPR workshop reviewer and symposium chair for 2012 meeting, session co-chair and invited speaker for 2013 meeting, invited speaker for 2014 meeting, workshop reviewer and session moderator for 2015 meeting

United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS): Region 11 (VA, TN, NC, SC, KY) representative (2002) and at-large member (2003-4), pediatric transplantation committee; site reviewer, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA (2013); Membership and Professional Standards Committee (2014-)

University of Kentucky: Children’s’ Miracle Network Research Grant Review Committee (1998, 2000), Medical Center Core Curriculum Subcommittee (2000-2002), Medical Center Faculty Council (2001-2002), General Clinical Research Center Protocol Subcommittee, Physiology Chair Search Committee, Selected Participant, University of Kentucky Hospital Physicians’ Retreat on Faculty Retention (2002)

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital: Transplant Medication Safety Committee member (2003) and leader (2004-), Ambulatory Selection Group, Electronic Medical Record Task Force (2005-6), EPIC champion (2007-2011), Intermediate Improvement Science Series graduate (2007), Advanced Improvement Methods graduate (2009), Transplant Infectious Disease search committee member (2011)

University of Cincinnati: HLA laboratory director search committee member, Hoxworth Blood Center (2008);

Kidney Foundation of Greater Cincinnati/National Kidney Foundation of Ohio: Medical Advisory Board (member 2003-2015, chair 2006-2015), board member (2006-2015)

The Renal Network: Technical Expert Panel (convened under contract from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to develop clinical performance measures for kidney transplantation, 2004-5)

International Liver Transplantation Society: MELD Exception Study Group member (03/01-02, 2006)

ASN: Abstract reviewer for annual meeting (2006, 2014), invited speaker (2015)

IPNA: Symposium co-organizer, -chair and speaker for 2007 meeting

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International: Research grant application reviewer (Complication Biomarkers, 2008)

French National Research Agency: “Blanc” research proposal reviewer (2008/9)

AST: Abstract reviewer for annual meeting (American Transplant Congress 2012 and 2013, World Transplant Congress 2014), Pediatric Community of Practice committee member at-large 2012-13 and co-chair 2013-, incoming chair 2015

IPTA: Presenter at 2014 fellows’ symposium (Heidelberg, Germany), scientific advisory committee member for and invited presenter at the 2015 meeting (San Francisco, USA), scientific advisory committee member for the 2017 meeting (Barcelona, Spain)

Faculty Advisor/ Erica Stevens, M.S. (medical student summer research elective,

(Co-)Mentor 1999)

Stefan Kiessling, M.D. (resident advisor, 1998-2001)

Dusty Flynn (undergraduate student research elective supervisor, 2001)

Shirley Brown, M.D. (resident advisor, 2001-2002)

Rakesh Rao, M.D. (neonatology fellow research mentor, 2001-2003)

Alexandra Mieczkowski (undergraduate summer student, 2003 and 2004)

Rene Vandevoorde, M.D. (pediatric nephrology fellow, 2004-2007)

David Hooper, M.D. (pediatric nephrology fellow, 2007-2010)

Benjamin Laskin, M.D. (pediatric nephrology fellow, 2008-2011)

Megan Lo, M.D. (pediatric nephrology fellow, 2008-2011)

Edward Nehus, M.D. (pediatric nephrology fellow, 2009-2012)

Donna Claes, M.D. (pediatric nephrology fellow, 2010-2013)

Ahmad Kaddhourah, M.D. (pediatric nephrology fellow, 2010-2013)

Yelena Wu (NIH T32 postdoctoral fellow, Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology, 2012-13)

Vibha Desai (pharmacy resident pursuing dissertation, 2011-)

Gilad Hamdani, M.D. (pediatric nephrology fellow, 2013-)

Keri Drake, M.D. (pediatric nephrology fellow, 2013-)

Orville Ray Bignall II, M.D. (pediatric nephrology fellow, 2014-)

Danielle Soranno, MD (junior faculty, 2015-)

Cindy Buchanan, PhD (junior faculty, 2015-)

Other Activities Osler group tutor, University of Kentucky College of Medicine (1998-2001)

Kidney Camp counselor (Camp Okawehna, Dickson, TN, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004)

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Intermediate Improvement Science Series completion (2006/7)

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Advanced Improvement Methods Workshop completion (2008/9)

Medical volunteer (2012-) and Medical Director (2013-), Kappa Kidney Camp (National Kidney Foundation)

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital/Harvard School of Public Health Senior Faculty Development Leadership Program (2012-13)


Papers (also presented as abstracts at appropriate meetings):

Goebel J, Metz J, Forssmann WG (1986) Korrelation zwischen myoendokrinen Zellen und peptiderger Innervation im Herz (Correlation of myoendocrine cells and peptidergic innervation in the heart). Verh Anat Ges 80: 551-553

Herbst M, Goebel J, Born AJ, Metz J (1987) Immunohistochemische Untersuchungen der Gangepithelien der menschlichen Parotis (Immunohistochemical studies of ductal epithelia in the parotid gland). Verh Anat Ges 81: 719-720

Goebel J, Daffner C, Rippegather G, Forssmann K, Hock D, Forssmann WG (1989) Das endokrine Herz: Verteilung der CDD-IR-myoendokrinen Zellen im Vorhof und im Ventrikel des Schweineherzens (The endocrine heart: Distribution of the CDD-IR-myoendocrine cells in the atria and ventricles of porcine heart). Verh Anat Ges 82 (Anat Anz Suppl 164): 649-651

Goebel J, Olbricht C, Offner G, Bunzendahl H, Helmchen U, Koch KM, Frei U (1992) Long-Term Outcome of Renal Transplantation in Alport's Syndrome. Clin Nephrol 38 (6): 299-304

Goebel J, Gremse DA, Artman M (1993) Cardiomyopathy from Ipecac Administration in Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Pediatrics 92 (4): 601-603

Elzoobi K, Hoff C, O'Connor T, Goebel J (1997) White Blood Cell Count in Febrile Infants - Influenced by "Sepsis Work-Ups" ? Pediatr Emerg Care 13 (1):85-86 (letter, editor’s erratum Pediatr Emerg Care 13 (4):295 (1997)

Goebel J, Harter HR, Boineau FG, El-Dahr SS (1997) Acute Renal Failure from Rhabdomyolysis following Influenza A in a Child. Clin Pediatrics 36 (8):479-481

Goebel J, Ananth M, Lewy JE (1999) Treatment of Vancomycin Overdose by Continuous Venovenous Hemodiafiltration in a Neonate with Dialysis-dependent Congenital Nephropathy. Pediatr Nephrol 13 (5):423-425

Goebel J, Franks A, Robey F, Mikovits J, Lowry RP (1999) Attenuation Of IL-2 Signaling By CD4 Ligand Involves The Cytoskeleton But Does Not Require P56LCK. Transpl Proceedings 31:822-4

Lowry RP and Goebel J (1999) Down-Modulation of IL-2-Triggered JAK3-STAT5 Signaling Following CD4-Ligand Binding. Transpl Proceedings 31:820-1

Goebel J, Estrada B, Quinonez J, Nagji N, Sanford D, Boerth RC (2000) Prednisolone Plus Albuterol Versus Albuterol Alone in Mild to Moderate Bronchiolitis. Clin Pediatrics 39 (4):213-220 (letter to editor and response in Clin Pediatrics 39 (10):624)

DeFranco P, Shook L, Goebel J, Lee B (2000) Solitary Hepatic Abscess with Associated Glomerulonephritis in a Neonate. J Perinatol 20:384-6

Goebel J, Stevens E, Forrest K, Roszman TL (2000) Daclizumab (Zenapaxâ) Blocks Early IL-2 Receptor Signaling Events. Transpl Immunology 8 (3):153-9

Goebel J, Forrest K, Franks A, Emmrich F, Mikovits J, Robey F, Volk HD, Lowry RP (2001) STAT5 Pathway: Target Of Anti-CD4 Antibody In Attenuation Of Interleukin-2 Receptor Signaling. Transplantation 71 (6):792-6

Kiessling S, Forrest K, Moscow J, Gewirtz A, Jackson EC, Roszman TL, Goebel J (2001) Interstitial Nephritis, Hepatic Failure And Systemic Eosinophilia After Minocycline Treatment – Association With Minocycline-Induced Emergence of CD4+ Lymphocytes Ex Vivo. Am J Kidney Diseases 38:E36 (1-5)

Ray P, Acheson D, Chitrakar R, Cnaan A, Gibbs K, Hirschman GH, Christen E, Trachtman H and The Investigators of the Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome-Synsorb PK Multicenter Trial (2002) Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor among Children with Diarrhea-Associated Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. J Am Soc Nephrol 13:699-707 (listed as local center PI in appendix)