March 23, 2016 – Master Plan Committee Meeting Minutes
27 School Street
March23, 2016
DATE APPROVED: April 13, 2016
TIME:7:01 p.m. – 8:301 p.m.
CHAIRMAN: Donald Solomon
MEMBERS: John Segedy, Brett Cherrington, Trim Hahn and Jonathan Daley
MEMBERS of the PUBLIC: Michael Tardiff from Central N. H. Regional Planning Commission
Chairman Solomon called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
The Committee began by discussing the map of Hillsborough which indicates the land uses in town such as conservation land, home businesses, etc.
Mr. Cherrington said there are several corrections which need to be made.
Mr. Segedy said he has information regarding a recent N. H. Fish and Game land acquisition which needs to be added to the map in the Farrar Marsh area.
Mr. Cherrington said the Conservation Commission just purchased land next to Grimes Field. He added that land used for the sewer plant was miss labeled conservation land.
Mr. Segedy brought up the point that there are some home businesses which are not on the map.
Mr. Solomon noted that it may be a suggestion to the Planning Board that they may want to inventory these types of businesses for future zoning or land use changes. He added that we do need to delineate between a home occupation and home business.
Mr. Segedy said there is nothing on the map indicating where agricultural properties are. He also suggested separating conservation land and land with conservation easements.
Mr. Solomon moved on to reviewing Chapter 5 – “Existing and Future Land Use”.
The Committee compared the previous master plan chapter to the information gathered from the surveys and visioning session. They discussed the chapter in detail along with therecommendations from the previous master plan which have been completed.
The Committee feels that the land north of the by-pass and east of Route 31, identified on Map 10/Lot 66, Map 11A/ Lots 7, 10 and 356 and Map 11B/Lot 6, which is currently zoned commercial should be changed as there is no access to Route 9.
Mr. Segedy asked if the Planning Board could reach out to the Commissioners of Emerald Lake Village District to formally invite them to participate in the development of the new master plan.
The next regular meeting of the Master Plan Committee will be Wednesday, April 13.
Chairman Solomon adjourned the meeting at 8:31 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Iris Campbell
Recording Secretary
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