February 26th, 2017 Issue #136 The Iris The Body Glyphix Studio


Breathe deep- the crisp air, the quiet energies that flow through the planet and our bodies this time of year. Allow the energies of our planet to connect with our bodies. The earth sleeps in our part of the planet this time of year. So do our bodies, we find ourselves wanting to curl up with a good book or watch a good movie. Our bodies and the earth have much in common! We both have a heartbeat, magnetic poles, meridians/latitude/longitude lines and a pranic flow. We both have processes such as exfoliation, oxidation, and erosion. Think about processes of digestion and respiration as to plate tectonics, volcanism, and climate change. Earth has a respiratory system and humans have weather patterns and climate controls. Earth has a nervous system and humans have stress patterns and earthquakes. Earth has blood vessels, lungs, liver, and kidneys and humans have stream networks, neural networks, climates, and swamps. It is important for us to connect with Gaia, Mother Earth. Bundle up~ find time to get outdoors and take a walk. Getting grounded, absorbing the energy from our planet.
It’s also a good time to go within and reflect or to begin a meditation practice. Need help starting? Scroll down~ Come join us for Yoga Nidra~ the best and most healing of all meditations!


The Anniversary of my NDE

Today is my anniversary of Gratitude. Eight years ago~ I was about to take my last breath, and experienced a NDE “Near Death Experience” after contracting a parasite in the Belizean Jungle ( pictures are of the cave where I got the parasite), searching for Mayan relics & history. Doctors had misdiagnosed me, after many long stays in hospitals, I found the parasite through self diagnosis~ Iridology and Energy Work. It was too late, I weighed only 85 pounds. My Oncologist gave my family two days to get my legal info in order.

I was in my living room, awake in pain. I felt as though I was floating out of my body, my deceased mother was calling me upward into a tube of white light. She looked beautiful, a fluorescent white light was caressing me- she told me the pain would be gone where we were going. I felt the pain leave my body as we went higher into the light. My mother had my hand and I was ready to go anywhere with her. I looked down beneath us and saw my crumpled dead body on the couch in my living room. I then realized I was about to cross over, I told my mother I was not ready for this~ I would like to see Kirsten & Elke (my grandchildren) grow up. She told me it was my choice~ but the pain would return and I would have to work hard at healing myself. I agreed to go back- feeling myself back on the couch in my living room, in my body. I panicked~ my root chakra could not find the earth. After doing Yogic breathing I was able to calm down and relax.
I knew I had my work cut out for me~ my lungs, heart, pancreas, kidneys, thyroid, and digestion and elimination were failing. Through self- Iridology, Energy work, lots of herbs and Yoga~ I was able to throw way the walker, depends, care takers and thrive. My mission was to remain on the earth~ help my daughter beat her cancer and many others that I will continue to help until my last breath. It is said that one has to have a near death experience to be a Shaman or a healer~ the near death experience has definitely made me a better healer.

The pictures are the cave opening, inside where we had to swim in to get to a interior ledge, it was a 3 hour hike to the internal waterfall and a Mayan teenager’s skeleton that was a sacrifice.


The Dark Side of Empaths

Empaths are typically known as the healers of the world. They’re the people whose senses are heightened--the ones that not only see the different energies of the world, but actually feel them, experience them.

Those who are not empaths might think that this ability to feel what others feel is a gift, but if you can convince an empath to talk about their gift, they might tell you that it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. In fact, it’s quite often not a very fun gift to possess at all.

Because of their gift, so manypeople relyon them for support. Empaths are almost always trusted because they make people feel safe. And while the empathiscapable of handling the emotions of others, they also experience quite a bit of stress because of it.

The dark side of being an empath comes in the form of having two conflicting voices constantly roaring at each other inside of their heads. Constantly feeling both the good and the bad, the negative and the positive, to the point that they feel overwhelmed.

Empaths are more susceptible to the negative energies in life. Their intense ability to feel can’t get away from the deep-rooted evils that exist in the world. Their deep understanding of how the world exists and operates is enough to confuse and sadden them. What they can’t understand is why this type of energy exists in the first place, if all it does is hurt others.

The dark side of being an empath is constantly being exhausted and fatigued from the energies you absorb. But, you’d never know it. Because the empath never dares break down or lose composure. They quietly observe, acknowledge and feel.

As many others do, empaths want to be loved and accepted for who they are. But, it is their generosity and kindness that often sees them being taken advantage of by those who only take, never give. Empaths are ‘givers’ by all means, ready to show kindness to those in need at all times.

The dark side of being an empath is not knowing that being so selfless places an incredibly heavy burden on one's self. Even the empaths that do recognize the burdensome nature of their selflessness often choose to ignore it, because carrying that weight is more meaningful than letting it fall on someone else’s shoulders.

The dark side of being an empath is knowing that you willingly neglect both your body and mind for the sake of others. A neglect that builds over the years, eventually resulting in the need to go soul-searching once again, a practice that we only take up when we feel completely lost.

The dark side of being an empath is knowing that even when they fall in love, they never do so entirely. They simply aren’t capable of giving every ounce of their heart to someone else. They know that if they tried, the intensity of the passion would most likely be too much to handle, for themselves and their partners.

Which is why they always keep a little part of them hidden away from the rest of the world. They keep a guard up out of necessity, even if they want nothing more than to let it down and succumb to anoverwhelminglove.

The dark side of being an empath is the war that is always being waged within. The war they wage against the sadness, the darkness, and the sorrowful side of themselves that is always trying to rear its ugly head and lead them into self-destruction.

The only way they can fight this successfully is by learning to distinguish between emotions that are their own, and emotional energies that are imposters, invading from the outside. Empaths need people who understand who they are, people they can talk to and who will listen.

Empaths need to be able to let down the wall they’ve built up around their feelings so that they can let their empathic selves do good in their own life. Otherwise, empaths are destined to fight a war within themselves that never ends.

Product of the Month
Cardio 911

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Heart Health Problems are at epidemic levels!

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©  These issues account for 42% of all deaths in the U.S

©  Heart Failure is the Leading Cause of Death for all Americans age 35 years or older

©  Nearly 50% of all people of the western world who die from cardiovascular related illnesses never experience any prior symptoms!

©  African-Americans are 40% more likely to die from cardiovascular issues including a 250% increased chance for heart failure between ages 45-64

©  Heart ailments are the biggest killer of women regardless of race or ethnic group.

©  One in four Americans over the age of 45 are now taking a Statin drug, despite the 900+ studies proving their adverse effects- from muscle problems to diabetes and increased cancer risk

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Ingredients- L-arginine 5000 mg. L-citrulline 1000 mg. Vitamin D3 2500 IU. EDTA 100 mg. Co Q 10 100 mg. Vitamin B1 3 mg. Vitamin B2 3 mg. Vitamin B3 50 mg. Vitamin B5 10 mg. Vitamin B6 10 mg. Methyl B12 500 mcg. Methyl folate 400 mcg. Vitamin C 200 mg. Natural Vitamin E 10 mg. Chromium Polynicolinate 200 mcg. AstraGin 100 mg. Perilla Oil 500 mg. Magnesium Citrate 230 mg. Potassium Citrate 70 mg. Selenium 100 mcg. Trace Minerals 100 mg.
Proprietary Blend: 200 mg Grape seed extract, Grape skin extract, Pomegranate, Tart cherry, Hawthorn Berry.
Other Ingredients: Monk Fruit, Xylitol, Stevia, all natural flavors, colors, and sweeteners.
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Mammogate” And Thermography

With the continuing controversy and debate surrounding “Mammogate” here is an interesting alternative that can spot breast cancer years before mammograms and is much safer. Thermography can detect disease and injury by revealing the thermal abnormalities present in the body. Can assess pain and pathology anywhere on the body and is very helpful in monitoring therapy. No radiation - 100% safe for everyone Non-invasive, no injections. Offers privacy - no bodily contact. Thermography is cost effective, risk-free and provides instant images through digital technology. A device developed for Cold War spying might help women detect breast cancer four to six years before it appears on a mammogram. Shelley Gilliland, a certified clinical thermographer for Radiant Health Imaging, uses digital infrared thermal imaging to detect and monitor a number of diseases and physical injuries, including breast cancer.

“It works by showing the thermal abnormalities present in the body,” Gilliland said. “In a single click of my camera, I take over 80,000 temperature readings of the body.

“While not all abnormalities are cancer, all cancers start as an abnormality.”

Medical digital infrared thermal imaging is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that pictures and analyzes changes in the skin’s surface temperature without the use of radiation. While X-rays, ultrasound, and mammography show the structure of the body, thermal imaging shows the physiological activity, such as active inflammation and increased blood supply found in many illnesses. Gilliland said more than 50 percent of her business is from women seeking an earlier form of detection than a mammogram can offer. “It is radiation free and there is no contact with the body,” she added. “There is no squashing or compression.”

A scanning device – think an advanced digital camera – is used to convert infrared imaging from the skin surface into electrical impulses that are shown in color on a monitor. The visual image maps the body temperature and is referred to as a thermogram. The spectrum of colors indicates an increase or decrease in the amount of heat being emitted from the body surface.

Gilliland said since there is a high degree of thermal symmetry in the normal body, subtle abnormal temperature differences are easily identified, and because infrared thermal imaging is highly sensitive to variations in the vascular, muscular, neural, and skeletal systems, it can contribute invaluable information to a diagnosis made by a physician. The images are then checked by a group of more than 30 doctors for abnormal vascular activity. “Initially, we take a baseline image. After 90 days, a second image is taken and compared to the first,” Gilliland said. “The doctors look for changes over time.”