Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting November 18, 2015

Lansdowne Borough Council

General Meeting

November 18, 2015


The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 18, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall.

Council members present: President Schleigh, Mr. Aubrey, Ms. Byrne, Ms. English, Ms. James and Ms. Williams. Council member absent: Mr. Radich. Also present: Mayor Campuzano, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Solicitor Scott and Police Chief Donegan.

The televised meeting will be aired at 6:00 p.m. the following Monday on RCN channel 52, Comcast channel 5 and Verizon channel 44.

Mayor Campuzano led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Mayor asked for a moment of silence in memory of the victims of last week's terrorist attacks in Paris, France.

Approval of agenda: Mr. Aubrey moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Approval of Minutes: Ms. Byrne moved to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2015 General Meeting of Council. Ms. Williams seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Announcements and Presentations: Mayor Campuzano welcomed Elliot Borgman, Board Chair for the Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra ("LSO") and presented him with a proclamation. This proclamation declares November 19, 2015 as "Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra Day" in honor of the 70th anniversary of the LSO. The LSO started in 1946 as an outgrowth of the bible class at the Lansdowne Presbyterian Church. There are now 78 orchestra members who are on a par with the very best community orchestras around the world. Mr. Borgman thanked the Mayor and Borough Council for their continued support.

Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Totaro presented the October 31, 2015 Treasurer's report:

General Fund - Beginning balance: $465,267, ending balance $367,479.

Sewer Fund - Beginning balance: $925,072, ending balance $1,033,290.

Liquid Fuels Fund - Beginning balance: $556,295, ending balance $698,842.

Non-Uniform Pension Fund - Beginning balance: $2,855,109, ending balance $2,744,460.

Police Pension Fund - Beginning balance: $8,167,087, ending balance $7,759,246.

Total of all funds: Beginning balance: $12,968,830, year to date revenues: $8,935,046, year to date expenditures: $(365,513), ending balance: $12,603,317.

Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Scott had no formal report.

Mayor’s Report: The Mayor mentioned that the Kids Halloween Party had been a huge success with over 100 children attending. The Mayor thanked an extensive array of individuals and businesses who provided the cash, food, drinks and treats as well as their time toward this effort.

The Mayor read a list of upcoming calendar events:

·  Nov. 28th - Shop Small in Lansdowne Day, 7:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. The tree lighting ceremony will also be held the same day at Veterans Park, starting 6:30 p.m.

·  December 6th - Gladstone Manor Civic Association tree lighting ceremony.

·  Jingle Judges will soon be out to judge residential and business holiday decorations.

·  November 30th - newsletter article deadline.

The Mayor mentioned that he would be reaching out to State Representative Margot Davidson and Upper Darby Mayor Micozzie to review further safety measures that could help lower the number of accidents occurring at the Marshall Road/Owen Avenue intersection. The Mayor will also discuss repairing the flashing light on Burmont Road near St. Charles Church with the Public Safety Committee at their next meeting.

The Mayor was given a book, "Growing Up Lansdowne" by Robert Bingham, a former Lansdowne resident. The book is a history of Mr. Bingham's earlier years in Lansdowne during the 1950-1960's. Mr. Bingham wanted to give his book to the borough and the Mayor felt it would be appropriate to donate the book to the Lansdowne Library Board.

MOTION: Ms. Byrne moved to donate the book "Growing Up Lansdowne" by Robert Bingham to the Lansdowne Library. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.

The Mayor mentioned he will be giving this year's Helms Award to former mayor Jayne Young at the December general meeting.

Council President’s Report: President Schleigh reminded Council members that the Reorganization Meeting will be held the beginning of January, 2016. President Schleigh will be discussing committee assignments and plans for moving forward at the next Council meeting. President Schleigh mentioned that the PA Diversity Project will be hosting monthly Poetry Slams starting December 12th at Arts Space, starting 4:15 p.m. Patrons 18 and older are invited to participate. President Schleigh reiterated how much he, as a parent, appreciated all the effort expended to making the Kids Halloween Party a wonderful event. President Schleigh mentioned there will be a public Zoning Hearing Board meeting tomorrow night regarding the proposed day care center at the former Mar-Win store.


Public Health and Safety: Ms. English reported there had been no meeting of her Committee in November. The December agenda will include a variety of issues for discussion: Nyack and Lansdowne Avenue pedestrian crossing, the Marshall Road and Owen Avenue intersection safety issues, lighting at the Ardmore Avenue school, replacing faded stop signs throughout the borough and drafting a performance appraisal for Chief Donegan. Mayor Campuzano thanked the Civil Service Committee for their efforts in hiring a new police officer.

Finance and Administration: In Mr. Radich's absence, Mr. Totaro reported that the next F&A Committee meeting will be held on Monday, November 30th to discuss the 2016 budget.

Economic Development and Code Enforcement – Ms. James reported that her Committee recently met with Habitat for Humanity members who are planning to build four new homes at the end of Dudley Avenue. They also expressed interest in doing some small home repair work in the borough. The Committee also discussed the notices about the temporary signage ordinance that will be sent out this week. Avianna Restaurant is planning to install a pergola to draw more attention to their establishment. The LBPA would like to put a sign on the borough green on November 21st for one week to advertise the upcoming Small Business Day. The Committee is also discussing a more convenient method to pay for speeding and parking tickets.

President Schleigh suggested having the Elm Street Program meet with Habitat for Humanity.

Environment: Mr. Aubrey reported that the Committee did not meet in November. Mr. Aubrey mentioned that the borough has now contracted with a vendor to provide 100% green energy for all borough buildings. The Mayor mentioned that leaf pickup is ongoing and reminded residents to be patient in this regard.

Community Relations:

Library Liaison Report - Ms. Byrne reported that the library will unveil their strategic plan on December 5th, 9:00 a.m. in the Bany Room. The Library will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on November 26th and 27th. Ms. Byrne mentioned that the Library Board is looking for Board members, specifically a Treasurer and Secretary.

Committee Report: Ms. Byrne mentioned that the borough will be participating in the Philadelphia Museum of Art's InsideOut Program starting in Spring, 2016. This is a program whereby the Art Museum will make replicas of famous prints in the actual museum and install them throughout various outside borough sites. There is no cost to the borough for this endeavor. The featured art will be on view from April 15th through July. More information to follow. Ms. Byrne thanked Ms. Williams for bringing this program to her attention. The next Community Relations Committee meeting will be held on November 23rd, 7:00 p.m.

Infrastructure and Public Works: Ms. Williams reported that the LEDC street light program is moving forward. PECO will be doing trenching work on Lansdowne Avenue to replace a recalled gas valve with final restoration to be completed by next Spring. PECO will 'ring' pave the raised manholes so that the snow plows do not get damaged. The ADA ramps are now installed at the Ardmore Avenue School and the intersections have been repaved and repainted. There have been some scheduling conflicts with the basement revision plan at the 20th Century Club but the project is scheduled to begin soon. The Hoffman Park project is almost complete. The Elm Street Program has joined with Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital to create three walking tours in Lansdowne with three more planned for Yeadon. Informational brochures are available in the borough hall lobby. Seven trees are scheduled to be installed on Lacrosse Avenue at the Dollar Store within the next week. President Schleigh asked when the CDBG application is due. Ms. Williams will be discussing this issue at her next Committee meeting on November 24th, 7:00 p.m. President Schleigh asked if new playground equipment would be installed in Hoffman Park. Mr. Totaro indicated it would be replaced at a later date and is outside of the current project.

Communications: No items for communications.

Public Comment: Ms. Byrne moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comment. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous.


1. Ed Parker - 14 Rose Lane. Mr. Parker mentioned that he and his fiancée were new Lansdowne residents and impressed by the variety of activities and volunteer opportunities in the borough. Mr. Parker asked when the Lansdowne Theater would be opening. President Schleigh indicated the hope is for the theater to be fully operational by 2017. President Schleigh mentioned that the borough web site is a valuable resource of information for upcoming events and general news about borough life.

2. Beth Harmer - resident of Lansdowne. Ms. Harmer mentioned that the LBPA will be collecting new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots and non perishable food for the Lansdowne Food Cupboard at the Lansdowne Presbyterian Church. This Toy and Food Drive will be held November 28th, 3-8 p.m. at the Veterans Park. The Mayor noted that the borough has waived the meter parking fees for the holidays through January 1st.

Mr. Aubrey moved to resume Roberts Rules of Order. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Old Business: There were no items for Old Business.

New Business:

1. Senior Community Services - President Schleigh mentioned that the SCS is requesting their annual donation from the borough of $2,000. This request has been made a line item in the budget so no motion is necessary going forward with this annual request. The Mayor noted that SCS does so much with so little and it is money well spent for the taxpayers.

2. PSAB NEMO Training - The Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs will be holding a Newly Elected Municipal Officials boot camp event on January 15 and 16, 2016 at the Concordville Hotel. This is part of professional development that is within the borough's budget.

3. LEDC request for chairs. The Lansdowne Economic Development Corporation ("LEDC") is requesting chairs for their upcoming luncheon for the Farmers Market volunteers.

MOTION: Ms. English moved to allow the LEDC to borrow 24 chairs from the 20th Century Club for their Farmers Market volunteer luncheon on November 21, 2015. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Action Items:

1.  Ms. English moved to approve bills for the period. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous.

2.  Ms. English moved to approve the civil service list of applicants for police officer position. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

3.  Ms. James moved to approve LBPA shopping day signage. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

4.  Ms. James moved to waive U&O fees for pop-up store at 20 North Lansdowne Avenue. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Executive Session: Ms. Williams moved to adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel issues. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:02 p.m.

Public Session: Upon reconvening to public session the following motion was made:

Ms. Williams moved to authorize the borough to hire A. Gargiule to do one manhole reconstruction project at Lansdowne Avenue and Pennock Terrace. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Adjourn – Mr. Aubrey moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ann Henry

Borough Secretary

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