Extraordinary General Meeting Notice

Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Institute will be held at 12.30pm onWednesday 30 November 2011 at Easton House, Easton on the Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire, for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following Special Resolutions:

Special Resolution 1

Amendment of the Institute’s Royal Charter in accordance with Article 11 thereof:

It is hereby resolved to amendthe Institute’s Royal Charter, as set out in the Schedule to this Special Resolution, subject to any amendments required by the Privy Council and agreed with the Council of the Institute.

Special Resolution 2

Amendment of Bye-laws in accordance with Article 9 of the Institute’s Royal Charter:

It is hereby resolved to amend the Institute’s Bye-laws, as set out in the Schedule to this Special Resolution, subject to any amendments required by the Privy Council and agreed with the Council of the Institute.

By order of the Council

Peter Rushton, President

Dated: 5 October 2011

Special Resolution 1establishes a Board of Trustees as the governing body of the Institute and creates a Congress of representatives of the membership to advise the Board. The Honorary Officers, currently four in number, are reduced to two, being the President and Chairman of the Institute.

Special Resolution 2 amends the Bye-laws to reflect and enable these changes in the governance arrangements and create a more streamlined and flexible governance structure that allows for future development without further need for bye-law changes.

The Schedules referred to in the notice list all the proposed amendments to both Charter and Bye-laws. The Scheduleshave been publishedin full on the Institute’s website and are also available electronically or in hard copy on request from Easton House.

To have the right to attend and vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting, members must be fully paid up corporate members of the Institute. Any member so entitled may appoint a proxy (who must also be a fully paid up corporate member) to attend and vote on his or her behalf, provided that the proxy form (see below) is properly completed and returned to the Chief Executive no less than 48 hours before the scheduled start of the meeting. Members may, if they wish, appoint the chairman of the meeting as their first choice or alternative proxy. If so, the words “the chairman” should be inserted in the appropriate place on the proxy form.

Confirmation of attendance/Form of proxy

To confirm your attendance at the EGM or, alternatively, to ensure that your proxy vote is valid, please complete this form and return it by noon on 28 November 2011 to:

The Chief Executive

The Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply
Easton House
Easton on the Hill

Lincs PE9 3NZ

Proxy votes received less than 48 hours before the scheduled start of the meeting will not be valid.
  1. Confirmation of attendance
I WILLattend the extraordinary general meeting of The Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply at Easton House, Easton on the Hill, at 12.30pm on Wednesday 30 November 2011
Signed ……………………… Print Name ……………………..
Dated ……………………….. Membership Number ……………..
2. Form of proxy
DO NOT complete if you plan to attend the EGM in person.
I,………………………………., being a corporate member of the institute HEREBY APPOINT
…………………………………, another corporate member of the institute or failing him/her
…………………………………, another corporate member of the institute as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the extraordinary general meeting of the institute held on the 30th day of November 2011 and at any adjournment thereof.
I instruct my proxy to vote in the following manner on my behalf (please tick as appropriate)
Special Resolution 1  FOR  AGAINST
Special Resolution 2  FOR  AGAINST
Signed ………………………. Membership No …………………….
Dated this …………………………… day of ………………. 2011