Name: ______

Indian in the Cupboard

By: Lynne Reid Banks

Responses should be recorded in your reading journal. Each chapter should have the following heading and be written at the top of a clean page.

Title: The Indian in the Cupboard

Chapter: write the chapter number assigned

Date: write the date of the assignment

You can write the above in the large white space at the top of the page. Here is an example.

The Indian in the Cupboard

Chapter 1


Chapter 1 – Birthday Presents (Pages 1 – 14)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: baffled, coherent, petrified, minuscule, jolted

·  Read and Respond

1.  What birthday gifts did Omri receive from his parents and oldest brother, Adiel?

2.  Describe the gift his brother Gillon gave him.

3.  When Omri woke up what did he discover?

4.  What happened when Omri tried to pick up his new little friend?

Chapter 2 – The Door Is Shut (Pages 15 – 31)

·  Vocabulary:Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: tantalizing, sarcastic, writhed, stark, appalled, crestfallen, ravenously, scowled

·  Read and Respond

1. What foods and drink did Omri find to serve his new small friend?

2. Why did the Indian object to Omri's suggestion he sleep in a teepee?

Chapter 3 – Thirty Scalps (Pages 32 – 47)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: wrenched, lithely, despised, commando

·  Read and Respond

1. Explain how Omri's magic metal cupboard worked. Include details of the experiment, which led Omri to conclude that its magic only worked on plastic items.

2. What are some items that Little Bear wants Omri to get for him?

3. Of the items mentioned, which does Omri get for Little Bear?

Chapter 4 and 5 – The Great Outdoors and Tommy (Pages 48 – 61)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: peril, clambered, foreboding, wince, escarpment, forlornly

·  Read and Respond

1. What did Omri place inside the cupboard, hoping to "make it real"?

2. Who is Tommy and what was his purpose in this chapter?

Chapter 6 – The Chief Is Dead, Long Live the Chief (Pages 62 – 76)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: peevishly, maize, quiver, hectoring, dawdling

·  Read and Respond

1. Why was Omri in such a hurry to get to school? Explain.

2. What kind of a store was Yapp's? What was Omri going to buy AND WHY?

3. What happened to the Indian Chief?

Chapter 7 – Uninvited Brothers (Pages 77 – 92)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: reverently, galvanized, uncanny

·  Read and Respond

1. What kind of meat did Omri manage to sneak from his mother's kitchen for Little Bear to cook?

2. Where did Little Bear and his horse hide when Omri's brothers barged into the bedroom?

5.  Why did Omri disagree with Patrick's idea to bring the cowboy to life?

6.  How did Omri respond to Patrick's request to see Little Bear?

7.  Do you think Omri was right to share his "secret" with Patrick? Why or why not?

Chapter 8 – Cowboy! (Pages 93 – 106)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: mulish, warily, abrupt, oblige

·  Read and Respond

1. Why was Omri reluctant to let Patrick put the Cowboy in the cupboard?

2. What did Omri find when he returned from the kitchen with the boiling hot stew?

3. What made the cowboy shoot Patrick in the eye?

Chapter 9 – Shooting Match (Pages 107 – 120)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: prostrate, dolefully, frenzied, infuriated

·  Read and Respond

1.  What was the cowboy's name?

2.  What was the cowboy's nickname?

3.  Why is this chapter titled- Shooting Match?

Chapter 10 – Breakfast Truce (Pages 121 – 129)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: pummeling, truce

·  Read and Respond

1. Summarize the chapter, explaining why it is titled – Breakfast Truce.

Chapter 11 – School (Pages 130 – 142)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: dicey, raucous, fiendish

·  Read and Respond

1. Why did Omri and Patrick put Boone and Little Bear together in Patrick's pocket?

2. What did Little Bear do to annoy Omri during third period?

4.  Explain in detail what happened that caused Omri and Patrick to be kicked out of third period assembly.

Chapter 12 – Trouble with Authority (Pages 143 – 157)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: gesticulating, dithered, sulkily, stealthily

·  Read and Respond

1. What happened to Patrick during lunch that put Little Bear and Boone's lives in danger?

2. Explain what happened in Mr. Johnson’s office.

Chapter 13 – Art and Accusation (Pages 158 – 174)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: flummoxed, bafflement, aghast, enthralled, corridor

·  Read and Respond

1. What did Mr. Yapp accuse Omri of doing as he left the store with a new plastic Indian?

2. Who convinced Mr. Yapp of Omri's innocence?

Chapter 14 – The Missing Key (Pages 175 – 191)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: lofty, myriad, rashly, transfixed, sieve

·  Read and Respond

1. Why did Adiel hide Omri’s cupboard?

2. Where did Patrick find Adiel's shorts?

3. Why was Omri still upset even after he got his cupboard back?

4. What were Boone and Little Bear arguing? What happened as a result?

Chapter 15 – Underfloor Adventure (Pages 192 – 210)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: dire, admiration, dismay, vulnerable, bedraggled, triumphant

·  Read and Respond

1. Who volunteered to go into the darkness under the floor to find the cupboard key?

2. After Boone recovered, what did Omri require Little Bear to do?

Chapter 16- Brothers (Pages 211 – 227)

·  Vocabulary: Look up the following words in a dictionary and write the definitions: petered, chirrup

·  Read and Respond

1. Do you feel it best to return Little Bear and Boone to "their own place and time"? Why or why not?