To: ______, Principal
From: Kindergarten Team (list names here)
RE: Request for monetary assistance to attend the PK1 Conference Friday, January 18 – Sunday, January 20, 2013
HISTORY: During a meeting we were told about topics that were going to be covered at the conference this year and the guest speakers. We were told it would be a worthwhile event to attend if possible. Between the three teachers we explored all options for possible monetary assistance.
Having gone to several of the conferences years ago, I knew the importance of getting workshop preferences in as quickly as possible. We began exploring options immediately.
One of the options to gain monetary assistance was through PTC. We received confirmation that PTC would support us using our classroom allotments for the year (approx. $270.00 each) to assist in the funding of the trip.
COST: The PreConference Institute is on Friday, January 18th. It would require all three teachers to have a sub to attend. The cost for this day is between $110.00-$175.00 each depending on California Kindergarten Association (CKA) membership and session choice. (Session IV requires a $25 materials fee.)
ACCOMMODATIONS: The hotel cost would be $109.00 plus tax per day. We would all three share one room. Due to prior knowledge how quickly the hotel fills up, reservations have already been placed and are put on hold for the two days with the ability to alter/cancel the reservations within 72 hours prior to the conference.
TRAVEL EXPENSES: The three teachers are car-pooling to the event. ______is driving and is willing to not expense out travel cost so that any monetary assistance that can be provided will go to the cost of the teachers attending the conference all three days.
OTHER COSTS: If the issue comes down to using or not using one of our personal days, we are willing to use one of our days to attend on Friday however do would hope the value of attending would be seen and we would not have to go this route. However, three subs would be required to take over our classes for the day.
While in an ideal world it would be great to be compensated for our time attending, we see the value in attending and are willing to attend on our own time (sat and sun) thus not being compensated hourly for the weekend. We would still like sub coverage for Friday.
CKA MEMBERSHIP: ______is already a member of CKA. Within the conference registration, buy opting to put $40.00 towards membership, the Friday pre-conference day will be $40.00 cheaper for the other teachers.
PAYMENT: If necessary to guarantee getting the session wanted, the teachers are willing to pre-pay with an understanding of reimbursement through normal procedures.
(Not Including Tax)* Friday, January 13, 2011 Sat/Sun Jan 14-15, 2011
2 days $109.00/day 3 Teachers @ $110.00 2 Teachers @ 290.00
(Incl. $40.00 discount) 1 Teacher @ 250.00
HOTEL: $ 218.00
TRAVEL: 0.00
Teacher Sat/Sun Compensation: 0.00
Pre-Conference: 330.00
Conference Weekend: 830.00
PTC Contribution - 810.00 ($270.00/teacher)
TOTAL COST* 569.00 (not including Subs or taxes)
IN CLOSING: I have personally attended the Conference sponsored by the California Kindergarten Association in 2005 and 2006. I found both events to be not only enlightening but also rewarding. Each year I found the speakers to be very informative. I came away inspired and refreshed with a renewed sense of the possibilities within the classroom. I had ideas I could walk in on the first day of the week and use and those that were put in place over time prove to be beneficial to the class.
With the changes that are coming with the implementation of Transitional Kindergarten and our current focus on improving reading and writing skills, we feel that attending this years pre-conference and conference would be not only beneficial to us but to those we teach now and in the future.
Attached is a copy of the Brochure that was forwarded on Sept 17th in an email. If you cannot open it, please let me know. Per the brochure, we picked out the following sessions to attend. Please see the brochure attached for details.
Sessions Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3
A A1 A7 A6
B B3 B1 B6
C C5 C3 C7
D D3 D5 D7
E E8 E8 E8
F F2 F7 F4
If after reading the brochure, there are recommendations of alternate to promote and support the direction our team is going, please let us know.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
The Kindergarten Team
ATTACHMENT – 2013 PK1 Conference Brochure