

Office bearers of St. john the Baptist Church

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Phone: 251-865-6902
P. O. Box 417, Grand Bay, AL 3641 Fax: 251-865-1412
Email: Parish website: www.StJohnGrandBay.org
Fr. Anthony Kadavil ()
Rev. Deacon Billy Graham
Parish Council President:
Mr. Steve Sema Jr. ()
Finance Council President:
Mrs. Paula Rials
Sunday School Coordinator: Mrs. Tiffany Teofilo
Youth Director: Mrs. Karen Day

Sunday school classes (CRE) and Youth program begin at 8-45 am. Please send your children and the youth to the programs.

Sacrament of Reconciliation forSundaySchool childrenwill be held this Sunday from9-10 amto prepare them for the Easter celebration.

Holy week time schedule:HolyThursdayMass, GoodFridayservices and Easter Vigil Masson Saturdaywill begin at7 pm. EasterSundayMass will be at10 am. The solemn Way of the Cross on Good Fridaywill be at3 pm. GoodFridayis a day of fasting (with one major meal) and abstinence (no meat).

Our Holy Week parish mission (life renewal program)will bepreached on Monday,TuesdayandWednesdayof the Holy Week from7 to 8 pm. We will have a “Penance Service” on Wednesday after the mission, with 3 priests to hear confessions.

Easter Sunrise service: All our parishioners are invited for a combined Christian Easter celebration of all Christian denominations in Grand Bay from 7 to 7-45 am on Easter Sunday at the Football Stadium of the Grand Bay Middle School. Please take a small cushion and a sweater with you because we have to sit on the concrete steps of the stadium under the open sky.

Second CollectionthisSundayis for “Aid to the Church in Central & Eastern Europe & Aid to the Church in Africa.”

Golden Group Bake Salewill be this weekend,March 19 & 20. Please support the Golden Group by purchasing a baked item or providing a baked item to be sold.

Special thanks to the Knight of Columbusforserving delicious fish fry dinners all the five Fridays of the Lent.

Ministers of the Mass Schedulesfor Holy Week and the month April are on the glass table. If you are on the schedule, please take one.

Special thanks to all our donors who donated for holy vessels: The donors are Tim & Deronda Delmas (in memory of Paul Delmas) Joe & Mildred Smith, Reggie & Veronica Steward, Bill & Kris Schaffer, Mary Kirchoff and Doris Sema. The new vessels will be displayed in front of the altar this Sunday and used for the Holy Week Masses. The price is about $3,500.00. Donations for more new items for the use in our church are requested. If you wish to donate, please see Father Tony or Deacon Graham.

Pray for James Graham, one of our altar servers, who is having his tonsils removed on Holy Thursday.

The annual Chrism Mass:The chrism Mass and blessing of the holy oils will be celebrated in the Cathedral church at11 amonthis Tuesday(March 22nd) officiated by the archbishop along with all priests and Deacons. All our parishioners are invited to participate.

Altar Server Banquet: All “Altar Servers” are invited to a banquet sponsored by K of C Council 666 on April 10th. If you are interested in attending, take a copy of the letter from council 666 which is on the glass table.

Prayer request for healing: Your prayers are requested also for the speedy recovery of Richard Boswell, Gennie Garret, Bill Dixon, John Stans (brother of Wesey Dixon), Joe Smith and Mickey Poirier.

K&C Food Drive to help "Christ-N-Us" ministry: Knights of Columbus Council #15490 of St. John’s has received a request and agreed to support the "Christ-N-Us" ministry, located at the corner Potter Tract and Sager Rd. They house and feed up to twelve souls each night and they are in need to any food donations we can provide. Please donate items which can be cooked and served and show appreciation for the blessings that God has given you by helping to feed the hungry.

Birthdays this week: Mar.22nd:Darrel Wright: 24th:Johnnie Tate:25th:Tiffany Fonteot, David Schmierer, Maribeth Thompson: Wedding Anniversaries: Nil

Holy Mass intentions of the week: March 19-25

The 19th: ------For the eternal repose of the soul of Russell Gray by Colleen and Sylvia Gray

The 20th: ------For the Parish Community

The 21st: ------For the eternal repose of the soul of Kenney Kirchoff by the Kirchoff Family

The 22nd: ------For the eternal repose of the souls of deceased relatives/friends of Joe & Mildred Smith

The 23rd: ------For the eternal repose of the soul of Steve Sema Sr. by Deborah Sema

The 24th& 25th: ---- No Mass due to Holy Week

Altar care month: When it is your month for “Altar Care” please pick up the linen every week to help keep it from mildewing.

March 13: Regular: $2,079.00 / Easter Flowers $274.00 / Catholic Relief $75.00


Altar Care- March

Linda & Louis Jones

Church Cleaning – March 26th

Ann Jackson & Wesey Dixon

Extraordinary Minister Schedule forMarch 26 & 27, 2016
Mass / Altar Servers
(White Cincture) / EMCH / Lectors / Ushers
Saturday Easter Vigil
Mar 26, 2016
7:00 pm / Jay Graham
Kyle McBride
Paul Delmas
Bryce Baggett / Andrea Graham
Jason Poiroux / Colleen Gray
Jackie Price
Reggie Stewart
Peggy Delmas / Tom Thornton
Wayne Jackson
Steve Cauley
Ruth Riddick
Easter Day
Mar 27, 2016
10:00 am / Daryl Kirchoff
Jay Graham / Wesey Dixon
Billy Dixon / Carol Voss
Mark Voss / 4 Volunteers

Absentees: If you are scheduled to serve at Mass and find that you cannot serve, it is NECESSARY that you arrange for a substitute. Please take your responsibility seriously. If you are interested in serving as an Altar Server, Eucharistic Minister, and Lector or as an Usher, please let Fr. Tony or the Office know of your willingness to serve. We especially need Usher/Greeters for the Saturday Mass.

Remember the sick brothers and sisters in your prayers: Gwen Roderick, Richard Boswell, Gennie Garret,Becky Thompson, Bob Echement, Dumas McLaney, Pat Bourne, Deacon Jim Bullock, Lilly Breaux, John Stein, Billy Dixon, James Wink, Kyle Austin Ely, Sarah Thornton, Mike Wilson, Johnnie Tate, Carol Tate, Roger Young, Mickey Poirier, Leyah White, Karen White, Virginia Gable, Joby Smith, Brennan Griffin, Andrew Sprinkle, , Mary Helen Allen, Mike Middleton, James Cauley, Susas Halliday, Peggy Hock, Carla Felps Kyser, Tina Rascoe, Mary Thornton, Coraif Brasell, Addie Thompson; Carolyn Willard, Judy Courtney, Wendi Guidry, Gabby DeGeer, Dana Ferrell, Nonie Crow Reed, Charlee May Knowles, Nina Bohl, Fritz Porter, Linda Graham, Michelle Cook, James Albritton, Gloria White, Joe Smith, , Kayla Perry, Victoria Fontenot, Tiffany Fontenot, Frances Bosarge, Mary Lou Ledford, Gavin Middleton, Laurie Middleton, Jerry Wayne Davis, Amanda, Ida Clark, Joyce Rudberg, Jennifer Patronas, Connie Stringfellow, Josh Ellis, Beth Gibson, Father Russell Biven, Cheryl Humphrey Thompson, Jay Stallone, Emma Barber, Ali Ray, Caryn Sutoff, Gerald Brannan, Hanner Gassaway, Rylyn Kuntz, Joe Ecker, Clair Waite, Avery Collier, Julia Raleigh, Steven Butler, Sarah Butler, Chris Sassano, Tammy Asch, Delaine Pigorsch, Joel Rivera, Alice Bedwell, Susan Taylor, Wayne Seymour, Miss Pink Pridgen, Kim Pridgen, Clyde Shores, Glen Haab, Haley Holder, Lakeshia Johnson, Gary Sherman, Elizabeth Schmidt, John Atchison, Johnny Hill, Jared Hoken, Diana Abrams, Hinleigh Hall, Ryan Keith Malone, Dave Matern, Andrew Taylor, Diane Watts, Daniel Dorriety, Harrand Broussard, Katie Nielsen, Richard Arnold, Louis Poiroux, Homer Campbell, Jimmy Marchand, Arlene Wissman, Sally Thompson, Peggie Huber, Dale Thompson, Jane Thompson, Andy Thompson, Callie Massey, Angela Heardon, Rita George, Edgar Broussard, Robert Broussard, Jerry Blair, Michael Stairs, Amanda Illingsworth, Ray Bribsey, Dorothy Barnes.

Pray for the deceased dear ones of the parish: Pray for the eternal repose of the deceased members of the parish: Carolyn Bidlingmaer, Kenny Kirchoff, Voncille Hulcher, Mary Nicholas Rambo, Paul Delmas, Cody Driskell, Evelyn Robison, Jean Mitchell, Veretta Tulos, Jim Kimble, Lynn Poirier, Phillip Marchand, Sue Kirchoff, Mary Sanders, Margaret Jackson, Catherine Schnadelbach, Darlene Alexander, Patrick Marchand, Steve Sema, Sr., Mary Marchand and Sis Marchand. Close relatives of our parishioners: Russell Gray, Gerald John Brannan, Emilee Voss. Former pastors: Rev. Monsignor Hugh Maguire and Fr. Strejeski. Other priests and deacons and Sisters: Rev. Msg. Joseph Jennings, Rev. Andrew J. Stauter, Rev. Walter Menig, Rev. William Gorman, Deacon John Cretaro, Deacon Holscomb Pryor, Deacon Marvin Johns, Sr. Maria Bernarda Kadavil and other deceased relatives and friends. Pray for our former parishioners serving in the Armed Forces: Travis Wilson, SPC Jackson Triston, Jr., Captain Will Hurd, Bryant Bailey & Zachery Bailey and Athena Ladnier undergoing training in the U. S. Navy.

Pilgrimage to Guadalupe: The apparition of Our Lady of Guadeloupe is considered by some to be the most important of all apparitions. As we see the world climate between Christians and non-Christians unfold, one might tend to agree with this proposition. We will travel to Mexico and see the Tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe, as well as visit Mexico City, Tlaxcala and Puebla! We will experience the culture and see the pyramids.The trip price covers everything, including meals. Visit the website for details:www.pilgrimages.com/frsavoie (Fr. Johnnie Savoie- St. Pius X church)

Jubilee Year of Mercy: Pope Francis chose to inaugurate the Jubilee Year of Mercy in December because December 8th, 2015 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of Vatican II. That council, Pope Francis reminds us, inaugurated a new phase in the Church's history. Pope Francis quotes Saint John XXIII in declaring the Church's preference for "the medicine of mercy," and Blessed Paul VI in proposing the Good Samaritan as our model for discipleship. Pope Francis adds that God's mercy is "the beating heart of the Gospel," and that mercy "must penetrate the heart and mind" of every disciple (MV, 12).

Pro-life Mass at St. Mary’s Home: Please join us for Mass at St. Mary's Home, 4350 Moffett Road, Mobile, AL 36618, at 10 am every Friday, beginning Friday, September 25th, to pray for our pro-life activities, to pray for our children at St. Mary's Home, and to pray in thanksgiving for St. Mary's Home in our Mobile Archdiocese. After Mass, approximately at 11am, at the abortion mill, Planned Parenthood, 717 Downtowner Loop West, the Holy Rosary will be prayed together for an end to abortion and for the increased awareness of the dignity of every human life. For more info: Mae and Chris Rehm, 251-554-2032.The Holy Rosary is also prayed together at Planned Parenthood on Saturdays at 9am for an end to abortion and for the increased awareness of the dignity of every human life. Please join us.

To schedule a meeting or event using parish facilities you must check the calendar or contact the office to be sure the date and room is available. You must have approval from the office for any scheduled events.

Items for Soldiers’ needs: Please don’t forget to bring items for soldiers’ needs: Shaving cream, disposable razors, solid deodorant, bars of soap/body wash, anti-bacteria cleaner, shampoo, tooth paste, dental floss, personal handy-wipes, personal hygiene items for women, foot powder, insect repellent, flea collars (they put them around their ankles), chopstick, athlete’s foot powder/spray, sun block lotion, sun shades, protective safety dust masks, socks, sweat headbands, batteries (AAA, AA, C), DVD movies, cards, writing tablets, paper, pens, envelopes, reading materials, snacks: cookies, gum, crest, life-savers, mints, pudding, crackers, sardines, chicken, tuna, salmon, jerky, peppermints, kool-aid, gatorade, tea/coffee. Put items in the designated box in the Parish Hall

Help us to keep flowers at the altar: The slotted wooden box on the glass table in the Parish Hall will receive donations for flowers. If you wish to give flowers for a specific remembrance or thanksgiving, there is a sign-up flower chart on the wall to the left of the front doors.

Homily for Palm Sunday: (Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14-23 -- 23: 56)

Video homily by Fr. Bill Grimm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNKvUf_P8YQ&feature=player_embedded

Synopsis of Palm Sunday homily on Lk: 22:14-23

Palm Sunday homily (March 20) on Lk: 22:14-23, 23: 56 or 23: 1-49

Introduction:The Church celebrates today as both Palm Sunday and PassionSunday. Today’s liturgy combines contrasting moments of glory (the royal welcome given to Jesus by his followers), and suffering (the drama of his unjust trial culminating in his crucifixion). Holy Week challenges us to remember and relive the events which brought about our redemption and salvation, to appreciate gratefully the price Jesus paid for our salvation, and to return God’s love for us, expressed through the suffering and death of Jesus, by loving others. Our meditation on these Paschal mysteries should assist us in our dying to sin and rising with Jesus, resulting in our healing, reconciliation, and redemption. Proper participation in the Holy Week liturgy will also deepen our relationship with God, increase our faith and strengthen our lives as disciples of Jesus.

Scripture lessons:Today's first readingis taken from the third Servant Song in the book of the prophet Isaiah. Jesus saw aspects of his own life and mission foreshadowed in the Servant Songs.The second reading,taken from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, may be an ancient Christian hymn representing a very early Christian understanding of who Jesus is, and of how his mission saves us from sin and death. The first part of today’s Gospel describes the royal reception Jesus received from his admirers, who paraded with him from the Mount of Olives to the city of Jerusalem, a distance of two miles.In the second part of today’s Gospel,we may take part in a reading of the Passion of Christ according to Luke. We are challenged to examine our own lives in the light of some of the characters in the story like Peter who denied Jesus, Judas who betrayed Jesus, Pilate who acted against his conscience and condemned Jesus to death on the cross, Herod who ridiculed Jesus and the leaders of the people who preserved their positions by getting rid of Jesus.