Name ______

Address ______

City ______State ______ZIP ______

Telephone (______) ______

E-mail ______

Main Teachers / Years Studied ______


Skill Level (check one)

Ž Beginner (able to read and play 1st position notes)

Ž Intermediate: Beginning (comfortable with Royal Conservatory Series Repertoire, up through level 2)

Ž Intermediate: Regular (comfortable with Royal Conservatory Series Rep., up through level 5)

Ž Intermediate: Advanced (comfortable with Royal Conservatory Series Rep., up through level 7)

Ž Advanced: please enclose CD*

*To apply for the advanced section, enclose a 15-minute CD. Must be submitted by Friday, June 24, 2016.

All others (Beginner and Intermediate): please apply by Friday, July 1, 2016 so that we can estimate attendance.

Fee Categories (check one)

Ž $250 – Elementary School

Ž $250 – Jr. High and High School

Ž $250 – College

Ž $295 – Adult (post college)

Workshop Fee (enter from Fee Categories) $ ______

I would like to make a donation to the Classical Guitar Workshop (Optional) $______

Total Enclosed $______


Summer Conference Director:

Telephone: 513-558-6691

Parking: Refer to Parking is available at the Woodside Garage and the CCM

Garage. These garages are automated with machines that take cash or credit cards. On-campus parking is

$10.00 a day (subject to change).

Richard Deprater Contact for CCM Guitar Workshop Parking -

Mail this application, check for the full amount (payable to the University of Cincinnati), the Skill

Inventory Form (on the following page) and a CD (if applicable) to:

Prof. Clare Callahan

Classical Guitar Workshop 2016

College-Conservatory of Music

University of Cincinnati

ML 0003

Cincinnati, OH 45221 Telephone (513) 281-2865 Email:

Skill Inventory Form

Dear Classical Guitar Workshop Participant,

Thank you for joining us for another Classical Guitar workshop. We look forward to meeting you for what promises to be another wonderful week! Every year we try to place students in appropriate playing level groups. In order to better place you at the right level, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions. You are not locked in to any level; it is simply a place to start and allows us to plan our faculty assignments. Please know that you are not required to complete this form, but if you choose to do so, we thank you in advance.

Your name: ______

Years of study: ______

Name of instructor(s): ______

Other instruments you play ______

Years of study ______

Orchestra? Band? Chorus? ______

Names of guitar methods and studies completed: ______




List three pieces that best represent your current playing level: ______



Assess your current sight-reading abilities: ______


In which positions do you have a workable knowledge? (1st, 5th, 7th, etc.)


Have you played in guitar ensembles before? ______
How long? ______

What do you hope to accomplish at the workshop? ______


