Teacher: Ms. Dianna Kim Room: 350 (period 1,2); 124 (period 6,7) Email:
Office and Office hours: Afterschool: #122 I will be available for tutoring most days after school. Please make an appointment with me so I know when I’ll be expecting you. If funding is available, there will also be tutoring on Saturday mornings from 8:30 to 11:30. Please utilize this valuable resource.
In emergencies: period 5: #346a (in between 342 and 346)
The world of Biology is filled with mystery and excitement, but to find the hidden joy you must be determined and willing to learn the concepts and methods. This year-long course will include lab work and discussions along with related critical thinking questions and problems. Throughout the course material will be integrated from various chapters and lab exercises to demonstrate how scientific concepts need to function together rather than separately.
Topics covered in the course include:
1. Introduction/ Nature of Science
2. Homeostasis and body systems
3. Cell Physiology
a. Cell Structure & Function
b. Homeostasis & Transport
c. DNA Structure & Function
d. Mitosis, Meiosis, & Cell Cycle
4. Genetics
5. Evidence for Diversity of Life
6. Cell Energy
a. Photosynthesis
b. Respiration
7. Ecology
8. Final Exam Review
Your challenge centers on how to balance academic work in this class, along with that from other classes, and extra-curricular activities. If an effort is put forth on a nightly basis, then the work will not seem as rigorous. You will need to review and study as you do your daily activities and assignments. Finally, in order to gain the maximum knowledge from this course be ambitious, think inquisitively, ponder ideas presented, and question, almost, everything about the principles of biology.
· Be respectful: Success comes from taking risks, but risk-taking is not always successful and we usually learn just as much from the times we fail as the times we succeed. It is important that we respect our classmates and give them the opportunity to take risks and participate in class in a friendly and encouraging environment.
· Be prepared: Success depends on being prepared. Be on time; bring what you need, and have an open mind.
· Reach your goals: Success in this course is being able to demonstrate your mastery of content and skills that will help you be both scientifically literate and more socially responsible. In cases where you are having difficulty-grasping material, I am here to help.
· Assessments (includes unit tests, quarter tests, etc) - 30% of the quarter grade.
· Quizzes (includes pop quizzes and planned quizzes) - 20% of the quarter grade.
· Completed Class Work and Participation (includes participation, bell ringers and exit slips, binder grades, any class work) – 20% of the quarter grade.
· Homework (any assignment that is told to do at home)-10% of the quarter grade.
· Project and lab work (any projects or labs completed)-20% of the quarter grade.
Grades are updated on the online grade system weekly.
Grading Scale
100-90% A
89-80% B
79-70% C
69-60% D
59% and below F
Opportunities to Demonstrate Mastery
In SOME cases you will be offered or required an opportunity to “redo” assessments (test/quizzes) that do not meet the standards set for the assignment. Before a “redo” can be done, the student must arrange to and meet with the teacher to discuss the steps that will be taken to meet the standards of the assignment successfully.
A few things to keep in mind…
• You will have a time limit to complete in the redo.
• The teacher reserves the right to adjust or change the assessment in order that it can accurately assess mastery.
Daily Required Materials (Each student is REQUIRED to supply these for this class):
· Pens and #2 pencils (colored pencils/colored pens are optional but very good to have your own set)
· Lots of Looseleaf lined notebook paper
· 2 STURDY folders to hold extra handouts and worksheets
o A 3-ring binder. NECESSARY FOR binder check. Effective students in the past have separated the binder by unit and retained completed homework packets, worksheets, notes, and quizzes/tests to use at the end of the year, or even in college, as a study aid.
o Also recommend note cards!
· Scientific calculator
Classroom Policies/Rules
· Conduct:
o Tardiness will not be tolerated. Excessive tardiness results in phone calls home, deduction in participation points, and grade being lowered. (5 tardies will equal to absence and could result in your grade being lowered).
o Raise your hand to speak so that individuals are not talking over each other. Our classroom will foster respect for everyone. Be considerate of others in the room. Students who make fun of peers, intimidate others, or threaten fellow students will deal with the appropriate consequences.
o Use the restroom during lunch period, passing period, or before school.
o ALWAYS wear your ID on a lanyard. If it is appropriate to remove your ID for labwork, I will instruct you to do so.
o NO FOOD in class. You may have something to drink on most days, but on days when we are working on labs, you may not have drink either.
o Come to class prepared.
§ Read ahead in the book so you can come to class prepared to ask questions.
§ Have your homework packet, writing utensils, lab notebook, lab worksheets, etc., as appropriate for that day’s activities.
§ Wear appropriate clothing for lab activities
· Wear shoes that cover the entire surface of your foot below the ankle (e.g. tennis shoes)
· Long hair must be tied back
· Long pants must be worn
· Failure to be properly outfitted for lab will result in zero participation points for that day and may negatively affect your grade for the lab activity. In some cases, I may assign an alternative activity such as a virtual lab that must be completed on your own.
§ Show respect for:
· Yourself by being prepared for class, doing your best, and not cheating. Even when you are working in groups, you can work together to agree on concepts, but each individual should give his or her own answer. If cheating is discovered, all parties will receive a zero.
· Each other by keeping the shared resources in our room neat and clean, by fostering a supportive atmosphere for learning, and by acting as a resource for your fellow students. None of you will master every concept in this course on your own. I am just one person, so please take advantage of opportunities to teach and learn from one another.
· Me by familiarizing yourself with expectations described above and living the every day in class.
· Participation:
o Active participation is important in helping you to understand and master the material. Your participation in class discussions will be tracked and included in your grade.
o Participate in class. This means:
§ No sleeping, no phones, no sidebars (do not talk when you are not supposed to).
o 5 participation points each day: this includes deduction in points from poor attendance, tardiness, name being called for negative behavior, etc
· Late Work:
o Homework assignments not discussed in class the day due will be accepted one day late for a 20% deduction and two days late for a 40% deduction. Some lab work will also be accepted late also for a 20% deduction. For example, if the assignment was due on Monday and you turn in an “90%” work assignment on Tuesday: it will be a “70%”. If you turn it in on Wednesday: it will be a “50%”. All work after 2 days is a zero.
· Absences:
o Assignments that are due on a day that the student is absent must be turned in the day that the student returns in order to earn full credit.
o You are responsible for initiating and making arrangements to make-up missed work for an excused absence.
o All assessments (tests/quizzes) are announced several days in advance. If you are absent the day before the test and return the day of the exam, then you are expected to take the test on the exam day.
o Students have one day for each day absent to complete make up work.
o Class cuts and truancy results in the loss of all points given that day. ( you will not be able to make it up)
o WITH SOME EXCEPTIONS, all class work assignments and homework assignments will be attached or listed on my website.
· Cheating:
o Cheating is unacceptable. Any student found cheating automatically receives a zero on the assignment. If you do your own work, but let someone copy it, then you have also cheated.
o Copying labs and homework is considered cheating.
All school rules are in effect. Refer to your student handbook for further details.
· Laboratory Expectations:
o Written lab reports/analysis will be given specific due dates.
o Lab grades will be based on several components: preparations for the lab, execution, care, behavior, and clean up in lab, and final analysis of the lab.
o Students with excused absences are responsible for scheduling arrangements for make-up labs.
o Safety goggles must be worn during specified experiments and labs.
o Students will be warned to behave properly for minor problems. If problems persist, then phone calls home will be made and detentions will be given.
o For severe problems, students will be removed from the class and referred to the Dean.
o For safety violations, students will immediately be removed from the class and may need to complete the work after school or the following day before school.
Students will receive their grade based on the following:
· Exams and Quizzes, Homework, Projects and Activities, Essays, Short answer, Attendance/class performance, Participation, Bellringers/Exit Slips, Pre-Lab, Post Lab, Formal Lab Reports/Lab Worksheets.
I strive to grade work quickly and regularly update Gradebook, which can be accessed by both students and parents as a way to track performance in the class. Please DO NOT use Gradebook as a method of contacting me, messages in this system are easily overlooked and I prefer that you contac me via CPS email.
Class Website
Most assignments, homework plans, powerpoint lectures, study guides, reference worksheets/directions and helpful websites on the class website. Please familiarize yourself with this website so that you can access important class information. THE WEBSITE IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! The class website address is
Extra Credit Work
There will be SOME opportunities to receive extra credit throughout the year. Examples of these extra credit points might include additional projects and/or supplemental reading & writing activities over semester breaks AND RANDOM QUIZZES FOUND ONLINE ON THE WEBSITE.
Ms. Kim reserves the right to modify class policy and course content at any time except in regard to policies set forth by Lane Tech High School, Chicago Public Schools, and the College Board.
Please do not hesitate to seek help from your peers or from me. If you ever need any help, I am more than willing to work with you before or after school, or during a pre-arranged time. My door is always open to you. Just stop in and ask me for any clarification or help. Good luck this year and welcome to Lane Tech!
This sheet is the only sheet you will be turning in to the teacher. Please make sure your name is clear on this sheet.
Please sign and return to your teacher by Friday, September 5, 2014.
I have read the grading and classroom/lab expectations for Honors Biology. I understand the behavior expected of me in class/lab and the criteria upon which my grade will be based for the 2014-2015 school year.
______Parent Student
Date Date
To assist your child in the best way possible, I would like to ask you a few questions about your child.
1. How does your child learn the best?
2. What can I do to help your child be more successful in my class this year?
3. What are some things you want me to know about your child?
If I need to contact you during the day, then how should I do it? Telephone (home, work, or cell?) Email? Please provide that information below. Also, please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns that you may have. Thank You!
Student’s Name:
Parent’s Name:
Phone Number: