Eleventh Session
Payerne, Switzerland
10 – 14 March 2014 / CIMO/MG-11/Doc. 4.4(3)
ITEM: 4.4
Original: ENGLISH


Status of IOM Reports

(Submitted by the Secretariat)

Summary and purpose of document
This document provides the status of the Instruments and Observing Methods Reports since CIMO-XV.

Action proposed

The MG is invited to note the status of IOM Reports and to assist Secretariat in finalizing those due to be published before CIMO-16.

The MG is also invited to reconsider the practices presently used for the forewords of IOM reports and whether clear guidelines should be established to guide referees on how to review IOM reports in order to maintain a homogeneous quality of these reports.


CIMO/MG-11/Doc. 4.4(3), p. 4


Status of IOM Reports

1.  IOM reports that were finalized since CIMO-XV were published on the CIMO website only, with the exception of the proceedings from TECO-2012, which were published on CD as well and distributed to all WMO Members. It is proposed to prepare a CD for the distribution of those IOM reports that were published on the website and for any other IOM report that will be ready for publication before CIMO-16 session and distribute it to all Members, as well as to CIMO-16 and TECO-2014 participants.

2.  To that effect, OPAG and ET-Chairs should liaise with authors to ensure that the reports will be ready in time for review by the relevant ET members and final review by a CIMO Management Group member, or another expert designated by the CIMO president. Such reports should be forwarded to the Secretariat at the latest early May 2014 to ensure their timely publication on CD prior to CIMO-16.

3.  IOM reports have traditionally included a foreword from the CIMO president. The Management Group is invited to consider whether this practice should be continued or modified (Is there an added-value in having a foreword to all reports? Should only some reports include a foreword? Should the foreword always be from the CIMO president, or could it be from CIMO MG members?)

4.  IOM reports are generally of high quality. It was noticed that the present ET workplan include as deliverables a very large number of IOM reports. It was questioned whether all those outcomes would likely meet the expected standard for IOM reports. In this context, it should be noted that there are presently no strict criteria available to guide referees on how to review those reports. The meeting is therefore invited to consider whether clear guidelines should be established. Also, the meeting is invited to consider whether listing the deliverables of ET tasks as IOM reports as a generally practice is appropriate.

5.  The following table provides the status of the Instruments and Observing Methods Reports since CIMO-XV know to the Secretariat.

No / IOM No.
TD No. / IOM Report / Author / Status /
Already published
1.  / IOM 114 / AMDAR Onboard Software Functional Requirements Specification Version 1.0, 16 July 2013 / Published on website only
2.  / IOM 113 / Third WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RA II
Tokyo, 23 January to 3 February 2012 / N. Ohkawara, H. Tatsumi, O. Ijima, H. Koide, S. Yamada (Japan) / Published on website only
3.  / IOM 112 / Baltic Region Pyrheliometer Comparison 2012
21 May - 1 June 2012, Norrköping, Sweden / T. Carlund (Sweden) / Published on website only
4.  / IOM 111 / RA II - Survey on the Surface, Climate, Upper-air Observations, and Quality Management / Japan Meteorological Agency / Published on website only
5.  / IOM 110 / Experiences of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) with the Operation of Wind Profilers (2011) / Japan Meteorological Agency / Published on website only
6.  / IOM 109 / Papers and Posters presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation,
Brussels, Belgium, 16 - 18 October 2012 / CD-ROM and website
7.  / IOM 108 / The International Pyrheliometer Comparison - Final Report
Davos, Switzerland, 27 September to 15 October 2010 / W. Finsterle (Switzerland) / Published on website only
8.  / IOM 107
(TD 1580) / WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems
Yangjiang, China, 12 July - 3 August 2010 (20 MB) / J. Nash, T. Oakley (all United Kingdom), H. Vömel (Germany), LI Wei (China) / Published on website only
9.  / IOM 106
(TD 1579) / WMO Field Intercomparison of Thermometer Screens/Shields and Humidity Measuring Instruments
Ghardaïa, Algeria, November 2008 - October 2009 / M. Lacombe (France), D. Bousri (Algeria), M. Leroy (France),
M. Mezred (Algeria) / Published on website only
10.  / IOM 105
(TD 1557) / Report onthe WMO-BIPM workshop on "Measurement Challenges for Global Observing Systems for Climate Change Monitoring - Traceability, Stability and Uncertainty"
Geneva, Switzerland, 30 March – 1 April 2010 / Published on website only
Under finalization
11.  / COST 727 Action
Measuring and forecasting atmospheric icing on structures / COST / Final editing done. Pending approval from COST on joint copyright.
12.  / Evaluation of CIMO Weather Radar Survey and Web-based Radar Database / Oguzhan Sireci (Turkey) / Under final editing in Secretariat.
Forward still to be drafted
13.  / Measurement of upper-air pressure, temperature and humidity / John Nash (United Kingdom) / Under final editing in Secretariat.
Forward still to be drafted.
14.  / EG-CLIMET: Overview of the achievements of the action / COST / Under final editing in Secretariat.
Forward still to be drafted.
Pending approval from COST on joint copyright.
15.  / Pyrgeometer Calibration Procedure at the PMOD/WRC-IRS / Julian Gröbner and Stefan Wacker (Switzerland) / Under final editing in Secretariat.
Forward still to be drafted.
16.  / Pyrgeometer Calibration Procedure at the PMOD/WRC-IRS / Julian Gröbner and Stefan Wacker (Switzerland) / Provided to Secretariat.
To be reviewed by CIMO MG member.
17.  / Survey on meteorological instruments, calibration and training in Regional Association II (Asia) / Japan Meteorological Agency / Provided to Secretariat.
To be reviewed.
18.  / Survey on alternatives for dangerous and obsolete instruments
Evaluation of the questionnaire
recommendations on alternatives / A. Bakthavathsalu (India) and R. Merrouchi (Morocco) / Will be provided to Secretariat imminently
19.  / Guidance on the computation of calibration uncertainties / J. Duvernoy (France) / Under finalization within ET-RIC
20.  / Guidelines and procedures for the transition from manual to Automatic Weather Stations / M. Molyneux et al. / ET-NIST indicated interest to contribute additional material to this report.
