Launch Weekend: January 27-29, 2017Office: Jenkins XXX

Weekly Adviser and/or Team WEBEX MeetingsPhone: 305-284-XXXX

Spring - 2017 - 3 Credits

Key UM Roadmap Initiatives supported:

Hemispheric Innovation HubHemispheric University Consortium

Educational InnovationInterdisciplinary Collaboration



IFTA is an undergraduate-level, “experiential learning” course developed under the sponsorship of the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the University of Miami.This course’s focus is global and entrepreneurial

The primary goal of this course is for students to increase their global business, entrepreneurial, cross-cultural and cross-functional competencies through adviser-guided collaboration and active participation in international, entrepreneurial-driven student teams. Each team develops, presents and defends a business plan addressing the needs of Latin American markets leveraging the entrepreneurial and technological expertise of its members, as well as others with whom they network.


Students admitted to the IFTA program must first be nominated by a Professor or Department Chair. After their nomination, each student must submit an IFTA application, a resume, a bio/personal statement and letter of reference from the nominating professor. Once all documentation is received, each finalist will be interviewed by CIBER/IFTA or local university advisers for final approval. A list of alternates will also be identified, in case an approved student is unable to participate in the program. The ideal candidate for this program would be a high performing senior with strong interest and experience in entrepreneurship and is bilingual in English and Spanish. (See EXHIBIT 1 for the student application).


The following is the link you will need to purchase the packet of readings through Harvard: note you will need to COPY AND PASTE this link in browser in order to access the reading ordering website.University of Miami students may download from UM's library the readings from Harvard Business Review. Students from the participating Latin American universities will have the readings included in their packets which will be distributed at the beginning of Launch Weekend. (See Exhibit 2 for a complete list of required and suggested readings).


The course method includes:

•speakers, workshops and in-person, team working sessions during Launch Weekend,

•weekly, 1 hr. minimum WEBEX team and adviser-led meetings

•weekly, 2 hr. individual student preparation & research for contribution to team objectives

•a midterm in-country trip to either, Chile, Colombia, Mexico or Peru

•an end of semester trip to ICESI in Cali Colombia, for the preparation, presentation and defense of a final written business plan and powerpoint to a panel of judges for feedback and grading.


Eight IFTA student teams, guided by faculty advisers from IFTA and the participating universities from Latin Americawill participate in an experiential learning team project to develop a comprehensive business plan to address a Latin American market challenge/opportunity that the team identified. (seeExhibit 3 for project details and calendar).

The team project is comprised of the following steps:

•identifying Latin American business challenges and opportunities; assessing them; and selecting the one on which they will focus their efforts;

•collaborating with team peers, Faculty advisers and in-country mentors, in-person and virtually to design an innovative business solution;

•developing a viable business plan that leverages resources and expertise with which to properly address the selected challenge/opportunity;

•validating the plan during a mid-term trip to either, Chile, Colombia, Mexico or Peru:

•defending the final business plan to a panel of judges and advisers for evaluation and grading during an end of semester trip to the Universidad ICESI, in Cali Colombia

Other than tuition, there is no fee for participation in IFTA, however each student selected to participate is responsible for all travel expenses (meals, local & international transportation, personal expenses, etc.). Prior to their travel, all participating students will receive CIBER funding to assist with travel & lodging expenses as follows. A maximum of:

US $1,000 for a single international trip

US $1,500 for two international trips or

US $2,000 for three international trips

Students must submit receipts for reimbursement from their respective universities. Any student who does not successfully complete the IFTA program must fully reimburse their respective university for CIBER funds used. Any student who wishes to withdraw from the course must do so prior to the participating universities deadline and work with their team members and Faculty Advisers to make any necessary adjustments to ensure the team meets their objectives.


The University of Miami is governed by an honor code, initiated at the request of the Undergraduate Student Body Government, ratified by student referendum, approved by the Faculty Senate and by the President of the University. All undergraduate students are responsible for reading, understanding, and upholding the Honor Code. Violations will be treated as serious offenses and shall result in disciplinary action as allowed by the School of Business and by the University of Miami. (See Undergraduate University Catalogue for details.) Students from participating Latin American universities will be responsible for upholding the student policies of their respective universities.(See Exhibit 4 for additional student policies).


Students who are enrolled in IFTA, at their own institutions, will be awarded gradesby the faculty of record in the format used for each institution. Grades will be based on the following:

20% - Attendance & active participation in all events, virtual and team meetings (IFTA Adviser)

20% - Individual and group Mid-Term (10%) and Final evaluations (10%) (Students)

10% - Midterm written business plan (all Faculty Advisers)

20% - Final written business plan and (Judges Panel & Faculty Advisers)

30% - Final presentation (Judges Panel)

100% Total points earned

Final grades will be based on 10 point spreads, that is, 90 to 100 is an A (or equivalent, as with those following), 80 to 90 is a B, 70 to 80 is a C, 60 to 70 is a D, and below 60 is an F. A grade of plus or minus will be assigned if the final numerical average is within the top or bottom 3 percentage points (respectively) of each letter grade spread.

The Class Attendanceand Active Participation component (20%) is critical to the success of the student team’s objectives and will decline two percentage points for every missed WEBEX or scheduled team meeting beyond one unexcused absences. Absences due to personal medical reasons or death in the family will not diminish the attendance grade, if verified. 80% Rule: Students are not required to provide an explanation for missed classes. However, the Management Department maintains a firm 80% policy regarding attendance. That is, a student who fails to attend at least 80% of all IFTA and team sessions will not receive a passing grade.

Final Business Plan and Presentation (50%) - During the end of semester trip to ICESI, Cali, Colombia, all student teams will present their final business plans to a panel of judges who will provide feedback and grade each teams presentation and written business plans. Each member of the student team is required to present some portion of the final presentation. Each student team member can present in either English or Spanish. At the end of the semester the IFTA Director will compile all assessments and calculate the final grade. The grades will then be forwarded to the faculty of record for the course at the student’s home institution. (see Exhibit 5 for student, adviser and class evaluation forms and judges final business plan and presentation criteria)

VIII. Faculty

The Faculty Adviser for IFTA is Dr. Greg Smogard,Director of IFTA. In addition to the IFTA Faculty Adviser, each participating university will make available an:

•Academic Adviser to nominate and participate in the formulation of the student teams, travel to the Launch and final presentation weekends, host a student team during a Mid-term trip if applicable, participate in selected WEBEX and/or student team meetings and judge and grade the final plans and presentations and,

•In-country, team mentor who will be a subject expert in the field in which each teams business plan is being developed.

The participating universities and advisers for 2017 (subject to change) include (see Exhibit 6 for bios of the Faculty and Academic Advisers) :

•U.S. - University of Miami

•Faculty Advisers : Marianna Makri, Director of Entrepreneurship and Helena Solo-Gabrielle - College of Engineering

•Peru- Universidad del Pacifico, Lima

•Faculty Adviser:MariellaHernadez Salazar, Office of International Relations

•Colombia - Universidad ICESI, Cali

•Faculty Adviser: Ana Carolina Martinez Romero, Business Development Center

•Mexico- TBD

•Faculty Adviser: TBD

•Chile - Universidad Adolfo Ibanez, Santiago

•Faculty Adviser: Santiago Mingo, Professor


Innovators for the Americas Application

Directions: Submit this form, your 1-page bio, and resume by November 30, 2015

5250 University Drive Jenkins Building, 417F Coral Gables, Florida 33146

Tel: 305-284-8014 Fax: 305-284-3655

Last Name: ______First Name: ______Phone: ______Email: ______Mailing Address: ______City:______University: ______School: ______Major: ______Expected Graduation Date: ______Distinct Skills: ______

Describe Your Language Proficiency




English Speaking

English Writing

Spanish Speaking

Spanish Writing

Reason for Participation: ______

How will this course contribute to your educational and professional development goals? ______

Bio Enclosed (Circle): YES or NO Resume Enclosed (Circle): YES or NO

For Official Use Only

Time & Date Received: ______Observation(s):______Raking: #______of ______applicants


Required Readings:


Jan. 24“Collaborating Well in Large Global Team”, (Heidi K. Gardner & Mark Mortensen), HBR, July 1, 2015, “Discipline of Teams, (Jon R. KatzenbachDoulas K. Smith), HBR, July 1, 2005.

Jan. 30“Design Thinking Comes of Age”, (John Kelmo), HBR, Sept. 1, 2015,

“Creating Value Through Business Model Innovation:, (Raphael Amit & Christopher Zott) HBR, April 1, 2012.

Feb 6“The Innovator’s DNA”, (Jeffrey H.Dyer, Hal B. Gregersen, Clayton M. Christensen) HBR, Dec. 2009., “Two Keys to Sustainable Entrepreneurship”, (Roger C. MArtin & Sally Obberg), HBR, May 1, 2015.

Feb 13“How to Write a Great Business Plan”, (William A. Suitlman) HBR, July 1, 1997.

Feb 20“Why the Lean Start Up Changes Everything”, (Steven G. Blank), HBR, May 1, 2013

Suggested Reading:

Jan A World of Opportunities for Aspiring Entrepreneurs – Creating Your Own Job in the “New Normal, (Greg Smogard,), Amazon, 2013.



The following calendar provides the weekly schedule, business plan and submission requirements. However, it important that each team develop their Project and Work Plans based on their own collaboration and methodology to maximize their business and entrepreneurship skills and competency.

WeekAssignmentBusiness Plan Requirements

Jan. 27-29thLaunch Weekend, U MiamiWorkshops, Student Team meetings

Submit preliminary work & project plan

The following key activities will be conducted during IFTA Launch Weekend:

•The student teams will be formed. Each student team will be comprised of four students- one student each from both the University of Miami’s School of Business Administration and Engineering or other participating departments and one student from two of the participating Latin American Universities from either Chile, Colombia, Mexico or Perú.

•Each team will complete their preliminary Charter (roles & responsibilities), Work Plan (dates, times for virtual team and adviser meetings) and Project Plan (business concept). These documentswill address protocols, scheduling, communications, document storage and the description of idea around which the team will build their business plan.

Jan. 30th**Individual/Virtual TeamworkSubmit final work & project plans

Feb. 6th*Adviser/Virtual Teamwork Research & Finalize Opportunity

Feb.13th**Individual/Virtual Teamwork Opportunity/Solution/Target Market

Feb. 20th*Adviser/Virtual Teamwork Competition/Operations Plan

Feb. 27th**Individual/Virtual Teamwork Operations Plan

Mar. 6th*Adviser/Virtual Teamwork Marketing & Sales Plans

Mar. 16-19thTrips to Latin AmericaOnsite Team, Adviser, Mentor Meetings

Mar. 20th**Individual/Virtual Teamwork Submit Midterm Plan & Evaluations

Mar. 27th*Adviser/Virtual Teamwork Company/Management Structure

Legal/Regulatory/Cultural issues

Apr. 3rd**Individual/Virtual Teamwork Third-party/Partnership Strategy

Apr. 10th*Adviser/Virtual TeamworkFinancial Models & Executive Summary

Apr. 17th**Individual/Virtual TeamworkSubmit Draft Plan/Presentation to Advisers

Apr. 21-24thTrip: U ICESI, Cali,ColombiaPresentation & Written Plan to judges

April 28thClasses End

May 2ndFinal Business PlanSubmit Plan Based On Judges Feedback Submit Evaluations & Supporting Docs.

May 3-10Final Exams

* Team WEBEX meeting with IFTA Faculty Adviser ** Student Team WEBEX meeting


Team Roles, Structure, and Meetings

Given the importance of team collaboration and the limited time available for all students to be together at the beginning of the semester, the IFTA Advisers will review the student’s application information and then place each student on a student team. The Advisers will use their best efforts to identify students with complimentary skills, teamwork and entrepreneurial experience to maximize both their business planning capabilities and their learning experience.

During Launch Weekend, Student teams must complete their preliminary Charter, Work and Project Plans. These documentswill address protocols, team roles and responsibilities, scheduling, communications, document storage and the description of idea around which the team will build their business plan. Any substantive changes to the signed Work or Project Plan will require an addendum agreed to and signed by all parties.

Teams are expected to post data and relevant documents in advance of any meetings, and should develop protocols for tracking and integrating individual contributions. Each individual team member is expected to work a minimum of 3 hours/week and participate in at least one real-time,virtual WEBEXmeeting each week to review progress and plan for the next week’s actions. The virtual teams will meet one week with their student team and the following week with their student team and the IFTA Faculty Adviser.

During the weeks when the student teams are not working with the IFTA Faculty Adviser, they will have access to faculty advisers and mentors from the participating universities. Prior to the weekly virtual team meetings, a designated team member must initiate an agenda and disseminate deliverables at least 24 hours before the meeting. After the weekly meeting, minutes and any weekly tasks for the upcoming week should be posted within 24 hours.

Final Presentation

During the week of April 24th all student teams will present their final business plan to a panel of judges who will provide feedback and grade each teams presentation and written business plans.

Based on feedback from the judges, and no later than May 2nd, the team should deliver a hard copy of the final revised business plan, plus the final Power Point presentation,all supporting documents/data, summary minutes of all virtual meetings, a record of all individual student contributions and all relevant supporting data in English. to:

Dr. Greg Smogard, Director of IFTA, University of Miami

School of Business Administration 414 H Jenkins Bldg.
5250 University Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146


To be accepted into the program, candidates must agree to the following class policies.

•Exhibit Honor & Integrity: Follow your University’s honor code for all project work both in-person and virtually and hold your fellow classmates to the same honorable standards.

•Show Respect: Be on time and attend all Adviser and Team sessions, be respectful of all meeting facilities,display professionalism and courtesy to others,use technology appropriately and during appropriate times..

•Build a Better Community: Allow open communication and equal opportunity for participation during in-person and virtual sessions,participate in all group assignments with respect and commitment, be open to feedback and opportunities to grow and display appropriate behaviorand serve as ambassadors for your country, your school and Innovators for the Americas in the classroom and in allsettings.

•Reasons for Dismissal: Unexcused absences or frequent tardiness to work sessions,multiple absences from virtual or in-person meetings, violations to your School’s Honor Code or this IFTA code of conduct. After the second unexcusedattendance violations, IFTA will issue a written notification and subsequent infractions will be subject to dismissal. Should a student be dismissed from the program, the student will not receive a scholarship refund nor course credit.


Course Evaluations

IFTAstudents will be asked to complete anonymous Launch Weekend, Midterm Weekend and FinalCourse evaluation surveys. These evaluations will in no way affect grades, but will inform and assist the CIBER team as it prepares for its next IFTA Program. At the end of the course, each participating school’s Faculty Adviser will also be asked to complete a standard course evaluation and suggest improvements for the followings years program.

Launch Week Evaluation Form: Innovators for the Americas Jan. 27-29, 2017

University of Miami, CIBER & School of Business Administration,

1. The Following statements refer to your participation in Innovators for the Americas Launch Week. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

12 3 4 5

Strongly Somewhat Neither agree Agree Strongly agree

disagree disagree nor disagree somewhat

Communication about the

course was timely, clear

and comprehensive______

The Launch Week was

what I expected______

I accurately understood

my responsibilities for

Launch Week______

My accommodations in

Miami were comfortable

and convenient______

Launch Week sessions