Please find below the instructions for each of the sections on the State Compensatory Education (SCE) – Compensatory, Intensive, and Accelerated Instruction – Program/Services Description TEMPLATE.

1.  Name of campus or program, campus # and grade levels served (i.e. Grades PK- 5, Grades PK-8, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, etc) and name of School Support Officer. Also, check if you are an Alternative, Contract or Charter Campus (see “Note” below).

2.  Location of campus or program (include complete address with zip code)

3.  Phone number and FAX number

4.  Person responsible and their title

5.  Amount of SCE funding for the current year (LEAVE BLANK – this will be completed for you with the final budget figures)

6.  Total number of FTE’s that are coded in full or in part to SCE for the current year (LEAVE BLANK – this will be completed for you with the final budget FTE figures)

7.  Program budget IA code that SCE funds are coded to for the current year:

IA 24 – Non-Title 1 Schoolwide campus

IA 28 – Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) Basic Services

IA 30 – Title 1 Schoolwide campus

8.  Number of identified at-risk students who were reported to PEIMS as at-risk based on state criteria for 13-14 (This does not include students who are at-risk based on local criteria!)

9.  Number of students who were reported to PEIMS as at-risk based on state criteria for 13-14 AND served in an SCE funded program for 13-14 (This does not include students who are at-risk based on local criteria! Local criteria are not reported to PEIMS)

10.  Check “yes” if you are a Title 1 Schoolwide Campus with at least 40% poverty or “no” if you are not (seethe check “Note” below)

11.  Check the supplemental services or programs you are providing for at-risk students with SCE funds – must be instructional services or programs (see the check “Note” below)

12.  Check the types of formative and summative evaluations that are in your SIP for SCE (see the check “Note” below)

13.  Campuses should be able to demonstrate that school personnel have received staff development designed to assists at-risk students. The staff development that is listed should only be the instructional strategies topics for teachers of at-risk students. (It may or may not be funded out of your SCE funds – the funding source does not matter.)

Note: For questions 1, and 10-12 you will need to double click the box you wish to check. A box will open and you will need to select “checked” under the Default Value section. Click OK and a check will be inserted for you.

Scan and email completed form to Heather Sherrouse – or fax to 713-556-7265.