Lesson 4


Introduction ofMacArthur

(1) background:born in 1880 into a military family

(2) education:1. (B)

(3) career:serving in some areas and becoming a commander of the U.S. forces in the Far East

Introduction of His Prayer for His Son

(1)when to write: 2. (A)

(2)for whom:his only son

(3)importance:a letter to God and a message to all the youth

Body of the Prayer

(1) a son who isstrong, brave,proud, andhumble

(2) 3. (C)

(3) a son with the courage to face a challenging environment

(4) 4. (D)

(5) a son with humorand wisdom

(A) battling in the Pacific(B) graduating from West Point

(C) a son with a tough personality(D) a son with a clear heart and a high goal



Part 1: 隨堂測驗


1.If you work hard, you’ll come away with a v y.

2.Our a t today is to read twenty pages in our science textbook.

3.If you can see the world with childlike s y, you’ll find your life full of happiness.

4.There is a lot of w m in what my mother says. She gives me great advice.

5.Respect, trust, and communication are the f n of a healthy relationship.

6.The players on the baseball team were very upset after their terrible
d t.

7.It’s great to learn that your son g ed from Oxford University at the top of his class.

8.The researcher made some s tfindings, which might lead to a great advance in the treatment ofAIDS.

9.Dave has a r e ability to remember every detail about everyone he has met.

10.Several new restaurants have opened near here, but the White House
r ns my favorite one.


1.When life becomes ______(stress), take some time to calm down and relax.

2.Carl is a fun person to be around because he has a very______(humor) personality.

3.Kelly showed her ______(humble) by quietly smiling when she accepted the award.

4.The man’s______(hero) deeds during and after the powerful earthquake were celebrated around the island.

5.A climb to the top of Mt. Everest is the most ______(challenge) journey one can attempt.



Though he was ______a poor family, he ended ______as a successful businessman.


Don’t ______up at the last minute, or all your previous work will have been ______.


The comet is ______the scientist who ______it many years ago.


Jack’s father, a banker, wanted Jack to ______,

but Jack had another idea.


(A)用“ not…but…”句型來完成以下句子。

1. it matters/how one dies/whether he lives a meaningful life

2. that city is famous/for its beautiful scenery/for its many historic scenes

3. I like Jeff/because he is good-looking/because he has a good sense of humor

(B)用“adj./adv. + enough (for sb.) + to VR”句型來改寫以下句子。

1.Kim got up so early that he could catch the first train.

2.We were so lucky that we could find a taxi on the way to the play.

3.The book is too difficult for a five-year-old kid to understand.



, it was still defeated.


True contentment lies not in how much you take .


She gives the impression of being generous. But .




Douglas MacArthur deeply adored his father, so he decided to follow in his footsteps and serve in the army. After graduating with 1. from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, he was sent to serve in several places. In 1941 he was made commander of U.S. forces in the Far East. That is 2. he achieved a series of military victories. During this period he wrote a prayer for his only son, Arthur IV 3. had been named after Douglas’s grandfather. MacArthur had great expectations of his son, so he prayed that he would be brave enough to face himself 4. he was afraid. He expected his son not to live a life of ease and 5. but rather one filled with difficulties and challenges. In his prayer MacArthur also said that he believed it was important for a man to be able to “stand up in the storm” yet have sympathy for

6. suffer from failure. 7. was also his hope that his son would have a clear mind and a high goal. In addition, he wanted his son to have a sense of humor so that he wouldn’t

8. defeat in life too seriously. Most of all, his son should be able to embrace new ideas while

9. into the future, yet also remember to respectthe traditions and lessons of the past. MacArthur concluded his prayer 10. saying that if his son could grow into such a man, he felt that his life would be meaningful.

(C)1.(A) foundation(B) combination(C) distinction(D) civilization

(B)2.(A) how(B) where(C) which(D) why

(A)3.(A) , who(B) who(C) that(D) , which

(D)4.(A) where(B) what(C) why(D) when

(B)5.(A) accuracy(B) comfort(C) humility(D) acquisition

(B)6.(A) one who(B) those who(C) he who(D) whoever

(A)7.(A) It(B) There(C) That(D) This

(D)8.(A) get(B) hold(C) make(D) take

(A)9.(A) reaching(B) assigning(C) engaging(D) risking

(C) 10.(A) in(B) on(C) by(D) with


Born on January 26, 1880, in Little Rock, Arkansas, the five-star general Douglas MacArthur played a prominent role in American military history. Because he greatly admired his father, who had won a CongressionalMedal of Honor during the AmericanCivil War, he wanted to follow in his footsteps. So he entered the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1898and graduated as top of his class in 1903.

MacArthur served in France during World War I. Later, he commanded a Philippine army and his American troops. After the outbreak of World War II, he led the defense of the Philippines against invading Japanese forces. Japan planned on trapping MacArthur and his troops. President Roosevelt ordered MacArthur back to Australia to avoid being captured. Soon, he made a triumphant return to the Philippines and received Japanese surrender on September 2, 1945. However, because of his disapproval of President Truman’s proposal of a cease-fire for the Korean War, he was relieved of his command and had to come back home, where he received a hero’s welcome. He retired from the military and made his last public appearance in a farewell address to U.S. Congress, in which he said, “Old soldiers never die; they just fade away. Like the old soldier of the ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty.” He died peacefully on April 5, 1964.

MacArthur is generally believed to be a born leader with unequalled command ability and zealous devotion to duty, honor, and country. However, he was also a man with a contradictory personality. His aide Faubion Bowers recalled, “He was atremendously great man with tremendously great weaknesses.” For example, while MacArthur was magnetic and respectable, he was considered vain and suspicious, which led to numerous conflicts with his superiors. Nevertheless, he appeared warm, courageous, and even humble to his staff. He is arguably the mostreviled, and at the same time the most admired figure in modern American history.

Comprehension Check

(B)1.What did MacArthur emphasize in his famous farewell speech “Old soldiers never die; they just fade away”?

(A) The importance of life.(B) The importance of duty.

(C) The importance of military.(D) The importance of courage.

(C)2.What led to MacArthur’s dismissal from his command?

(A) He failed to liberate North Korea in a short time.

(B) North Korea’s troops wanted to capture MacArthur.

(C) He disapproved of President Truman’s policy in the Korean War.

(D) He expressed different political opinions from President Truman.

(C)3.Which of the following statements is true?

(A) MacArthur had a pleasant personality.

(B) MacArthur was killed in the battlefield.

(C) MacArthur retired from military service unwillingly.

(D) MacArthur built a close relationship with his superiors.

(A)4.What can people infer from this reading?

(A)Despite his dismissal from military service, MacArthur was seen as a national hero.

(B)Because of his retirement from military service, people didn’t show respect for MacArthur.

(C)Because of his active military service, he delivered speeches in public after returning to America.

(D)In spite of his removal from the army, MacArthur still played an active role in society before his death.

Essay Questions

What does the sentence “He was a tremendously great man with tremendously great weaknesses” mean?



字彙 / 學 / 指 / 字彙 / 學 / 指 / 字彙 / 學 / 指
prayer / 1 / 0 / significant / 3 / 3 / stress / 30 / 3
general / 2 / 1 / address / 1 / 2 / challenge / 5 / 6
hero / 5 / 0 / defeat / 3 / 3 / goal / 9 / 6
graduate / 5 / 5 / humble / 1 / 1 / master / 1 / 8
assignment / 0 / 1 / victory / 1 / 2 / humor / 2 / 17
remarkable / 1 / 2 / foundation / 4 / 2 / wisdom / 1 / 0
battle / 0 / 2 / path / 2 / 1 / dare / 1 / 2
remain / 9 / 7 / comfort / 0 / 1
慣用語 / 學 / 指 / 慣用語 / 學 / 指
be born into / 1 / 0 / in vain / 1 / 0
take...seriously / 0 / 1
句型 / 學 / 指 / 句型 / 學 / 指
Patterns in Action I / 2 / 1 / Patterns in Action II / 3 / 0




The ancient Egyptians believed firmly in life 1 death. When aperson died, his or her soul was thought to travel to an underworld, where it 2 a series ofjudgments before it could progress to a better life in the next world. For the soul to travel smoothly, thebody had to 3 unharmed.

(C) 1.(A) for(B) by(C) after(D) into

(A) 2.(A) went through(B) made up(C) changed into(D) turned out

(A) 3.(A) remain(B) remind(C) repair(D) replace

Part3: 寫作練習




1. What do you wish to have?

2. Why do you desire it?

3. What will you do if you have it?