Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Council
24th May 2010
Apologies:-Were received from John Waterhouse, John Gwyther, Roger Everton, Janette Tomlins
Mike welcomed back Edwin and John Waterhouse after their re-election. It appears no one has contacted them to inform them of the re-election and apart from an acknowledgement of the application there had been no communication. It was suggested that we need to review the electoral procedures as there is uncertainty around the situation that starts next year. Officially regional council members are elected for a period of three years, can stand for one further term and then have to stand down for at least one year. We have just had the elections for the last group for the original three year term. Next year Terry Bailey will have served two terms although the first term was only one year. This will be raised to the National Council and potentially the England board for clarification. The concern is given the lack of volunteers to be elected then the council could easily not exist.
Previous Minutes:- No corrections had been raised. In matters arising it was mentioned that the Humberside Network is progressing and approaching completion. Affiliation fees were mentioned and it was pointed out that they need to be in by 1st April for the lists of affiliated clubs to be any use for track and field clubs. The welcome pack has not progressed despite Steve chasing it. The Ackworth/Pontefract situation is still dragging on but Pontefract are now an affiliated club. The situation with County Officials secretaries being able to change the county for officials had been raised to UKA without any answer. Similarly the request that event organisers can receive a list of officials but no contact details.
Feedback from National Council and Board:- Mike had been unable to attend the National Council. The Board had spent time considering feedback from the consultation evenings, the budget, affiliation fee, competition review and Mike gave a brief summary. It was suggested that we should be able to nominate a second person to attend National Council if the chair is unavailable. There were comments that the new rule book should have been made more widely available particularly to the eligibility committee members. It was also mentioned that the membership cards were useful evidence at some international competitions that you are actually a club member.
Andy Lee gave an update on the consultation evenings which had gone well in the Region. Doncaster was slightly disappointing numbers but the other two had 20+ participants and many new people. The findings will be consolidated and distributed after the final consultation had happened. There was some discussion as to whether we should hold an extra event in Humberside. Andy promised to see if we could be arranged in mid June.
Governance matters:- None had been tabled but Terry Bailey raised an issue with the interpretation of the ClubMark process of rules fro membership of clubs. In line with most other clubs Doncaster AC only confirm membership of the club once that membership has been reviewed by the committee. This ties in with rule 3(5) of the UKA rules but ClubMark think it is against diversity rules.
Coaching:- The athlete and coach development day which was scheduled for 21st Feb was badly affected by the snow and that affected the launch of the Local Coach Development program. It has been discussed that another day may be arranged. The recent committee meeting of the coaching committee and it had been discussed that if EA could help by holding LCDP days on the same day and assist with the venue hire then these Athlete and Coach development days could be provided for at least one more year.
Officials: At this time of year the officials are very busy officiating. The courses that had been planned earlier in the year had been delivered and Andy Lee will check where the innovation funding for evenings to help officials to understand officiating in disability events has been paid to. There is still some doubt about the peer groups for endurance officiating possibly stuck with Run Britain.
Competition:- Malcolm commented that at last regional winners would be given free entry to the National championships but regretted that this was only for seniors. He will carry on lobbying to change that to all age groups. The Yorkshire & Humberside championships had been held again and had been a success. It is the northern championships this weekend.
There was some discussion as to who is responsible for issuing licenses for track and field events. Is that an England function or a UKA function? Mike to find out.
There was discussion about the dates setting meetings. The endurance meeting will be on October 30th setting dates for September 2011 through into 2012. It was felt that the track and field date setting should happen in March or April for the following season. EG March 2011 sets dates for 2012 season.
The terms of reference for the competition review were requested. Mike promised to follow this up.
Endurance:- Mike mentioned that the England road running championships structure have been agreed. He raised the lack of creation of Run In England groups despite a lot of people being trained and suggested clubs should look into this as a way of growth and possible income generation. The Park Run set up was mentioned and Mike encouraged clubs to make contacts because it was an ideal place to meet new runners and possibly encourage them to get involved in clubs.
Feedback from Area Team:- Andy Lee gave his update mentioning the loss of Katie Jones but the appointment of Lucy Birkinshaw as CCSO to cover West and North Yorkshire. Much of his report had been given around the Regional Consultation evenings. He also checked who had applied for grants from the innovation fund and whether the payments had been received.
Any other Business:- Steve Gaines mentioned his report on the London Mini Marathon and that it had been a successful trip with the young people enjoying the experience.
The West Yorkshire Management group was mentioned which was looking at pulling together a calendar of events across the spectrum of eventswith a focus on networks working together. Tim Cock had agreed to chair this.
Purpose of Regional Council:- A short discussion touched on it being a means of effective (two-way) communication, should be able to influence more that currently appears, how widely should minutes be distributed. If they are sent to the board will they be read? Suggestion that two people should attend the National Council to allow for unavoidable absences and a wider input to the process. Felt all regional councils should be in the communication train and should be consulted before reviews are initiated to input into terms of reference. It was suggested that EA board members should attend regional council meetings on an unannounced basis so that they see what is going on.
Date of Next Meeting:- Suggested 19th July 6:30 for 7. Since may need to change one week either way.