US/ World History I – Mr. WernerFrom Colonies to States: The American Rev.
Revolutionary War Unit Outline
Essential Questions for Revolutionary War
1.What were the colonists fighting for in the American Revolution?
2.How did Britain attempt to control the colonies?
3.How were the colonists able to win the war?
Monday,January 2, 2012 / Tuesday, January 3 / Wednesday,
January 4 / Thursday, January 5 / Friday,
January 6
Teacher Work Day / 1. Hand Back Semester Exams
2. How was your break? / 1. Colonial House
Homework: Get Back into the Groove of things!!!
/ Homework: 10 Similarities Between British Colonies in NA and Colonial House Reading #1Monday,
January 9 / Tuesday,
January 10 / Wednesday,
January 11 / Thursday,
January 12 / Friday,
January 13
1. American Revolution Pre-Test (no grade included)
2. School House Rock / 1. Slavery in Statistics: A Case Study
2. What is not finished becomes HW!!!! / LATE START
1. French & Indian War PowerPoint (Read intro)
2. French & Indian War DVD / 1. Costs and Benefits of Independence - Keynote
2. Acting Up intro / 1. Was it a massacre? – The British on Trial
2. Analyzing of Paintings
Reading #1 / Homework:
Arrival in the New World Article / Homework:
Reading #2
January 16 / Tuesday,
January 17 / Wednesday, January 18 / Thursday,
January 19 / Friday,
January 20
Dr./Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday-NO SCHOOL!!! / 1. Boston – Seeds of Revolt (24 – 35)
2. Revolutionary Tea Poem
3. Tea Act – Political Cartoon / 1. Common Sense
2. Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation & America’s largest slave revolt
3. Journal / 1. Lexington and Concord-the Conflict Ignites!
2. Johnny Tremain Video Clip / 1. British Lamentation – poem
2. Economics and Why the break occurred one more time…
Reading #3 / Homework: Reading #3
January 23 / Tuesday,
January 24 / Wednesday, January 25 / Thursday,
January 26 / Friday,
January 27
1. Declaration of Independence
2. Beginning of War – Advantages keynote
3. Death Statistics for American Wars / 1. American Rifleman - political cartoon
2. Yankee Doodle – Sung & explained
3. The Patriots begin winning…. / 1. Important Battles and changing points of the war
2. School House Rock Review / 1. American Revolution Review Jeopardy for test / 1. Test over Unit 6: Revolutionary War
Homework: Study Guide / Homework:
Study Guide / Homework: Prepare for Test / Homework: Prepare for Test