
Please use the daily routine vocab below to complete Activities 1-4. If you prefer, you can also take out the hard copy of the vocab you received yesterday. Make sure you save your work throughout the class period! Anything that you do not complete in class should be finished for homework.

¡Hasta mañana!

Sra. Wismann

Daily Routine: La rutina diaria

Act. #1: ¿Para qué usa ______? (What do you use ______for?)

Each question below contains an item needed for daily routine activities. Drag the responses on the right to answer each question on the left.

Daily Routine Activities

  1. ¿Para qué usa el despertador?
  2. ¿Para qué usa el jabón?
  3. ¿Para qué usa el champú?
  4. ¿Para qué usa la navaja?
  5. ¿Para qué usa la pasta dentífrica?
  6. ¿Para qué usa el peine?
  7. ¿Para qué usa el lápiz de ojos?
  8. ¿Para qué usa el espejo?

Act. #2: ¿Qué hace primero?

Alejandro’s daily routine got all mixed up. Rearrange the sentences on the right so his routine will be in the correct order.

  1. Primero
  2. Segundo
  3. Tercero
  4. Cuarto
  5. Quinto
  6. Sexto
  7. Séptimo
  8. Octavo
  9. Noveno
  10. Décimo

Act. #3: La hora

When we’re discussing our daily routines, we often talk about what time we do each activity. Click on the link below to play a Rags to Riches game that will help you review telling time. Refer to the graphic below if you need help.

Act. #4: La rutina diaria de Carmen

Carmen is describing her daily routine during the school week. Read the passage and then answer the questions below. You don’t need to answer in complete sentences and your answers should be in English.

Durante la semana escolar me despierto a las seis, pero no me levanto hasta1 las seis y cuarto. Luego2, me ducho y me pongo la ropa. Yo como el desayuno a las siete menos veinte. Generalmente, como el cereal y una manzana o una naranja. Después de comer, me cepillo los dientes, me peino, y me maquillo. Tengo que salir de casa a las siete porque el bus escolar llega a las siete y cinco.

1hasta until

2 luego then

  1. What time does Carmen wake up?
  1. What time does she get out of bed?
  1. What does she do before eating breakfast?
  1. What time does she eat breakfast?
  1. What does she eat for breakfast?
  1. What does she do after eating?
  1. What time does she leave her house?
  1. What time does her bus come?