Town of East Haven, CT

Inland Wetland and Watercourse Commission


November 9, 2016 7 PM

Chairman Richard Poulton called the meeting to order at 7:02

  1. Roll Call- Richard Poulton, Nicole Nastri, Jerry Jaffe and Ronald Andrade were in attendance. Also present were Kevin White, Town Engineer and Al Zullo, Town Attorney.

Mr. Poulton asked for a motion to move Mr. Andrade from an alternate to commissioner for the purpose of this meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Jaffe and seconded by Ms. Nastri. All were in favor, motion carries.

  1. Approval of Minutes from August 10, 2016

A motion was made by Mr. Jaffe and seconded by Ms. Nastri to approve the minutes from August 10, 2016. All were in favor.

  1. Old Business-None
  1. New Business- None

5. Enforcement- Cease & Desist 480 Short Beach Rd

Filling within the Upland Review Area

A Cease & Desist order was issued at 480 short Beach Rd after a report of activity in the wetlands. Mr. Poulton had met with the owner of the property. Mr. Poulton also had a Google map of the property. Mr. Snow the property owner was in attendance. He stated that he had built up a berm to prevent flooding on the property. He had started at the furthest point from the road and built it up 3-4 feet. He put milling over sand and stone that was all ready there. He put stone up to the edge of the bank and filled to the top of a pipeline that runs on the property. He stated when it flood the water goes half way up the back of the property. Mr. Poulton stated he understood what he had done and why but that this activity fell within the regulated are. Mr. Poulton also noted a pile of sand on the Google map. Mr. Snow stated with was silica sand that he uses for sand blasting. He cleans up everything after he is done. That pile is not currently on the property. Mr. White asked Mr. Snow if he had any discussion with his consultant on the materials used. Mr. Snow stated yes he had, that his intent was to stop the water on his property. He stated that there were 3 drains in the front and back of the property and 1 in the middle. These drain to the storm drains.

Mr. White asked Mr. Snow to prepare an engineered drawing and site plan to the commission of review. The drawing should show the relation of the fill to the wetlands, and how much was was/will be used. This drawing should be presented at the next meeting of the commission. Also, within the next 7 days he needs to have place sedimentation and erosion controls on the far side of the property where the newly placed materials were. He would also need to get an application for activity in the regulated area from the Town Engineer’s office.

A motion was made to continue the Cease & Desist order by Mr. Jaffe and seconded by Mr. Andrade. All were in favor.

6. Other Business- Update on 110 Barberry Rd

The DEEP was invited to attend tonight’s meeting but declined due to it being after business hours. It was noted that some clean up had been done on the property. The Town still has pending foreclosure action against the property for non payment of taxes.

7. Communications- None

  1. Commentsfrommembers- None

A motion was made at 7:28 to adjourn by Mr. Jaffe. It was seconded by Mr. Andrade. All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristen Vineyard, Clerk