Unit Objectives to Achieve Institutional Goals

Institutional goals will be achieved through the collective and coordinated efforts of individuals and groups across the campus. Use this form to identify one or more specific objectives your unit will accomplish to advance one or more of the institutional goals. The methods you use to accomplish your objective(s) should reflect the mission, vision, values and strategic directions articulated in our 2005-2010 Strategic Plan.

Planning Timeframe / July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009
Unit (office/department/program/service/committee) / College Council
Contact/Lead Person / Matt Ayer (Chair)
Key Collaborators (groups or individuals)
Date submitted / 12/05/07
Identify which of the institutional goal(s) will be advanced by achieving your objective(s). Mark all that apply.
#1 / #2 / #3 / X #4 / #5 / #6 / #7
Identify one or more specific objectives to be achieved by June 30, 2009. Ideally, the objective(s) should
o  Represent a “realistic stretch;” i.e., be challenging yet achievable;
o  Be expressed in terms of a tangible outcome(s); i.e., be outcomes-oriented rather than process-oriented;
o  Include a quantifiable measure of success (e.g., increase/decrease by specific number or percentage);
o  Include a baseline measure.
Make consistent & comprehensive reports to campus community
Key Tasks/Milestones
List the key tasks that need to be completed/milestones to be achieved in order to accomplish the objective.
o  For some quarters you may have no entries; for others you might have more than one.
o  When completed, this section should serve as general work plan for accomplishing the objective.
YRQ / Key Task/Milestone
Su 2007
Fa 2007
Wi 2008 / Report meeting minutes to campus community within one week of approval. Maintain webshare with all agenda, minutes, bylaws, and roster.
Sp 2008 / Continue
Su 2008 / Continue
Fa 2008 / Continue
Wi 2009 / Continue
Sp 2009 / Continue

Please return completed form to Jack Bautsch (. Thank you.