The purpose of the Conference Travel Grant (CTG) is to provide financial assistance to research candidates to attend a conference and present their work during the course of their candidature. Essential features of the CTG are:

  • A grant of up to $1,000 for travel and registration fees (not accommodation);
  • Candidates must have had acceptance of a paper or poster presentation for delivery at a conference.


The CTG is open to Masters by Research and Doctor of Philosophy students who satisfy the following criteria:

  • Acceptance of a paper or poster presentation for delivery at a conference. Those applicants who have been invited to deliver a paper will receive priority;
  • Be enrolled and have completed at least one (1) year of their candidature;
  • The student must have successfully completed their confirmation of candidature;
  • Candidates must be enrolled in the respective course at the time of the conference;
  • In the case of joint papers, only one grant will be provided;
  • Tenured University staff are not eligible to apply;
  • Candidates are only eligible for one CTG during the course of their candidature.

Students intending to apply must be in compliance with their reporting requirements and have also completed all milestones compatible with the duration of candidature.

To apply

Having met the above criteria, the applicant must have approval from their Supervisor to attend the Conference. The candidate shall then submit the following paperwork to the PGResearch Office (Blue 5.1.67):

  • Checklist for Conference Travel Grant application (see over);
  • Completed Conference Travel Grant Application form signed by Supervisor and Head of School (attached);
  • A completed Movement Requisition with all required signatures; this must be provided no later than 4 weeks before travel.
  • Documentation from the Conference organisers indicating the acceptance of an abstract or paper, and proof that the paper is being presented at the Conference;
  • A detailed budget (travel and registration);
  • Details of the Conference (eg: brochure).

(Note: If the Conference is being held overseas, the application and Movement Requisition should include a copy of the relevant “Travel Advisory” from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade found at

Checklist for Conference Travel Grant Application
Please attach this checklist to the front of your application
Applicant name:
Student number:
Date of departure and return:
Checklist Item / Evidence/ documents included
  • Completed EHSE 115 - Conference Travel Grant application form signed by your Supervisor and Head of School

  • Movement requisition with required signatures

  • Documentation from conference organisers indicating the acceptance of an abstract or paper and proof that the paper is being presented at conference.

  • Abstract of paper

  • Details on conference (eg: brochure)

  • If the conference is overseas, the Movement Requisition should include a copy of the relevant Travel Advisory from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

Note: If your application is missing any of the items on the Checklist, it will not be considered and will be returned to you.

EHSE115 – Conference Travel Grant

Conference Travel Grant Application Form
Student Number / Postal Address (must be completed for all students)
Number & Street
or PO Box
Title / Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr
Other /
Surname / Suburb / Town
Given Names / State / Postcode
(if outside Australia)
Home Phone / ( )
Date of Birth / Work Phone / ( )
Mobile Phone

Applicants should read the Guidelines before completing the Application

Name of Course / Course code
School / Name of Supervisor
Project Title
Abstract of paper
Details of Conference
Name of Conference:
Are you presenting a paper or poster? / Yes No
If yes, what are you presenting?
Detailed Budget
Please provide full details of expenditure for attendance at the Conference, including price quotes, brochures or website links associated with the Conference.
Item / Amount
Certification by Applicant
I certify that I am presenting this paper (or poster) at the Conference specified in this applicationand that no project funds have been previously awarded toward the above-mentioned conference travel.
Signature of Applicant / School / Date
Supervisor and Head of School Endorsement
I certify that attendance at this Conferencewill assist towards the successful completion of the student’s HDR project, and if awarded this funding, the student will be required to properly justify all purchases and other expenditure as important and integral elements of their research project.
Name of Supervisor / Signature of Supervisor / Date
Name of Head of School / Signature of Head of School / Date
Associate Dean of Research and Research Training Endorsement
Approved Not Approved
Amount of funding:
Name: / Signature: / Date:

Completed applications should be submitted via email to;

By post;

PGResearch Office

Faculty of EHSE

Blue 5.1.67


DARWIN, NT, 0810

All applications received will be acknowledged via email to the student.

Applicants who have submitted complete applications may be asked to revise their application and to supply additional details to the Panel as this fund is part of an initiative for professional skill development in grant writing. Application assessment will be partially based upon the completeness and quality of the application submitted.

Conference Travel GrantGuidelines v1.2Page 1 of 418 January 2016