
Peggy Bitler



Jay Recanzone



Tom Price


Board Members

Term thru 6/13

Earl Chambers


Gary Hardesty


Oskar Hernandez


Bill Swirsky


Mary Swirsky


Term thru 6/14

Tim Dake


Candy LoBue

463 -2677

James Neely


Tim Ogle

463- 4694

Ann Rudolph



Prices 463-3794

Prog. & Event Schedule:

Sept. 4 – Fish hatchery tour &

BBQ picnic

Sept. 8 – Jeanne Dini Cultural

Center “Taste of the


Sept. 11 – New jail tour &

dinner at Dini’s

Sept. 15 – Mexican

Independence Day


Sept. 18 – Game feed at

Wilson canyon

Sept. 25 – Jay & Tom on our

new web site

Sept. 30 – Ice Cream Social

Oct. 2 – No meeting, but food

prep for Teach. Apprec.

Oct. 4 – Teacher Appreciation


Greeter Schedule:

Sept. 4 – None/picnic

Sept. 11 – None/tour

Sept. 18 – None/game feed

Sept. 25 – James

Upcoming Meetings:

September 4, We will meet at the Fish Hatchery at 6:00pm. A picnic dinner will be served at the Hatchery about 7:00pm. You would be wise to bring chairs. Peggy will be calling to request help on the food. This is Gary Hardesty’s meeting. The Fish Hatchery is accessed off of Miller Lane. Follow the signs from 95A or find your own way. If you haven’t visited the Hatchery you are in for a pleasant surprise.

September 11, Leon Aburasturi has arranged for us to tour the new jail and court facility which is nearing completion. The tour starts at 6:00pm sharp. Meet in the Library parking lot.

September 18, will be Lucy’s favorite event. Maybe the corn-eating deer will be on the menu. This will be held at the Wilson Canyon Rest Area and Smith Valley Rotarians will be invited. For those of you haven’t attended one of these fun events, you don’t have to bring game or fish. Those that have it will bring it. The rest of us bring the other food to accompany the game. If you are not fond of game bring something to cook for yourself on the grill. This is a wonderful time to try something new, from chuckar, venison, elk, sheep, salmon, halibut etc. The festivities start at 6:00pm with dinner to be served about 6:30. Note the time if you are late, the good stuff will be gone.

PR Committee Meeting:

9-6-12 6:00pm

Lucy’s House

Board Meeting:

9-6-12 7:00pm

Lucy’s House

District Governor Woody’s Visit:

This meeting was as perfect as a meeting can be for the District Governor’s visit. Peggy did a great job organizing the meeting and didn’t even lose the bell. Things that impress DG’s are: Paul Harris awards, new member inductions and District 5190 awards for new members. We had all of them and a lot of fun (fellowship). Great job, Peggy.

Quiet Rotarian: Steve Singer was named Quiet Rotarian, primarily for his work with RYLA.

Paul Harris Fellows: We have several new Paul Harris Fellows and some multiple Paul Harris Fellows. This is an award established to honor Rotary’s founder, Paul Harris. Donations to RI’s Annual Programs Fund or Polio Fund are counted toward a Paul Harris award. Donations of money or recognition points can be combined to reach the $1,000 needed to receive this award. You receive a Paul Harris pin for the first $1,000 and after that you receive a pin with a sapphire on it for each additional $1,000 donated. Our last meeting resulted in the award of pins with four sapphires for Joe Giomi, three sapphires for David Fulstone and one sapphire for Eddie Snyder.

Deeanne Rotchy (for daughter Kimberlee), Steve Singer, David Fulstone, Ed Snyder, Joe Giomi and Carrie Giomi

The Club in the past and for this meeting looked at the records of club member donations. If the member was close to the $1,000, the club added some of its recognition points to that members account. That is how Eddie Snyder, Steve Singer and Gary Hardesty received their awards. Carrie Giomi and Kimberlee Rotchy (David’s granddaughter) received their Paul Harris awards thanks to the donations of Joe and David. Cash donations bring recognition points to Paul Harris Fellows and this is what made Joe’s award possible.

New Members inducted: The club, with Woody’s help, inducted two new members. They are Carrie Giomi and Ron Hennessey. They were given their new “red badges”. If either of you need help or information on how to earn a “blue” badge, James or the new “blue” badge wearers are excellent sources of help. You need to choose a club member as a mentor in the next couple weeks. James can help you with this.

Blue Badges awarded: Last Spring’s new members were awarded their regular Rotary (“blue”) badges. Congratulations to Carrie Baker, Kerry and Craig Stevens, Tim Dake, Tim Ogle, David Talbot and Candy LoBue. You have been super new members.

Third Generation Rotarians:

I think this is the first time we have had a three generation family in Rotary (if I am wrong, correct me). John Giomi, Joe’s dad was an exceptional member with 25 years of perfect attendance at the Smith Valley Club, capped with a diamond Rotary pin presented by his club. Joe is a long standing member and our new member, Carrie, will also be a great member. Our congratulations to the Giomi’s.

Upcoming events to help with:

It isn’t just Skip who kept us busy. Peggy seems to have a real skill at keeping things going. We will need club member support on the following events:

Jeanne Dini Center, Taste of the Valley: 9-8-12 Rotary has promised to work the bar for this Saturday evening event. Peggy will be asking for volunteers to do this.

Mexican Independence Day Dance: Oskar is leading the charge on this one. It will be at the Boys and Girls Club on Saturday, 9-15-12. We will have a good Mexican Band, and will sell beer. Save this date, so you can sign up to help. This is a combination community service and fund-raiser.

Ice Cream Social: This will be held at the Nordyke House on Sunday, September 30th from 1:00 to 4:00pm. All proceeds will go toward the club’s End Polio Now commitment. We will need helpers to make home-made ice cream and toppings. Scoopers and parking attendants will also be needed. A sign-up sheet will be coming in the near future.

Teacher Appreciation: Set for October 4. Lots of help needed for the dinner that night.

Program Committee for Oct – Dec:

Congratulations to the last committee. The meetings have been impressive and enjoyable. The next crew for the committee are: Jack Algeo, Peggy Bitler, Tim Dake, Oscar Hernandez, Tim Ogle, Tom Price, Ann Rudolph, Steve Singer, Bill Swirsky and Joe Frade. You can bet Lucy will be signing you up for a program. Start thinking of the program you will bring to Rotary.

The club that works together stays together!