Penguin Team 2014-2015

Mrs. O’Keefe

Grade 8 Social Studies-U.S. History I

Welcome to 8th grade Social Studies! This year we will be studying United States History from the American Revolution to the Civil War. Throughout the year we will also emphasize learning and study skills, with a particular focus on reading, writing, and literacy skills. Our course of study is guided by the Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework and the Common Core State Standards. Below are my classroom policies.


·  Agenda

·  3 ringed-binder (1 or 1 ½ inch) with dividers (minimum 3)

·  Pens, pencils, highlighter, colored pencils (colored pencils optional)

·  Loose-leaf paper


·  Call to Freedom, 2000

·  All students will receive a textbook that should remain at home. Classroom copies of the text are available for use during school.


·  Students are assessed in a variety of ways: weekly quizzes, tests, homework (usually Monday-Thursday, written on board and found on website), “Projects” (written papers, maps, charts, online assignments, class work, etc.), binder, etc.

·  Grades can be accessed by parents via the parent portal (found on the Ludlow Public Schools website: I typically update grades on a one to two week basis depending on the length of the assignment.


·  I am available during Academic Support and after school. My after school schedule is very flexible and I encourage students to speak with me regarding what day(s) works best.


·  School-wide progress reports are issued at midterm to all students, four times a year.



Students are expected to use their agenda daily to record assignments, upcoming quizzes and tests, long-term projects, events, etc. The agenda is a tool that can help students become responsible, organized, and successful.


Daily homework and other assignments need to be turned in on time. A typical homework assignment can earn a V+, V, or V- (full or partial credit) based on its quality and completion, while longer assignments (typically written) are worth more. If an assignment is late, unless due to an absence, it will receive only half-credit, and late work must be turned in within one week of the original assignment.


Students must bring their binder to class every day. Notes, handouts, class work, graded homework, etc. will be kept in the binder. It is important that the papers in your binder remain neat and organized. In addition to being assessed at the end of every term (equivalent to a quiz grade), binder checks during the week can lead to bonus points on quizzes. The binder is meant to reinforce organization and completion of assignments.


My classroom website can be found at On this website, you can find weekly homework assignments, video links, games, practice quizzes and other resources.

I am looking forward to a successful year with your student! Please do not hesitate to contact me at , or contact me through the guidance department at 583-5685. Thanks, and have a great school year!

Laura O’Keefe


(Student signature)


(Parent signature)

Instructional Focus:

At Baird, we focus on actively participating in our learning and using our critical thinking skills to help us understand and contribute to the world around us.

Mission Statement:

At Baird, our mission is to harness the potential of every child and encourage students to meet academic challenges with confidence, creativity, and enthusiasm. Students and staff at Baird are problem solvers. We work together to bring out the best in one another, respecting individual differences and celebrating all of our many achievements.