Unit 2 KUDOs Name ______

Math 8

Essential Questions:

·  How do mathematical models/representations shape our understanding of mathematics?

·  How are real world situations represented with equations and inequalities?

·  How are algebraic expressions used to analyze or solve problems?

Know: (understand the meaning of these terms)

Put a checkmark in each box if you know the word well. Leave the box blank if you don’t know the word.

  Inequality symbols
  Variable /   Solution to an equation
  Inverse operation
  Coefficient /   Inequality
  Balanced equation

Understand: Big ideas

X: beginning of unit
O: after lesson
*: before test / Progress on goal
Don’t know Got it!
/ Dates of Notes/ Activities
Limits to an equation’s solution are indicate with words such as “maximum” and “minimum” /
Symbols are used in an equation to represent unknowns and operations. A variable is a symbol that represents and unknown amount /
An equal sign means that something is balanced, not that both sides are the exact same, but that they have the same value /
A constant is a value that does not change /
A constant and a variable placed next to each other represent the “hidden” operation of multiplication /
How to simplify expressions, and recognize equivalent expressions /
Vocabulary that represents the different mathematical operations /

Do: Skill or Concept

X: beginning of unit
O: after lesson
+: before test / Progress on goal
Don’t know Got it!
/ date(s) for notes
page(s) from text
questions I have
Determine if the value in the solution is part of the solution set or not. /
Recognize and create equations and inequalities to that represent problems /
Use mathematical vocabulary to describe the steps in solving an equation /
Use models, graphs, and pictures to solve an equation /
Determine relationships between models, graphs, and equations /
Solve one-step and multi-step equations with grouping symbols. /
Solve one-variable inequalities. /
How to represent real world situations with number sentences (equations and inequalities) /