Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Sherwood Basketball League held on Thursday 15th May 2014 at Kirk Hallam Community College commencing at 1930.

Those present

Arena Bulls / D. Anker / Ilkeston / L. Cierech
Rolls Royce / D. Smith / Eastwood / J. Shipley
Team BC / S. Dilks / Paviors/Notts BBA / L. Hall
Chilwell Comets / C. Tutin / Ripley Ravens / M. Simpson
Spondon Flames / N. Johnson / J. Wroe / Spondon Flames
Racing Group / M. Shaw / Vice Chairman / B. Taylor
Redhill Rockets / C. Cracknell / Ilkeston / D. Parr
Ilkeston / T. Guyler / Hyson Green / L. Matthews
Hyson Green / M. Henry / Secretary / R. Mitchell

1.  Apologies for absence:

These were received from A. Philips, R. Pacey, P. Viles, R. Harrison, P. Sprengel

2.  Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting (attached)

These were accepted and signed as true record

3.  Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

4.  General Secretary’s report

This had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was noted that there was no report on the youth league’s season. There was also a reference to a complaint made about a referee. This was something that had not been cleared out when the previous year’s report was readied for this season.

It was asked what the situation was regarding Rolls-Royce. D. Smith explained that they had been in discussions with the leisure company. They had agreed that that they would register several people of whom someone would be present at a session and would have the required CRB check.

5.  Amendments to the Constitution

The Constitution has been rewritten completely and was now included in a manual which now has four parts to it.

M. Shaw took over the chair to explain the reason for the change. He then went on to explain each rule that had changed.

The new manual is split into four distinct sections. The first is the new Constitution covering how the league is run, the second part is the senior leagues rules which covers how games will be played, the third is the youth league rules which covers how that should be run. All these sections need a General meeting to make changes to them.

The fourth and last is the old Admin manual this can be altered at any time.

Several changes brought a question from the floor. M Simpson (Ripley) raised his concerns regarding the way referees were allocated to games. He felt that they should be allocated to their clubs home games with a neutral official appointed by the league. The general comment in response to that was that if somebody wanted to become referee then they would be expected to travel to another teams court to referee there. He also queried why there was not a pool list available which clubs could contact officials to find their own replacement official.

6.  Election of Officers for 2014 – 2015

Office Nomination

President B. Taylor


Chairman P. J. Viles

Vice Chairman B. Taylor

General Secretary R. Mitchell

Assistant General Secretary

Treasurer M. Shaw

Registrar L. Cierech

Results P. Sprengel

Fixtures P. Sprengel

Referees R. Harrison


Publications Officer B. Taylor, L. Hall and S. Wheatcroft

Individual Member. D. Parr

Individual Member R. Pacey

It was noted that L. Cierech had agreed to continue as Registrar and not D. Parr as circulated.

It was also note that L. Hall had been suggested as a disciplinary member

D. Parr asked what his position in the new structure as there was no mention of individual members. IT was proposed that he took on the position of Publications Officer.

At this point M. Simpson proposed that he would like to stand as Publications Officer provided he could take over the construction and maintenance of the website.

D. Parr expresses concerns about the type of website M. Simpson was proposing.

In the lengthy discussion that followed no firm decision was made.

It was left for M. Simpson to be invited to attend the July executive were a decision would be made.

It was also noted that the Executive Committee was not voted on.

7.  Appointment of an Auditor

It was agreed that R. Pacey be invited to continue in the role of Auditor.

8.  Subscriptions for 2014 – 2015

M. Shaw proposed that the subscriptions remain the same as last season at £40 per team.

9.  Any other business

i.  Duncan Smith

As D. Smith had not attended the meeting the proposed presentation of a memento was postponed until a later date.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 2115.

Annual General Meeting 3 of 3 15th May 2014