This newsletter is created by parents for parents. For a more colourful and extended version of this letter, please go to the Parents’ Room on the website.
It gives me great pleasure to see our work with parents blossom. This new newsletter, along with our other newsletters, is a great way to support excellent communication for all. I am sure that you will enjoy finding out about what some of our parents do for the school and the children and hopefully consider some of the ways that you can become involved too. Karen Donovan (Head Teacher)
We are a fundraising committee run by parents, guardians and families of children at the school. We actively support the school by raising money to benefit the school environment and enhance the children’s education. F.O.C.L.S committee runs a rolling calendar of fundraising events to be enjoyed by parents, staff and children. We hope that you will continue to support our forthcoming events.
Funds raised by FOCLS so far this year:
Our two events this year, the Pumpkin Party and BBQ at the school firework display, have raised about £600 and this was after we purchased a much needed BBQ which will be a welcome asset for many events to come! This money will be used to help purchase much needed sun shelters for the school playground.
We all enjoyed the Christmas Fete on 5th December. Thank you for all your donations and support.
Watch out for forthcoming FOCLS events, including Valentines Disco (11.2), Summer Fete/Inflatable Day (27.6) and the Year 6 Leavers’ Disco (15.7).
You can contact us by email – or on our Facebook page. / Forest School
One of the many things we love about our school is the Forest School Area. The Forest School learning environment provides opportunities for children to develop self-esteem, self-confidence, to form positive relationships with others, to develop a growing awareness of their emotional needs and the needs of others, to learn to co-operate and work with their peers and adults and to develop strategies in order to take risks within the boundaries of safety. Many of the classes experience Forest School regularly as we have several trained Forest School teachers in our school.
Here is what some of the children had to say about Forest School.
“I really enjoy Forest School as I can dig in the mud and look for different animals and I love the different games we are able to play.” Kieran
“I love going to Forest School because I get to build camps and we get lots of fresh air. It’s more fun than being in the classroom!” Oscar
The school garden is a well-used, large area which requires continuous attention. There is a wooded area used by Forest School, a wild flower meadow, a pond, a vegetable patch with a greenhouse and seating areas for classes to gather together.
Can you help? Just for an hour or two on a Friday afternoon to join myself, Carey Ball and other fantastic volunteers to keep the garden “in check” so it can continue to be enjoyed by your children. You do not have to be an experienced gardener, you just need a pair of gardening gloves! If you like tinkering with woodwork, we would appreciate your help too. We have a pile of wood which could be made into bird boxes, benches, tables etc.
We will need your help from February to get the garden prepared for the arrival of spring! Please leave your name at reception so we can contact you in the New Year. Many thanks in advance!

Crook Log Parents’ NewsletterAutumn 2014

Look at all the clubs which have been running this term
Gardening Club “It is good because you get to make new friends and enjoy gardening at the same time. We sow seeds for tomatoes, runner beans, broad beans, potatoes, beetroot, corn on the cob and more. We sell them at school and get to eat some ourselves!” George
Football Club I like it because it makes me better at sport.” Shannon
“I enjoy football at school as it is good to play a match with my school friends and I also enjoyed the tournament where we had the chance to play against other primary schools.” Connor
Games Club “I love Games Club, especially Stuck in the Mud.” Lenny
Hockey Club “It’s great fun learning a new sport.” Jessie
Netball Club “It’s great fun and Miss McGarry is so enthusiastic, she makes it really enjoyable!” Isabella
Orienteering Club “I love orienteering. I enjoy running around following themap.” Leo
Wake Up Club “I like going to Wake Up Club because it’s good for you. It gets you fit and all powered up for school!” Miles
“It makes you very active and ready for school in the morning.” Victor
Choir “It’s really fun. It’s good that we get to perform at Bexleyheath and go to the Festival Hall. It’s really fun that we all get to do it in a group with our friends!” Jessie, Ilayda, Elita, Lily, Kitty and Isabelle.

History Club “What we do is we create a website. It’s fun to share your ideas with others and you also get to find out new things.” James / At Crook Log School, the children love to help each other. Here are some of the ways in which they take on extra responsibilities and keep our school running smoothly.

Eco Warriors“We have to keep the school tidy so we have ordered new bins for the playground, a frog, penguin and dolphin shaped bin, they are great. We check paper is in the recycling bin and that the lights are turned off.” Kiera

School Ambassadors “Being a School Ambassador has given me more confidence.” Rosie
“I’m enjoying the extra responsibilities.” Olivia

School Council “We represent our class and give their ideas to Mrs Donovan.” Jessie

Digital Leaders “It’s really fun because you get to check up on all the laptops and iPads!” Manisha
Many thanks to all the fabulous children who gave us all these interesting quotes!
Appeal for Parent Contributions: If you would like to contribute to the next edition of the newsletter either by writing an article, helping us with the layout of the letter or suggesting something you would like to see, please let us know by filling in the slip below and leaving it at the School Office. We are very interested in your suggestions and would welcome any other suggestions about how to make our lovely school even better. Please leave them at the office.