Draft Minutes of the Stawley Parish Council held at Appley Pavilion on Tuesday 1st May 2018

Parish Councillors present:

Chairman, Paul Musgrove (PM)
Simon Buttars (SB)

Pat Sweet (PS)
Clive Wall (CW)

Others present:- District Councillor Eddie Gaines (EG)

County Councillor James Hunt (JH)

District Councillor Dave Mansell (DM)

Item / Action
  1. Apologies for Absence
Councillor Matt Vellacott
  1. Election of Chairman and Allocation of Responsibilities
CW proposed PM to continue as Chairman for the year. This was seconded by SB. PM was re-elected as Chairman.
The Portfolios were allocated as follows:
  • PS – Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)
  • SB – Highways
  • CW – Planning
It was suggested that MV would be well placed to take on the Footpaths portfolio. PM agreed to ask him. / PM
  1. Declarations of Interest
  1. Minutes of Last meeting
These were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
  1. Matters Arising not Covered Elsewhere
There was a discrepancy between the value of the cheque sent to pay for the battery for the defibrillator and that on the bank statement of 80p. It was agreed that this should be written off. / PS
  1. Police Report
There had been a report of a serious dog attack on a number of sheep in the Parish in the last few days. Another short article would be sent to the Parish News and added to the website on the risks of having dogs loose in fields containing stock and also the importance of correct worming of dogs. / PM
  1. Information Technology
The Meeting considered the alternatives for ensuring that we had the technology required to produce and store data required to run the Council. It was proposed by PS and seconded by SB that we should enter into a subscription to use OneDrive to store all Parish data. CW suggested that we should password some folders and files to ensure that they could not be inadvertently deleted or changed and this was accepted as good practice by the Council. / PM
  1. Data Protection
The Clerk briefed the meeting on the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by going through the “12 Steps to Take” from the Information Commissioner’s Office. It was agreed that the Review and Assessment was acceptable with minor amendments which would be made by the Clerk. The amended document is at Annex A to these Minutes and will be posted on the website. / PM
  1. Finance
PM reported that the move of the Parish accounts to Lloyds Bank was continuing; he will chase the bank to determine the date of transfer.
PS presented the accounts to date which show a balance of £7,056.02.
PM explained that due to an error on his part a rebate of VAT (£1,908) from HMRC for Kittisford Church had been posted on to the Parish Council’s account. The repayment of this sum to Kittisford PCC was proposed by CW and seconded by SB.
Further payments were agreed by the Council:
  • £127.50 for the upkeep of roads and footpaths
  • £183.86 for insurance from the 1st June 2018 for one year
  • £69.03 for annual membership of SALC
The Clerk explained the need for the Council to make an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). This requires the Council to make an assessment of risk. The risk assessment prepared by the Clerk was discussed and agreed by the Council. The Council then considered their responsibilities covered by Section 1 of the AGAR. CW proposed and SB seconded that the Section had been completed correctly and the meeting agreed that the Section should be signed by the Chairman and Clerk.
It was agreed that the RFO and Chairman would fill out and sign Section 2 of the AGAR with the figures from the agreed accounts which were distributed to the Councillors.
The need for an Internal Auditor for the coming year was discussed. The Council asked the Clerk to approach a neighbouring Council to assist with this. / PM
  1. Grant Allocations and Approvals
The only application at present was from the Stawley Community Association for part funding of a new chiller for the village shop. After consideration of the possible need for larger funds to be available at short notice the Council was minded to make no grants this year.
  1. Planning
No new applications had been made.
  1. Telephone Boxes
The Council agreed to the purchase of paint and, by the Clerk on behalf of the Council, for the refurbishment of the boxes. / PM
  1. Reports from Members
Roads – nothing to report
Footpaths – nothing to report
  1. Correspondence
  1. Any Other Business
The fibre broadband provider for Connecting Devon and Somerset (Gigaclear) hasbeen active recently in the Parish. It was agreed that a piece should be added to the website to encourage Parishioners to register interest.
EG briefed the Council on the impact of the recent merger of TDBC with West Somerset. Stawley will be part of a larger ward but would continue to be represented by two councillors. He asked for suggestions for a name for the new Ward.

Meeting closed at 9:00pm

Next meeting: Tuesday 5th Juneat 7.15pmfollowed by the Annual Parish Meeting

Annex A


GDPR Review and Assessment

  1. Council needs to be aware of needs of the GDPR.
  2. Document personal data we hold:
  3. Postal and e-mail addresses of Councillors.
  4. Phone numbers of Councillors
  5. Possible future lists of local Parishioners for specific campaigns.
  6. Review privacy notices:
  7. No existing notices.
  8. Place on website: “This website may hold data held by third parties such as Taunton Deane Borough Council. We are not aware of any personal data shown in this way but it you have a concern please contact the Clerk at ”
  9. Check procedures to ensure we delete any old data:
  10. Clerk to clear data on resignation of Councillor.
  11. Access requests:
  12. Any request to show data held on an individual will be replied to by the Clerk within 10 working days
  13. Lawful basis for processing data:
  14. No processing is carried out.
  15. Consent:
  16. Record consent by Councillors to hold data (to be collected by e-mail as required)
  17. Children:
  18. No data held
  19. Breaches:
  20. Any suspected breach of data held will be investigated by the Clerk within 10 working days.
  21. Impact Assessment:
  22. Nil
  23. Data Protection Officer:
  24. Not required.
  25. International:
  26. None

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