Cell Cycle Vocabulary - OnLevel

Anaphase / The phase of mitosis in which spindle fibers begin to shorten separating the sister chromatids and pulling them to opposite ends of the cell (A)
Cancer / A disease that occurs as a result of uncontrolled cell growth and division
Cell Cycle / The phases of a cell’s life cycle
Chromosomal Mutation / Achromosomedefect of a missing, extra, or irregular portion ofchromosomalDNA. It can be from an uncommon number ofchromosomes such as trisomy or monosomy
Chromosome / A linear strand of DNA that is wrapped around protein structures; carries the gene
sequence of an organism
Crossing Over / The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis; contributes to genetic variation
Cytokinesis / The phase of the cell cycle in which the plasma membrane begins to cleave the cytoplasm into two separate but identical cells
Daughter Cell / One of the resulting cells from mitosis
Diploid / A cell that contains pairs of all of the homologous chromosomes; 2n
Gamete / Cells that contain half the total number chromosomes for an organism used for sexual reproduction; sex cells
Haploid / having a single set of unpaired chromosomes
Interphase / The longest phase of the cell cycle in which the cell will grow larger and replicate its
DNA in order to prepare for cell division
Karyotype / A picture of all the chromosomes in an
organism’s cell
Meiosis / Cell division that results in the production of haploid gametes; sperm and egg
Metaphase / The phase of mitosis in which spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of the sister chromatids (chromosomes) and migrate to the center of the cell (M)
Mitosis / A phase of the cell cycle in which cell division occurs (PMAT)
Prophase / The first phase of mitosis in which chromosomes condense becoming visible, the nuclear membrane dissolves, and the centrosomes move to opposite ends of the nucleus and spindle fibers form (P)
Sister Chromatid / A replicated chromosome
Stem Cells / An undifferentiated cell that is capable of changing into more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation.
Telophase / The phase of mitosis in which the genetic material has been separated and the nuclear membrane begins to reform to create two separate but identical nuclei (T)
Tumor / The formation of tissue that is a result of uncontrolled cell growth and division