News Information Service

Times of India 8-5-17

Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists give gun salute to slain ultra in J&K

M SaleemPandit|

  • Fayaz was a member of HizbulMujahideen, who was killed in a retaliatory firing, cops said
  • A hand grenade and ammunition were recovered from him
  • Four LeT terrorists fired volleys from their rifles into the air to pay “respect” to him

SRINAGAR: FourLashkar-e-Taiba(LeT) terrorists fired volleys from their automatic rifles into the air to pay "respect" to slain ultra Fayaz Ahmed Ashwar, from Reshipora in Kulgam district of southKashmir, during his funeral on Sunday.
It's rare for terrorists to be present for the funeral of their dead cohorts, and rarer for them to expose themselves by publicly displaying such support. According to police, Fayaz was a member ofHizbulMujahideen, who was killed in a retaliatory fire by police. A hand grenade and ammunition were recovered from him.

(PTI photo)
"The Hizbul militant was active for the last two years and involved in many subversive activities," police said. "He was active in his area and motivated youth to join militant ranks. He used to provide logistic support for safe passage of militants and their associates," police said.
Fayaz, in his 30s, had tried to snatch an AK-47 rifle from a cop after an attack when he was fired upon and killed. He was one of the main accused in the August 5, 2015, attack on aBSFconvoy in Udhampur in which two BSF personnel were killed and 13 others injured.

The case was transferred to the NIA. Soon after the Udhampur attack, police arrested a Pakistani national and a Lashkar member, identified as MohdNaveed. Fayaz had been absconding since then. Hundreds of people joined Fayaz's funeral while some offered funeral prayers amid anti-India slogans, eyewitnesses said.

Eyewitnesses said four armed militants appeared in the crowd who came to "pay" respect to slain ultra Fayaz Ahmed Ashwar. "They fired a volley of bullets in the air and raised pro-azadi slogans," sources said. Fayaz was known to transport terrorists in a truck to different parts of the state.

Meanwhile, one more civilian succumbed to injuries on Sunday after he was attacked on Saturday when terrorists attacked a police party on the national highway in Kulgam district. Life in general was affected in Kulgam on Sunday.

Shops and business establishments remained closed. Traffic too was thin on roads at Qaimoh and adjoining villages in Kulgam, where the militant was buried.