Fee structure is effective June 1, 2012, and is subject to change as deemed necessary

Roane State Community College

General Fee Structure for Facility Rentals

Facility Type / Campus / Standard Facility Rental Rates / State Agency and
Non-Profit and Local Government Rates
Per Hour / Per Day / Per Hour / Per Day
O’Brien Theatre (seats 489) / HC / $300 / $600 / $150 / $300
Tiered Classrooms:
O-101 (seats 75) / HC / $50 / $200 / $25 / $100
O-106 (seats 45) / HC / $40 / $150 / $20 / $75
Conference Rooms:
O-207 (seats 10)
O-208 (seats 6)
General Conference Rms (seats 8-12)
General Conference Rms (seats 13-40) / HC
ALL / $20
$25 / $100
$100 / $10
$12.50 / $50
Private Dining Rooms:
Faculty Dining Room (seats 60)
Walden Ridge Dining Room (seats 24)
Raider Room (seats 60) / HC
HC / $50
$60 / $150
$250 / $25
$30 / $75
Student Lounge (seats 200-275) / HC / $100 / $300 / $50 / $150
Art Gallery / HC / $25 / $50 / $12.50 / $25
IDEA Classrooms (capacity varies) / ALL / $100 / $400 / $50 / $200
Gym (seats 2000, 1125 on floor) / HC / $75 / $400 / $37.50 / $200
Oak Ridge City Room (seats 75) / OR / $50* / $200* / $25* / $100*
Visitor Lobby / OR / $30 / $15
Atrium / OR / $50 / $25
Unassigned Office / OR / $20 / $100 / $10 / $50
Classrooms / HC / $50 / $125 / $25 / $62.50
Observatory (requires College sponsor) / HC / TBD / TBD
Community Rooms / SC / $50* / $200* / $25* / $100*
Computer Labs / ALL / $100 / $500 / $50 / $250
Computer Labs (an additional charge for pre/post tech assistance) / ALL / $25
Athletic Fields / HC / $40 / $200 / $20 / $100
Soccer Field / HC / $15 / $100 / $7.50 / $50
Tennis Courts / HC / $10/court (per hour) / $5/court (per hour)
Other non-athletic grounds (negotiable)

There will be a 20% surcharge for rental of facilities on holidays.

NOTE: Roane State employees will receive a 75% discount off the standard facility rental rate.

*No charge when used by general community, non-profit organizations, and businesses for not-for-profit activities.

Facility/Service Rental Charges (HC=Harriman Campus; OR=Oak Ridge Branch Campus; SC=Satellite Campus)?

Additional Labor
for Use of Facility / Campus / Standard Service Rental Rates / State Agency and
Non-Profit Rates
Per Hour / Per Day / Per Hour / Per Day
Custodian/cleaning services / ALL / $20 (for each custodian) / $20 (for each custodian)
Security / ALL / $20 (for each security guard) / $20 (for each security guard)
Technician-Theatre / ALL / $30 / $30
Monitor (other support staff) / ALL / $25 (for each person) / $25 (for each person)
Gym floor, cover and uncover / HC / $50 / $50
Risers, set up and take down (graduated heights) / HC / $250
(3 levels – 3 sections) / $250
(3 levels – 3 sections)
Small stage, set up and take down / HC / $50 / $50
Large stage, set up and take down / HC / $125 / $125
Pit, set up and take down / HC / $400 / $400
Mikes and speakers, set up (includes multi-media projector) / HC / $50 / $50
Podium and speakers / HC / $15 / $15
Room set up (different furniture arrangements) set up and take down / HC/OR / $25 (minimum
1 hour) / $25 (minimum
1 hour)
Tables, set up / ALL / $3/table / $3/table
Chairs, set up / ALL / $1/chair (maximum $100) / $1/chair (maximum $50)
Electrician / ALL / $25 / $25

Facility/Service Rental Charges (HC=Harriman Campus; OR=Oak Ridge Branch Campus; SC=Satellite Campus)

Fee Structure for Princess Theatre Rentals

For Profit Rentals:

All Day Rental: $600 per defined 9-hour day which includes exclusive access to all facilities listed: stage, green room, dressing rooms, lobby, ticket booth.

Hourly Rental: $300 per hour defined per hour of use which includes exclusive access to all facilities listed: stage, green room, dressing rooms, lobby, ticket booth.

Rehearsal Rates: $300 per four (4) hours of rehearsal time which includes exclusive use of stage, green room, and dressing rooms.

After Hours Fee: A surcharge of $75 per hour will be assessed for use of the Princess Theatre before contracted time and after contracted time.

A $100 deposit per date booked is due upon signature of contract.

Non-Profit Rentals:

All Day Rental: $400 per defined 9-hour day which includes exclusive access to all facilities listed: stage, green room, dressing rooms, lobby, ticket booth.

Hourly Rental: $200 per hour defined per hour of use which includes exclusive access to all facilities listed: stage, green room, dressing rooms, lobby, ticket booth.

A $100 deposit per date booked is due upon signature of contract.

Roane County Government/Education Rate:

All Day Rental: $300 per defined 9-hour day which includes exclusive access to all facilities listed: stage, green room, dressing rooms, lobby, ticket booth.

Hourly rental: $150 per hour defined per hour of use which includes exclusive access to all facilities listed: stage, green room, dressing rooms, lobby, ticket booth.

Note: Roane County public schools will not be assessed a rental fee but will be responsible for other fees, incidentals, and cleaning services.

Other Fees and Services for the Princess Theatre

Lighting Package: Option I: House Plot (meaning set lights- no change in lighting) – No Charge

Option II: Custom Plot with house technician - $30.00 per hour

Sound Package:Sound system with house technician - $30.00 per hour

User must contract with Roane State for house technician unless otherwise stated in this contract.

Incidentals: Podium and Microphone set up and take down - $50

Screen and projector - $50

Wireless Microphone usage - $3/performance/rehearsal

(must provide own batteries)

Hold Over/Storage Fee - $30 per day

Box Office Service Fee - to be determined based on event

Cleaning Services:

Full Cleaning (first and second floor) - $225 per occurrence

Full Cleaning (first floor only) - $150 per occurrence

Limited Cleaning (first floor only) - $75 per occurrence

RSCC will determine the cleaning level needed based on the type of event, number of attendees, etc.

Fee Structure for Agricultural Exposition Center Rentals

Facility Rental:

Entire Facility: $600.00 per defined 18-hour day (6:00am – midnight) which includes exclusive access to all facilities (indoor and outdoor arenas, barn, and warm-up pens).

Indoor Arena Only: $500.00 per defined 18-hour day (6:00am – midnight) which includes exclusive access to the indoor arena and shared access to the barn, and warm-up pens.

NOTE: Weekend rental (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday) of the entire facility or indoor arena requires a minimum 2-day rental or $1,200.00 total charge including arena rental, stalls, camper hookups, and setup fees. The minimum charge does not include shavings.

Outdoor Arena Only: $400.00 per defined 18-hour day (6:00am – midnight) which includes exclusive access to the outdoor arena and shared access to the barn, and warm-up pens.

After Hours Fee: A surcharge of $100.00 per hour will be assessed for use of the arenas before 6:00 a.m. and/or after midnight.

Stall Charges:

Horse Stalls:$12.00 per stall per day for the first 3 days, $6.00 per stall per day thereafter. Limit of one (1) horse per stall. Bedding is required in all horse stalls.

Tack Stalls: Same price as horse stalls.

Shavings or Bedding: Current market price subject to availability.

Camper Hookups:$15.00 per hookup per day.

Vendor Charge: None

Cleanup Charges:$100.00 per day (minimum) for indoor arena, $30.00 per day for barn restrooms.