The University of Leeds
Student Sustainability Conference 2018:
Shaping the Future
Application Form:
Student Sustainability Conference 2018:Shaping the Future
Thursday 8thFebruary 2018
Project title
Project description – (max 250 words) This will give us a better understanding of what your project is about, what you are hoping to gain from it, and how it will have a positive impact in society. Attendees will view your description when deciding on which talks, posters or performances they wish to see, so remember tomake it stand out and inspire the reader to find out more!
I wish to submit my work for a(delete as appropriate):
Poster and oral presentation
Poster presentationonly
Performance, art installation, or practical demonstration –
A member of the Sustainability Service will be in contact after applications have closed to discuss any specific requirements in more detail.
Is this submission a group project? (i.e more than one will be presenting):Yes / No
Contact details of ALLauthors presenting at the conference:
Course / School / level of study (UG, PGT, PGR):
Please e-mail your completed application form to :
Midnight, Sunday 3rd December 2017
Please contact if you have any questions regarding the application process or about the conference day itself.
Throughout the conference we will be taking photos and videos of oral and poster presenters to capture the day’s events and talents.
Please complete the image consent form below if you agree to being photographed and recorded.
The University of Leeds would like to photograph/video you, so that we can use your photo/video in promotional material. The purpose of this promotional material is to provide information about our University, our research and our programmes of study to audiences that may include potential home and international students, parents, members of the public, policy-makers, funders and other stakeholders.Your image may be used in printed media produced by the University of Leeds and/or other stakeholders, such as prospectuses, guides, training products, magazines and newspapers. It may also be used online, on websites hosted by the University of Leeds and other organisations.
The personal information we request from you is used exclusively to help us manage and search our image database. We will not pass on this information without your consent.
Student / Student number:
Undergraduate / Postgraduate
Course title:
Year of study:
Staff / Staff number:
Job title:
External / Details:
If possible, please give a personal email.
I give my permission for my image to be used as described above. I agree to any copyright residing with the University of Leeds.
Signature: / Date:
Print name: