The Student Government of Siena Heights University strives to be the voice and advocate of the student body. The Student Government shall act as the liaison between Siena Heights University administrators, faculty, staff, students, and campus organizations. In a collaborative effort with the university, Student Government shall promote a model of citizenship that encourages students to be more competent, purposeful, and ethical through a teaching and learning environment that respects the dignity of all.
All powers and authorities vested in the student body of Siena Heights University shall be granted by the Siena Heights University Board of Trustees. These powers of the student body shall be designated only to the organization named Student Government.
Section 1: Powers
- Student Government, alone, has the power to take action in order to express the consensus of the student body in regard to their general well-being concerning academic and non-academic affairs.
- Student Government, alone, has the legislative authority to pass resolutions and proposals regarding issues affecting student life.
- Student Government in association with the Allocation Board has the power to generate and allocate student body funds.
Section 1: Composition
The Student Government shall consist of members elected from the student body of which four are executive officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Historian. There shall be a maximum of two Senators elected from each class and two at-large Senators.The at-large Senators will consist of the next two highest vote receivers in the general election.
Section 2: Qualifications of Student Government Members
- Qualifications of Executive Board Officers:
The Executive Board Officers may be full or part-time students of the university and must have at least a 3.0 grade point average (G.P.A.) upon election and maintain this G.P.A. throughout the year.
- Presidential candidates must have a minimum of two semesters on Student Government and complete a minimum of 24 credit hours prior to the term of office.
- The treasurer must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours prior to the term of office.
- The remaining Executive Board candidates must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours prior to their term of office. If no candidates meetthese requirements, only then will the position be open to the remaining student body.
- Qualifications of Senators:
The Senators, throughout their term, must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 and be a full or part-time student. Two Senators will be selected from each class along with two at-large Senators.
- Qualifications of Representatives
The Representatives must be selected by an appointment process from their respective organization and be a full or part-time student.
Section 3: Term of Office
The Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and at large Senators shall be elected for one (1) year from Commencement to Commencement.Freshman Senators shall be nominated no later than a month after the start of the academic school year.
Section 4: Powers and Duties of the Student Government Senators
- Senators:
- Be thevoice of constituents in their class.
- Assist in facilitating all manners of student government. (Events, Elections, Delegated Tasks, Campus Projects, etc.)
- Actively engage in all voting processes of Student Government.
- Serve on one (1) standing committee or one (1) university committee, as appointed by the Vice President.
- Attendance is mandatory and will be monitored closely by the Historian.
- Any absence to a committee meeting will be counted as a Student Government meeting absence.
- Are allowed three absences per semester.
- Representatives:
- Be the voice of constituents in their class.
- Assist in facilitating all manners of student government. (Events, Elections, Delegated Tasks, Campus Projects, etc.)
- Actively engage in all voting processes of Student Government.
- Serve on one (1) standing committee or one (1) university committee, as appointed by the Vice President.
- Attendance is mandatory and will be monitored closely by the Historian.
- Any absence to a committee meeting will be counted as a Student Government meeting absence.
- Are allowed three absences per semester.
Section 1: Powers and Duties
- The Executive Board shall oversee the establishment of the agenda for the Student Government meetings.
- The Executive Board shall determine the time and location of the Student Government meetings.
- The Executive Board has the power to act on behalf of Student Government during times when senators are unavailable for consultation.
- Executive Board members are allowed four absences per semester. One absence is received for each missed Student Government meeting, Executive Board meeting, required committee meeting, or required event.
Section 2: Powers and Duties of Executive Board Members
- The President shall:
- Preside and chair all student body and Student Government meetings.
2. Vote only in the event of a tie at said meetings.
3. Represent Siena Heights Student Government on all occasions that call for it (speeches, committee meetings, board meetings, etc.)
4. Appoint all necessary ad hoc committees and chairpersons thereof not provided for in the constitution, with the advice and consent of the Student Government.
- Accept responsibilities for carrying out the provisions of this constitution’s decisions and policies of Student Government for the welfare of Siena Heights University.
- Make reports to the students and any student organizations that request it.
7. Suspend any Student Government member who is pending impeachment.
B.The Vice President shall:
- Perform the duties of the President at all times when the President is absent.
- Attend all student government meetings as called by the President.
- Lead and instruct all committees. Appoint members of the Student Government to serve on the university and Government standing committees.
4. Coordinate all marketing functions for Student Government.
- The Historian shall:
- Attend all student government meetings as called by the President.
- Keep a roll of Student Government members and maintain an accurate attendance record for both Government and committee meetings.
- Take minutes and attendance at all Student Government meetings, which will be typed and published monthly for approval by Student Government.
- Post minutes publicly and file all original Student Government minutes.
- Inform Executive Board Officersand Senators in violation of the attendance policy.
- Send reminders to all student organizations about deadlines, meetings, and any other important messages asked to be sent by the E-board.
- The Treasurer shall:
- Attend all student government meetings as called by the President.
- Keep an accurate and true account of all finished transactions of the Student Government.
- Present a verbal financial report, including a list of the transactions that have occurred since the last Government meeting, at each Student Government meeting.
- Be responsible for all financial correspondence of Student Government.
- Set aside at least $1000 from the Student Government budget to be available in emergency situations.
- Notify an organization’s President, Student Government Representative, and advisor of due receipts one week prior to their due date.
Section 1: Selection and Term of Office
- In April, the newly elected Executive Board has the power to choose one or two faculty/staff member(s) to serve as Student Government Advisor(s).
B. The term of office for the Advisor position(s) shall run from Commencement to
Section 2: Duties
- Attend Executive Board meetings and advise the Executive Board of Student Government as to appropriate procedures for proposed student Government activities.
- Count the ballots of Executive Board and Senator Elections. Verify election results.
- Check the grade point average (G.P.A.) of candidates before elections, prior to the first Student Government meeting in the fall, after the first semester, and prior to Student Government elections of those candidates filling vacant positions on Student Government.
- Verify the balance of the Student Government treasury prior to every general assembly meeting.
Section 1: Election of Executive Board Members
- Prior to the elections candidates must submit an application to Student Government. Applications must list their qualifications and bear the signatures of thirty (30) students.
- The names and qualifications of those having submitted valid applications shall be posted on campus by the Vice President.
- Voting will be on days and times designated by the Executive Board.
- Every full and part-time student has one (1) vote.
- In the case of a tie, the applicants will come before the current Student Government. The student Government will then cast a final decision, and the winner will be chosen by a simple majority vote.
- When there is a contested election for presidency, the candidates pursuing the position will participate in a debate style event that will be scheduled around student Government and the candidate’s schedule. Student Government Advisor or the Dean for Students will moderate the debate. The debate will be open for any Siena Heights University students to attend.
Section 2: Election of Senators
- On the day and time designated by the Executive Board, prior to the elections, the candidates must submit an application to Student Government. The application must list their qualifications and bear the signatures of thirty (30) students.
- Candidates running for any contested election are allowed to produce and hang up (after receiving approval from Student Engagement and Residence Life) campaign posters, signs, and or flyers.
- Each class will be represented by a maximum of two (2) Senators and the next two highest vote receivers will become at-large Senators.
- Every full and part-time student has one (1) vote.
- In the case of a tie, the applicants will come before the current Student Government and Student Government will cast the final decision.
Section 3: Selection of Organization Representatives
All recognized organizations shall elect one (1) member of their organization, in good standing, to serve on the Student Governmentas voting members.
Section 1: Definitions of Vacancies
A vacancy shall occur when a Senator or Executive Board Officer informs the Student Government, in writing, of his/her resignation, is forced to relinquish his/her seat through impeachment, or when his/her cumulative G.P.A. falls below the required standards. Vacancies may also occur when committee assignments are not fulfilled, or when all Student Government positions are not filled.
Section 2: Method of Filling Vacancies
- A majority (½ + 1) of Student Senators must be present for an election to be held.
- Vacancy of an Executive Board member is to be filled by a current member of the Student Government who meets the qualifications of an Executive Board member. The vacancy will be filled by a majority vote of Student Government. If a Student Government member does not fill the vacancy, outside applications will then be considered.
- Vacancy for Senators will be posted publicly for one week following the opening of the position. The candidate(s) must meet all the qualifications of a Student Government member for the application to be considered valid. Valid applications must be turned in to Student Government prior to vote. The candidate shall be elected by a majority vote.
Section 1: The Right to Review
- The Student Government shall review any Student Government member who, through continuing absences and/or through explicit actions, shows incapability for or neglect of his/her position. After review, the Student Government may bring impeachment proceedings against Student Government member.
- Any Student Government member may present an explanation or any circumstances relative to the reason for his/her behavior in question at the time of review.
Section 2: Method of Impeachment of Executive Board Officers
- Impeachment proceedings may be brought against any Executive Board Officer by a written petition stating reasons for review and signed by fifteen (15) Representatives. Petitions meeting this requirement must then be presented to the Student Government Advisor(s).
- Impeachment proceedings will consist of a review of said reasons for impeachment at a Student Government meeting.
- Rebuttal by the Executive Board member in question shall be at the following Student Government meeting.
- Impeachment will be determined by majority voteheld in a Student Government meeting following the rebuttal.
- An Executive Board member may not be tried twice on identical grounds during the course of the elected term.
- An impeached Executive Board member cannot hold any Student Government position for the duration of the academic year.
Section 3: Method of Impeachment of Senators
- Impeachment proceedings may be brought against any Student Government Senator by a written petition stating reasons for review and signed by five (5) Senators. Petitions meeting this requirement must then be presented to Student Government Advisor(s).
- Impeachment proceedings will consist of a review of said reasons for impeachment at a Student Government meeting.
- Rebuttal by the Executive Board member in question shall be at the following Student Government meeting.
- Impeachment will be determined by majority vote held in a Student Government meeting following the rebuttal.
- An Executive Board member may not be tried twice on identical grounds during the course of the elected term.
- An impeached Executive Board member cannot hold any Student Government position for the duration of the academic year.
Section 1: Quorum
A quorum shall consist of a majority (½ + 1) of the total Student Governmentparticipants.
Section 2: Rules
The Student Government shall follow Robert's Rules of Order.
Section 3: Meeting of the Student Government
- The Student Government shall hold meetings three to four times per semester (during the months of the academic year) at the time and location to be determined by the Executive Board.
- All meetings of the Student Government are open to the Siena community.
Section 4: Voting
- All Executive Officers, exclusive of the President, have one (1) vote. The President may vote only to resolve a tie, and must do so at the time of the vote in question.
- Each Senator has one (1) vote.
- Each organization’s Representative has one (1) vote.
Section 1: The Student Government shall appoint committees not already mentioned in this
The Student Services Fee began as a Student Government desire for activity funding. Student Government approached the administration and asked if the Student Services Fee could be enacted since the funding that the University provided was inadequate for programming purposes. The University agreed and the Student Services Fee was born. Later, Student Government, in an effort to simplify the mission and tasks of the Student Programming and Recreation Committee (SPARC), authorized the 50% split of theCollege of Arts and Sciences Student Services Fee. With this in mind, the following rules, regulations, and procedures are in place for all recognized organizations to obtain allocations funding.
For further rules and procedures regarding the Allocation processes see the Standing Rules.
Section 1:Definitions and Sources of Funding
- “On-Campus Allocation” means an allocation for an event to be held within 2 miles of any part of the Siena Heights University campus.
- “Off-Campus Allocation” means an allocation for an event to be held more than 2 miles away from any part of the Siena Heights University campus.
- “Amount Requested” means the amount of money that an organization is requesting for in an allocation.
- “Actual Amount Allocated” means the amount of money that Student Government will be paying an organization after all of the receipts are in, but before any deductions are applied as a result of an organization failing to comply with all procedures listed in this section.
- “Annual event” means any event that is hosted on a yearly basis, regardless of whether the student organization who bringing the allocation has allocated for the event or not, in the past.
- 50% of the Student Services Fee generated from each semester shall be placed into the On-Campus account.Unused monies from one semester will roll over.
- An amount equal to 10% of the on-campus budget, will be set aside, each semester, for off-campus allocations. Any monies not used in this account will be returned to the on-campus account at the end of each academic year and thus will not roll over into the off-campus account.
- Organizations that allocate for off-campus conferences must, upon return, give an oral presentation, open to the entire student body, about what was learned at the conference and how it can be put into practice in order to benefit the entire Siena community.
Section 2:AllocationRequirements and Procedures
- All allocation requests must be sponsored by a student organization that is recognized by Student Activities and Government.
- The requesting organization must be in good standing, as defined by the Student Activities and the Business Office.
- The requesting organization cannot have any past-due receipts at the time of an allocation.
- Allocation requests must be submitted on the official Student Government Allocations Request Form. The Treasurer and allocation organization's Representative must review all allocations prior to the meeting and notify organizations of errors.
- Student Organizations presenting their allocation proposal are required to develop and articulate an advertisement plan. No less than one sample event flyer or poster must be attached to the student organization event proposal. If an advertisement plan is not present, the allocation cannot be voted on. (Article X, Section 2, E.)
- The allocating organization must have their Representative present in order for the allocation to be voted on. If the Representative cannot answer questions, has no understanding or awareness of the event, the allocation will be declared unconstitutional.
- If an organization does not conduct an event in the way specified in their allocation, then they risk losing allocation funding, either in part or in full.
- Allocation requests must benefit the Siena Heights University's College of Arts and Sciences.
- Allocation requests cannot pay for any type of clothes that will be worn by the organizations members for the event. This includes uniforms, group shirts, etc. This does not count if the clothes will be given away to the student body.
- Allocations must be aligned with all University and Student Government policies and procedures.
- Allocation monies cannot be used to fund events that historically or rightfully belong to a Siena Heights University academic division or department.
- Organizations are responsible for all debts incurred in conjunction with the policies of the Business Office. Student Government is neither authorized nor responsible for organization debt and will not assist with clearing the accounts of current or past organizations when the debt is rightfully the responsibility of the organization and its members.
- Student Government will not allow allocations to provide for senior projects or individual student ventures.
- Requests not fitting the criteria in this Article will be returned to the organization and will not be considered until the errors are corrected and the form(s) are resubmitted.
- Events paid for using monies received from Student Government must be open for all students to attend equally.
- Conferences, Off-Campus Events, and Field Trips must be open to the entire student body. If participants for an event are limited, then selection must be determined using an unbiased system, such as lottery. First-come, first-serve is not an accepted method as clubs can take advantage of funds and specifically choose only their club members. This does not apply to on-campus events (Article X, Section 2, P. – 1.)
- Student Organizations may not allocate for limited group specific conferences.
- Conferences whose attendance is limited but open to the student body may be funded from the Off-Campus account, but an individual organization may allocate no more than $1,000 for each allocation. Funding for conferences can only go to benefit the student registration fee, student government will not pay for the housing or transportation of students. (Article X, Section 2, O. – 3)
- No events that receive funding from Student Government may charge admission to its attendees. In addition, any portion of an event that was funded by an allocation may not be sold.
- Allocation requests must be turned into the designated location established by the Treasurer at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at which they are to be discussed. Failure to meet the 72-hour deadline may result in postponement of discussion of and voting on the allocation.
- Student Government will vote on all allocations meeting the appropriate deadlines at the next regular Student Senate meeting.
- As part of the minutes created by the Historian, the notice of approval or denial, as well as the amount approved or denied, will be reported.
Section 3:Post-Event Requirements