Scholarships 2010
IF YOU ARE ACCEPTED for a scholarship award, you will receive a reduction in the price.
APPLY NOW!!! Deadline is April 15, 2010, or until all scholarships are awarded.
Requirements for application:
1. We encourage all practicing educators to apply. You can be a teacher of science, math, social studies, or other subjects; or an informal educator at nature centers, museums; or administrators in the educational field.
2. Applicants who wish to apply and compete to receive a Scholarship, must submit:
a. Brazil Registration Form
b. Scholarship Application + 2 signed recommendations from your colleagues
c. Detailed plan of what you will do upon return (see below)
3. Detailed plan. Applicant must develop a detailed plan for sharing the information and ideas from the Brazil experience in the classroom or workplace and in your community upon your return. For example, if you design a classroom activity, how will you disseminate that information to your students, to other teachers in your school, to those in your community, district, state, region, or the nation? If you work in the museum setting, what can you do, and how will you share information?
4. Submit a $250 non-refundable deposit to NCSU-BRAZIL REGISTRATION c/o Global Training Initiative, Box 7573, Raleigh NC 27695-7573.
Application form. NO application forms will be accepted by email.
Print Application form, and Scholarship Application from the website.
Complete form(s) and mail to: SCI-LINK NCSU, c/o Global Training Initiative, Box 7573, Raleigh NC 27695-7573.
Application and details
Deadline for scholarship application is April 15, 2010 or until all spaces are filled. A Scholarship Committee will determine recipients, in accordance with NC State University procedure, following this non-discrimination policy:
Non-discrimination Policy. It is the policy of the State of North Carolina to provide equality of opportunity in education and employment for all students and employees. Accordingly, the university does not practice or condone unlawful discrimination in any form against students, employees or applicants on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status.
North Carolina State University regards discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation to be inconsistent with its goal of providing a welcoming environment in which all its students, faculty, and staff may learn and work up to their full potential. The University values the benefits of cultural diversity and pluralism in the academic community and welcomes all men and women of good will without regard to sexual orientation.
Scholarship notification. Immediate results of selections by the Scholarship Committee will be sent by email May 1, 2010.
Scholarship Application 2010
Additional information to Application Form
Personal Information
Full Name: Last______First______Middle______
Professional information
School or educational institution where you teach ______
Relevant prior professional institutions______
References (additional)
Give names and addresses of two people whom you have asked to write letters of recommendation attesting to your experience as an educator, your ability and enthusiasm for disseminating information upon your return. Make sure to include both letters to SCI-LINK by April 15, 2010 (or until all scholarships have been filled).
Special Qualifications
Please share your professional achievements, including honors, awards, and recognition.
Detailed Plan
Please attach a separate two pages (8.5x11”, 1” margins, Times font, size 12) of your detailed plan for applying and disseminating the information and ideas from the Brazil experience to your classroom students, your school educators, and your community members upon your return.
No applications for the scholarship will be considered without this detailed plan.
SCI-LINK NCSU, c/o Global Training Initiative, Box 7573, Raleigh, NC 27695-7573
Questions? Contact: or 919-787-8387